Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^ That's a great start, CF. LOL can I call you CF? Because that's a long username you've got. :lol:

Hmmmm what else to add...

Original (adj.) One of the many characters C/G shippers have. We always have the weirdest, funniest, most hilarious and most creative ideas. Sometimes we look a little stupid, I'll admit, but hey, fun is the whole point. ;)

Observation room (n.) Another place for passionate activities? Yeah?

This one is for anyone who'd like to try capping:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

And here I am!
I'm definitely the most parental woman on heart...Oh well, looking at you...Maybe I'm "in good company"! XD
I SO love these two, this summer i spent evenings reading fanfictions on, what a loser I am.
No,just kidding, parental always win. NO WAY.
It's just, in my little dirty mind, they're always in an horizontal position, and that doesn't help accepting the whole GSR thing. That I STILL haven't accepted totally. lol, and probably never will... XD
But if csi was actually mine, it'd probably be on pay-per-view only because of Cath and Gil...SO MUCH BETTER!
(i sound like a fanfic disclaimer...gosh!)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Welcome CF and Dardeile! CF love the words you've added, keep bringing them on ;) and Dardeile you can always drop by for a visit in the gutter, I'll reserve a space for you :D

I was guilty of going OT too, sorry!

The O words mentioned are great! I'll just put in my two cents:
One True Pairing (need I say more?)
One and Only
Oral ______ (fill in the blank :devil:)
Ointment (has the same use as oil)
Orgasm (not sure if I've voilated the PG-13 meter) *prepares to be modslapped*
Ornament (butterfly decorations, fake hand on gil's desk)

ETA: Forgot to say that I love the caps! Bad Nicky, putting the blame on Greg :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Dardeile!!!!! :D

Welcome to the GC thread! :) I am just curious btw. You're from Italy right? And coolcatz, rookiecsi and I went to the Italian CSI forums before (yeah we like to cruise around the world, hehe! we also went to the French GC forums before) and you call the Gil and Cath ship there as "parental". :) Care to expound on it for a bit? Im guessing you call them "parental" because they're like the mother and father of the lab. Or maybe because when GC do things to each other the viewers need parental guidance or something, lol.. :lol: that was lame.. anyway, welcome! :D

Oh I'll go back to B..

Bupkus!!! (also spelled as bupkis or bupkes)- this word popped up in Gil and Cath's conversation in Unfriendly Skies.

Ok this is a direct quote from the transcript and its sooo cute!!! :) Gotta love that scene and Gil's puppy dog eyes..

GRISSOM: ... I need their shoes.
CATHERINE: Why you telling me?
GRISSOM: Because you're the "people" person, right?
CATHERINE: Well, why don't you tell them that? They're not giving me bupkus.
GRISSOM: Please?

(CATHERINE looks up at GRISSOM and stares at his puppy-dog eyes as he gives her the Look. She gives in and gets up off of the empty office chair. She passes him on her way out the door and hands him her bag of snacks.)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^^ :eek: I didn't know that GC is termed parental on the italian forums, love the name though, it just sounds so right for them, they are really the mom and dad of the whole deal :) Do they also have a special name for GC on the french forums?

The scene in Unfriendly Skies was a joy to watch, both of them were just sooooo cute :D but I've gotta ask though, what's bupkus? :confused:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I always took bupkus to mean zilch, nada, nothing though thats only how i interpreted it. Gotta agree Gil's puppy dog look is cute and seems to work like a charm on Cath, she soo had seen that look before.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Welcome aboard Dardeile. Nice to see you here. :) Make yourself home and enjoy the PureJoy love. And since rebec reserved a space for you, enjoy the PureJoy gutter. :lol:

rebec, that was a fantastic list to add. LOL. The Oral _____ one really cracked me up. Almost spat my dinner all over the desk (yeah I know it's weird, having dinner at midnight. LOL). :lol:

Bupkus? That's a new word for me. I think I need an explanation as well. Thanks in advance hehe.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Rebec wow Oral was a great addition to the GC Dictionary, its had me in giggles for ages. You're so bad and you know it.

Erica according to Urban Dictionary the defintion of Bupkus:

"Popularized by sports fans for the phonetic similiarity to Hall of Fame American Football player, Dick Butkus, bupkus is a Yiddish word literally translated as "nothing".
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Welcome Dardeile ! have fun :)

Rebec , I hate you, Orgasm was MY word :lol:
(btw, no particular expression for C/G on the french boards) but I swear, I do my best to convince those who hesitate :D
OK, I have some P letters in mind:

Pants (except his jeans, I don't like Gil's pants)
( CSIangel, I'm using the american meaning not the english one) :lol:
Penetrate (ask to Gil) :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^ Goodie. Thanks a lot of the explanation, CF. Bupkus is another must-add, then. I think we could add the word "nothing" in various languages to the dictionary since Catherine seems to like to say them. LOL.

Now, I can't think of any word for the O part. I think I'll just move to P and mwahahaha! There is a word that has to be added!

Peanut butter. Oh yeah peanut butter. There's another P word I'm thinking about right now, but I won't mention it here hehe. I'm sure Anne is going to have an idea when she sees this, though. :devil:

ETA: Shame on you, Catherine, you didn't mention peanut butter. I beat you to it. Hahaha. BTW we both forgot PureJoy. LMAO.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

OMG ! PureJoy is my location and Peanut Butter one of my fav scenes
(yes, I call it the Peanut Butter scene) !
I'm sure that we have the same word in mind for Anne :lol:

Oh! have we think about Butterfly ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I had a lightbulb moment when somebody mentioned 'bupkus' on ET (Entertainment Tonight) or was it The OC ?!?! I forgot which show I was watching, lol. Anyway, then I remembered it was one of the 'ranks' on forums (although it was spelled as "bupkis" on aam) and I remembered Catherine said that to Gil in one episode.. so I searched for that word on the CSI transcripts. I never knew that Catherine said bupkus in Unfriendly Skies.. can't blame me though, I was paying attention to Gil's adorable eyes at that time, LOL.

Thanks so much Jenna for the definition of bupkus. :)

And yeah, in Italy, instead of 'GC' they call the GC ship "Parental" and they call their thread "Parental Thread" Im a clueless biznatch so when I bumped into the Italian GC thread I thought it was for adults only :lol:

Puppy Dog Eyes - when Gil does this Catherine just melts and does what he says. (best example: Unfriendly Skies)
(pic example: Chaos Theory)

Pursed Lips - Gil loves to do this cuz he has to look cute specially when Cath is around, lol. :) Just look at the cap from Chaos Theory:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^ Yes. We do have Butterfly listed. Honestly I don't think anyone would forget it since Lindsey wore the first butterfly that appeared on CSi. ;)

Hehe I just thought of another word - Pinnacle. :devil:

And to those who wonder where to check out the dictionary, please go this way. But Anne, the coding there seems a little messed up. You might want to check that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Oh guys, thanx a lot to everyone.
Yeah, in Italy (event though I thought it was the same in some other countries) Cath/Gil ship is called parental, for the reason Hottie_Cath explained, aka their being a parent figure for the tohers. ANd the fact that they definitely look like an old married couple...Still hot, by the way.

About the dictionary, that's definitely one of the best ideas ever. You're damn good, believe me!
I'd add a few J's I didn't see.

Jump (her/him)
1)Something Gil wants to do. Always.
2) Something Cath wants to do...Even more than Gil.

Imagine the two of them training together, you'll have the reason for this word, and a perfect fanfiction storyline!

1) She's definitely his.
2) He should give her one, shouldn't he? A BIG diamnod ring. With a even BIGGER proposal.

1)Gil's leg when he sees her on her high heels.
2) Cath's leg when he stucks out his tongue!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Waow, great words Dardeile ! and I agree the old married couple is Hot :D

Thanks for the pics Hottie ! I love the first one ....
Darn :mad: I forgot Pinnacle !!!
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