Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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The quote is from King Baby where Cath can't find the memory card to her camera. I love how they fight with each other, because they make up with each other in the end. :)

To Halve and to Hold is a great ep. I love how it's one of the episodes with the most great GC moments, but it ends up being one of only a few episodes where Gil goes on a date with another girl (you can count them on one hand :lol:) The only reason he never gets past a first date is because he already has a girlfriend who sleeps in his tub.

Toe Tags was pretty good, I like that they tried a new approach. The entire cast got an almost equal screen time, which means not as much of Cath but more of Gil than usual, so it was okay. Gil's case was not my favorite (I think you know why) but there's one quote that made my day:
Brass: I'd bet my right arm that's his left arm.:lol:
Hottie_Cath said:
And ren28 I got the figures for this episode and the writers should really look at your GC avatar and location.. tsk, tsk.
Thanks for posting them on BTA, Rissa. :D <-- Can't help that! :lol:

rebec said:
So we've got 10 secs of GC in Toe Tags ? I'm happy but I feel like TMTB are using that teasing tactic again,
Or hedging their bets, rebec. Their choice isn't turning out to be that resounding success they were hoping for.

CSI was conceived as the "thinking" viewer's kind of show. Age was never an issue. Only whether people liked to have some mental gymnastics or just preferred the hormonal kind. By downplaying the mental (which includes the kind of humour and teasing they had in their great past seasons) to go for the eeky, CSI has been losing grip of its viewers across the entire age spectrum. They aren't losing older viewers and gaining younger ones, even if they were prepared for that trade-off. They are losing them all! Between Bite Me (6x03) and Toe Tags (7x03), they lost 27% of the 25-54 demographics and 26.5% of the 18-49 group. Total viewers dived from 28.85 million to 21.22 million or 26.5% as well.

For CSI, the older group counts as well. GA is not their kind of show, CSI is... well, was. I expected a tight fight in the 18-49 group. So the dip there is not really surprising. But the slightly larger loss in the older group is a worrying sign. These people have not necessarily gone over to GA. So there isn't so much a pull factor at play as a push factor: CSI as it is now is pushing them away.

What will bring them back? Lookie at my avi, as Rissa said. :D
LSCS wecome back, we're having a S1 GC case discussion right now and we're currently on To Halve And To Hold. We're also playing the quote game where someone names the episode that a posted GC quote is taken from and if you get the answer right you get to post the next quote :)

AngelWearinJeans said:
The only reason he never gets past a first date is because he already has a girlfriend who sleeps in his tub.
How true :D

Btw, AWJ you got the right answer so it's your turn to post the next quote :)

ren28 said:
CSI was conceived as the "thinking" viewer's kind of show. Age was never an issue.

Alot of the thinking viewers are showing TMTB how they are thinking now, TMTB are the ones who aren't using their brain juice. I agree that they are hedging their bets (never thought of that :lol:) by giving bits of GC in every epi but they just released some cringe promo pics for the epi Double Cross ( Erica posted them on BTA), so what exactly are they thinking now? I really have no idea, maybe another test to make sure of things?
Hi, guys ! Nice discussions around here !!!
About TMTB , I stopped trying to understand what they have in mind for a long time :rolleyes: it's totally confused (at least for me) .
I saw the bathtub scene and I don't know what to think about that ! I mean, I loved it, of course, but if we're supposed to be in the GSR season, why doc doesn't ask that to Sara ? and the Catherine's reaction is a little strange too . As if she and Gil had been together ! she's not shocked or even surprised by the Doc's question .
I tell you, it's strange :D
Hey catherine where have you been? :D

I loved the bathtub scene too! Cath's expression gave me the impression that she was thinking "Hey, how did he know that?" :lol: As far as I know, cringe is supposed to be a secret between gil and sara so maybe the people in the lab still don't know about it. Is it surprising that they think that GC are an item? Nope, because that's the message that TPTB have been sending us all along, until the end of S6 where we've been told that it was all a lie :mad:
Hey Rebec! I was here and there but I miss my hot dogs, so I'm back :lol:

I know that the Gil and Sara stuff is supposed to be a secret :rolleyes: but Doc knows Catherine and Gil very well and above all, it's the way he says that to her ! he's so natural when he asks her this question . And the little smile of Catherine, well, we can suppose a lot of things with it ! And I agree, if we forget (ok, we can't) the end of S6 , it's evident for everybody that Catherine and Grissom could be together . Apparently, they don't see another woman for him !!! except TMTB :mad:
When was the last time you took a nap in Grissom's tub?

I choked on a bit of apple at this. So unexpected and so delightful. I loved her reaction too. She just stood silently, alomst guiltily lol. Wow you know she's been there, but i can guarantee that she wasn't napping :devil:

Speaking of reactions...methinks Gil wasn't a fan of Sara bringing up SanFransisco. And I don't think he was big on the whole 'she's brandishing a chainsaw at me' moment...hate to see what will happen when Sara finds out about him and cath. I thought he was hiliarious when his eyes widened and he stepped back a bit.

When are the morons going to figure out that their viewers want CG or at least think GC when they think of CSI?

And I have evidence too...the other day me and two grade 11 kids were talking about CSI. I brought up Way to Go and how pleased was I when they scowled and said they thought Grissom should be with Catherine and Nick or Greg with Sara. Thats what TMTB hinted at for the past 7 years. Plus they said that Gil and Catherine would have been together ages ago (back in season one) if they hadn't have brought Sara in.

They're actually really insightful people, the kids on my bus
I think it makes cringe seem even less believable (not bashing here) if even the other characters in the show think that GC are together. IMO, in a working environment, secrets can't be kept for long no matter how good you are at keeping them and that's another reason why I don't think the talk of the "long term relationship" makes sense.

If more than one person pick up on the same hint (doc, greg even sara when she asked cath to help her talk to gil), you know there's some truth in that. Even cath, with her sharpness in observing people, I never once hear her comment about a dopey look on gil's face when she-who- must-not-be-named is around, but caught his look in just one scene between gil and teri.

*hands catherine pretsels Those are all I have :lol:

ETA: 27dayz I'm with you, why would she be napping if she had something more fun to do? :devil: But she'll have to take a nap after that, she'll be exhausted :D

I wish I could see gil's reaction in that scene, but I don't think I can find those clips on GC boards :lol:

Ah, even 11 year-olds see it, we should hand them hotdogs too :D
rebec said:

If more than one person pick up on the same hint (doc, greg even sara when she asked cath to help her talk to gil), you know there's some truth in that. Even cath, with her sharpness in observing people, I never once hear her comment about a dopey look on gil's face when she-who- must-not-be-named is around, but caught his look in just one scene between gil and teri.

*hands catherine pretsels Those are all I have :lol:

she-who-must-not-be-named, huh? Taking a leaf outta Harry Potter, huh? But your right. No one comments on Sara and Gil. Who comments on catherine and Gil? lets see...

there's Doc, Greg, sheriff of help me out here
rebec - I've got some clips at my place. Address is in my profile.

Who else comments on Cath & Gil besides those you listed? well ... Brass, I'm sure Ecklie's mentioned something somewhere about these two...There's gotta be more, I just can't think right now.

ETA: Oh DUH! I knew my brain wasn't working. gotta include Eddie & Sam in that list too!
EDDIE! When he said "I always knew you two had a thing!" Well he was on to something.Gil and Cath did have a thing...her name is Lindsey!

Kaylyne I know the feeling, I can't think right now either
bobo said:
Hi, guys ! Nice discussions around here !!!
About TMTB , I stopped trying to understand what they have in mind for a long time :rolleyes: it's totally confused (at least for me) .
I saw the bathtub scene and I don't know what to think about that ! I mean, I loved it, of course, but if we're supposed to be in the GSR season, why doc doesn't ask that to Sara ? and the Catherine's reaction is a little strange too . As if she and Gil had been together ! she's not shocked or even surprised by the Doc's question .
I tell you, it's strange :D

That bathtub scene had me stumped at first. Then I figured it out. That female cop took a nap in her boss's bathtub. Doc asked Catherine "Have you ever slept in Grissom's tub" because Grissom's her boss. It was a little tricky.

Although Catherine's reaction makes one wonder what was going through her mind when he said it. She seemed to have a "did I get caught" look.
still, just thinking on that seen, it is the 'did-we-get-caught' scene, but really it could be taken in quite an angsty POV by some people: since 'way to go' i'm pretty sure Cath hasn't been in Gil's tub for sometime (which is unfourtunate).

maybe i just like anst a little too much
Thanks kay, btw, I love your avvie :)

Oh so we're listing the people who saw that GC had a thing? We're going to end up with a long list. How about the lab tech whom gil told that anything she wants to say to him she can say to cath? :D

1CSIMfan you and I think alike, of all things she had to look like she's guilty :lol:
1CSIMfan said:
That bathtub scene had me stumped at first. Then I figured it out. That female cop took a nap in her boss's bathtub. Doc asked Catherine "Have you ever slept in Grissom's tub" because Grissom's her boss. It was a little tricky.
Hey now! Don't burst our bubble (bath) with too much logic here!
Do y'all realize that Gil & Cath have had LOTS of bathroom-type scenes?
The "shower" of course, checking the tub in THatH (which we just discussed), the "enema" scene in hunger artist, Paul Millander with the bath tubs, ....
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