Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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"Stars? Trucks?"

I love them looking at the stars together. So gorgeous :)

And going for a wander together through the desert. Ooh, and the "foxy" on her outfit.

And a wonderful moment "Are the bones whispering to you?" I love them putting the skeleton together. Absolutely hysterical.
To halve & to hold - haven't seen that in a while. The first thing that comes to mind is the "butt shot" of Cath bending over the tub.
Then you've got Cath looking at the pics on the wall - "Oh, I don't know. These two were good with each other. (she sighs) It takes a bad marriage to recognize a good one."
Then you've got the line that's become my philosophy (as well as part of the message on my answering machine) - the "never disappointed/nicely surprised" quote.
Oh, and Cath calling in Teri Miller, and commenting to Gil about his "dopey look". Also love the " rule" quip when she's about to leave.
Then, we've got the hotdog munching.
Greg's "you guys are 'tight'" comment with Cath trying to be cool about it.
At the end: CATH: Okay, so I was wrong. It wasn't murder. GIL: It's not a contest.

Oh so much PureJoy.
Oh we're also supposed to have a 5-sec GC scene in Toe Tags, lmfao! :lol: And nah I still don't like this season not unless they get Gil back to his old self and make the cases at least interesting.

And To Halve and To Hold, again they have the best banter in this episode. In their 206 bones conversation, even if Catherine already knows what Gil was babbling about, she was still listening to him. And in this ep Cath called Teri Miller's help, Gil was upset because he said Cath didn't ask for his approval, but since she's Catherine everything was forgiven, lol. And Cath rubbed Gil's arm in this episode, Gil tagged her foxy, they went stargazing, they ate hotdogs together etc. This is probably one of the complete GC eps out there!
I love that Cath can admit she was wrong just like that. Most of her colleagues don't do that so easily even when they KNOW that they were wrong. I also love that Cath has called Teri for help despite Gil's being uncomfortable with it. That's our "business first" Cath. :D Definitely love the "foxy" tag on her labcoat. It was hilarious. I've always wondered why they'd put it there. TPTB were so much funnier back then than they are now. And I bet Cath must have given Gil a great view when she bends over the bathtub. Hehe.
Hottie_Cath said:
Oh we're also supposed to have a 5-sec GC scene in Toe Tags, lmfao! :lol:
It might have been 10 seconds. In that amount of time Gil gave Cath a bit of a hint about the prints, which eventually was the clue that broke the case.
*looks quickly at the clock* ah yes. Thankfully it's past the needed spoiler tag time *whew*
^ LOL we should consider ourselves lucky for those 10 seconds since there haven't been many C/G scenes since the last few episodes of season 6. Don't you think? Especially when you realize that the other episode we're talking about now is To Halve and to Hold. When you compare the two, the irony is so obvious that you just can't ignore it even if you really want to. *shurgs*
And I bet Cath must have given Gil a great view when she bends over the bathtub. Hehe.
Well he did have a great view!!! And he enjoyed it! He sighed and licked his lips when the camera panned to his face. Oh probably the tub in To Halve and To Hold was the tub that Doc was referring to in Toe Tags. :D lame i know. :p

Thanks kaylyne. I haven't seen that 10-sec GC scene, only 10 mins to go before it ends up on my media player lol.

EDIT: Meh, remember the GC scene from the Toe Tags Promo? (Gil/Cath being their usual hot selves while holding their flashlight) Well it was not in the episode. :rolleyes: BUT, they put the same GC scene in the Fannysmackin' Promo. LOL I think they'll put GC in all the promos for the next eps..

EDIT: I finally saw the 10-sec GC clip, it was cute but I was surprised that Cath didn't think of combining the partials.. Maybe they wanted to show that Cath is still coping with what happened to Sam that's why she failed to think of that, lol.. Or maybe because Toe Tags is Gil's ep so he has to be the one to crack the case. But glad that Gil checked up on her and help her out.
coolcatz said:
^mcdreamy and lady h? that's a crossover one doesn't normally consider *looking at your avi*

OT: Now that's one path I would kill to see. Lady H and Derek. :p
Actually, that's Julie character from the OC. Love her. :D

EricaSJ said:
I'd love to see Lady Heather spank McDreamy. That would be a hot scene, and the doctor certainly deserves it. :D

Hey Erica

ITA, McDreamy needing a spanking. Not to mention Gil. According to Billy. :lol:

Back-to-topic: Before I get in trouble. Okay, I really admire how you guys know these GC moments by heart.
I struggle just to remember certain moments in certain episodes. Sheesh you think I would know them by now. :rolleyes: I've seen most eps at least 5 times.
But then I've never been big on the beardless eps. :eek: Which happens to have All the great GC moments isn't that sad. :(

ITA Erica even though Gil is mysterious to the team, I love the fact that he can't get pass Cat. Not the wife.

So we've got 10 secs of GC in Toe Tags ? I'm happy but I feel like TMTB are using that teasing tactic again, 10 secs is definitely not enough but for the moment I'll take what I can get ;) Btw, anything about Sam and talking dead bodies?

To Halve And To Hold, basically you all have said everything that's needed to be said. My favorite scenes have to be those where they were at the desert searching for bones :D And when cath was commenting about gil's dopey look, I thought she had a hint of sourness in her tone, jealous much? :D

Another potential thread title:
Gil & Cath: Because she naps in his tub :D

New words for the dictionary:

Anne may have added them already anyway :lol:
The references about what happened to Sam were quite vague, guess we'll have to wait for the next episodes to clear it up. But looking at Cath's facial expressions and how she reminisced her times with Sam, I think he's already dead. But thats just me.
But Gil popped up in the AV lab room even if he didn't show any sympathy or whatever at least he helped her in the case and that eased some of the weight on her shoulders. (although Gil showed up in ALL four cases :lol: )

And ren28 I got the figures for this episode and the writers should really look at your GC avatar and location.. tsk, tsk.

And rebec! I love those words that you added in the dictionary. And we'll definitely save that for our thread title.. who knows we might come up with more titles in the next few weeks.
Hey I've only been away a week and we've got a new thread.
It was an intresting episoide. Loved the tub bit and the look in the whole ten seconds. Wish it had been longer but a look say everything. ;)
Don't think there was much about Sam because toe tags was first episoide filimed hopefuly we'll get more next week with some good GC moments.
I found this quote for To Halve And To Hold :

CATHERINE: Okay, so I was wrong. It wasn't murder.
GRISSOM: It's not a contest.

He comforted her again, he is.....sorry, was sweet like that :)

The outcome of the case was quite sad, the wife cutting up the husband's body, must have been a heartbreaking thing to do since they are good with each other like cath said :( IMO, sometimes cases like that leave greater impressions if they are well written, you get tired of ruthless and pervertic murders after 6 years.

ETA: Welcome back gems! Join us in our S1 case discussions, you'll have an overload of GC moments :D
^ Hehe. I like that he always comforts many ways. :devil: I agree that the case itself was sad. It must have been really hard for the wife to cut up her husband and just leave his bodyparts in the desert like that. It's heartbreaking...and maybe gross to some people, but I guess sometime you just have to do what you have to do to survive. He was a loving husband, though. I admire that. The care and love they had for each other is even more precious nowadays when such relationships seem rare although it ended in a way we don't really want to experience...or did it really end? ;)

Welcome back gems. We're having a case discussion now while the quote game is still going on. Speaking of that...*is still waiting for CGF on her new quote*
First off I want to apologize for the wait. I got the answer but didn't get to post my quote because we had computer problems. Sorry!

Not sure which episode you guys are on since I skimmed through to see if anyone posted a new quote since I hadn't yet. So which epi are we on?

Catherine: We have a problem.
Grissom (in a whiney voice): Oh, no, not again.

By the way my soul purpose of picking that quote was ........ it sounds funny.
Congrants to the new Thread! Havent been on here for a couple of days so I have no idea whats goin on. lol
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