Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hahaha I'd love to have a flashback to back when Cath was dancing. :lol: We had two in Felonius Monk, one with Stephanie, Catherine's best friend in her dancing days and one with Jimmy Tedero (sp?), Catherine's mentor. Those ain't enough, though. I want to see Cath/Gil/Eddie back in her dancing days. :D

rebec, WHAT scene does illegal things to you? *wiggles eyebrows*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

iheartCSI_4326, I love all three pics. But my favourite has got to be the third one. It's a classic Billy/Marg moment. I wish they'd be allowed to be just themselves like that on the show. *sigh*

rebec said:
Oh, I think you left out GC + doc robbins,
I did??? *smacks self* Shame on me! That's another triangle that I love.

rebec said: it looks like they are relying on cath drama to rescue the show so whether they like it or not, they have to do their homework on cath's storyline. But I have to say that I was not very pleased with their portrayal of cath in S5. For me, they are still losing their grip on cath's character even if they might have gotten bits of her past right.
Ah but there's the rub, isn't it? Getting the storyline straight is easy: all it requires is going back to the previous eps, reading the scripts. Getting a grip on the Cath's character? That's something else altogether. Some people have insight into these things, others do not. The new batch of writers who came in full-time in S5 don't. So while they can align the details about her past, they can't produce a faithful sketch of Catherine's character. There must have been so much discontent about S5 that in S6, in this respect, they did a better job. I particularly liked Catherine in Werewolves. Also in KKBB.

A GC flashback? But of course! If we were to go back to the Eddie years, there's going to be GC, for sure. Eddie's jealousy demands it :lol: And yes, Erica, there'd be Catherine dancing too. Oh, it'd probably take up an entire season!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Can you imagine that ? an entire season of C/G moments' flashback :eek:
I know that it's impossible but it would be so fantastic, especially with Cath/Gil/Eddie ...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

EricaSJ said:
rebec, WHAT scene does illegal things to you? *wiggles eyebrows*
Since there is the PG-13 meter to be considered of I will not go into detail :p

Oh yes, show me cath in her dancing days please, I bet marg will have a hell of a good time playing that out :D

There's also cath doing coke and then getting rid of it, her struggle through whether or not to abort lindsey, her bringing up of lindsey, how she found out about gil's migraine, her reaction when she found out that gil knew about eddie's affair, more breakfast sessions at gil's (since it's evidently not her first time in BOP ;))... So much to know, it'll definitely take a whole season if not at least half of it to plough through all the details :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Many newbies...all are absolutely welcome. :D

Wow I missed lots of speculations about Season 7, Sam, Heritage and what not and I think they're all great ideas. But I don't know...perhaps it's just wishful thinking on our part for a S7 episode by TMTB are going to be as complex and as intricate as the ones we have created with our speculations.

G/C/LH? Oh for sure. That's always been a triangle I've approved of, as well as YoBugBling (which I think is incredibly angsty). Triangles do work much better in terms of angst, and am sure it'll get the viewers riled up. Perhaps a square would work too. :lol:

Sorry I've missed so much. I'm really limited in terms of time on the comp.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Gravy as long as you show up once in a while you're forgiven :D Anyway, this time limit is not going to last long isn't it? So we can expect you to make up for the time you've lost when it's over :lol:

As for triangle angst my favorite is G/C/Sam, sam is a GC magnet even though he may appear to be a non-shipper :) I love triangle humour too and my favorites are G/C/B, G/C/Doc, G/C/greg and recently I'm growing to love G/C/Hodges :D

When I'm watching S6, I feel that sometimes the other characters are getting to shine more than the main leads, mainly because they seem more natural. Like Hodges, he is throwing some old CSI sparks into the mix and he makes me miss funny greg even more. Maybe I'm expecting more from the main characters that's why I'm less easy to please :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Gil gets migraines? I think ive missed something there.

My fave triangles are probably G/C/Doc Robbins, just cos there scenes always seem really fun, and they always seem to be more themselves when they are in the morgue with him. My other fave is G/C/Greg just because they usually come up with amusing lines when theyre around Greg. Especially Grissom.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Grissom always get migraines (Cath is the only one who knows where are his meds) in his office !
My fav triangles C/G/Brass, C/G/Sam and C/G/Eddie (for the angst)!!! I love that :D

O.T: you say "migraine" (french word) or "headache" :confused:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^^In Strip strangler when cath visited him in his townhouse and saw a bottle of pills on the table she said something like "Migraine, it's been awhile"

I don't blame you if you haven't noticed, he didn't get it much and I think that's because cath was always around to help him sort things out, but with TMTB at work this may fast become history :(


Catherine grissom always gets migraines? I must have missed something out because the only reference I remember is from SS :confused:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

The SS line proves that he get migraines . Well, I think .

There is an epi where they are in Gil's office ; he gets a migraine and Cath finds his pills in a drawer . But I'm hopeless about the titles :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Thanks Catherine and rebec , will have to go and watch Strip Strangler again :)

OT: Oh migraines a french word? will help for my french lessons, thanks :) Um well here (UK) we use headache for a kind of ache but a migraine is like a stabbing pain that can last for hours and makes you feel very ill.

rebec said:
When I'm watching S6, I feel that sometimes the other characters are getting to shine more than the main leads, mainly because they seem more natural. Like Hodges, he is throwing some old CSI sparks into the mix

You have a point there, i wasnt sure on them making Hodges a regular but now i think it would be good, cos his character has stayed consistent throughout and maybe this will rub off on Gil and Cath, and bring them back to how they were before season 6, together and seperately :) Plus more Hodges, means they both get to do their annoyed faces more, which i think are hilarious, IMO :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I agree with you about Hodges, CSIangel !
I really love the scenes with him and C/G but above all with Cath ; there often hilarious !
About the C/G/Brass , I have to say that it's one of my fav triangle but I've been disappointed by Gil in WTG ! I thought Brass was really a good friend . In this epi, he's happy that Jim be saved but that's all !

O.T : thanks for the explaination about the migraines ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

rebec, I'm afraid it's going to last at least a year. :p Although I will get breaks every now and then. :lol: I'll be sure to make up for the lost time. Don't worry about that.

C/G/Brass? That's more of the friendly triangle, I think. Brass is sort of our mediator (sometimes obstacle as in King Baby) because he's good friends with both. I agree, Catherine, that Gil was too terse and curt with Brass in WTG when it's supposed to be more sentimental because it's Brass, you know? But...TMTB. (sigh)

About Hodges, yeah for sure. Hodges, Archie, Bobby, Travis, you name all the lab rats and they make the show more realistic. They're the brains in the background who are just as important to the process in real life, and I love them. They're great actors as well, which makes it just that much better.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hi! I'm new, but I definitely think that this is the thread for me to be in. Gil and Cath are sooo hot together *sigh* and they nag each other like they've been married for years.

Anyway...going along with the subject you guys are on, I like the G/C/LH think because that would be wild
:devil:, and they are in Vegas after all.

One more thing...this is really stupid, but can someone tell me what TMTB stands for because my brain hurts from trying to figure it out. I just understand that it has something to do with the writers of the show.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^Hey welcome to the list. Feel free to jump in at anytime...even though you kinda did :D. I'm sure someone will have a welcome basket for you soon.

And TMTB is our version of TPTB. TPTB= The powers that be and TMTB= the morons that be. ya...

anyways Welcome!
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