Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!


cath: nicks's pouting
gil: what now? did warrick change the radio station in his truck again?
cath: i took his time machine away
gil: time machine? the one that cut our time in half?
cath: yep
gil: this part of it?
cath: yep
gil: i think we need to make up for some lost time.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^ It was in Recipe for Murder while Catherine was trying to take the meat grinder apart. :D She also said in in 35K O.B.O. to Paul Newsome, the dicstrict engineer who became her boyfriend later.

Hehe both Pout and Righty tighty, Lefty Loosey are great additions. Oh btw, do we have Billy Bass for B? Don't ask me why the heck I thought of it, it just flashed across my mind like that. :lol:

Here, here, the next cap:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!


sofia: *to guy in blue shirt* did the time machine have a tracking device on it?
blue shirt guy: uh, i dunno. i just work here.
sofia: listen, i need this information and if i don't get it i may have to take you to the station for illegally selling time machines
blue shirt guy: but he bought one. why aren't you taking him in?
sofia: because i work with him. he's going back with me not matter what.
nick: *to himself* why am i always the one in trouble?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Awe poor Nicky! *pats him* :D This time machine thing has me laugh everytime I see your cap, coolc. And the last one with Cath and Gil was just... :lol:

Here's your next cap:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!


sofia: nick. i told you to wait in the car. now how am i supposed to intimidate this guy without ecklie finding out what we are up to?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

So now Sofia and Nick are in it together? :lol: Okay this is getting more ridiculous, but funny. Oh since Nick, Warrick, Greg and Sofia are involved, how about we add Hodges:


As for the dictionary, we need to add:

Rollercoaster (n.)

1. One of Gil's favorite entertainments.
2. According to one of the TT fics, yet another place for passionate activities. :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!


hodges: you know, i can get you whatever it is you need. grissom and i are tight like this, you know
warrick: man, the only thing you are tight with are your whity-tighties. now get out of my way, the wife is calling and if i don't answer my dinner's going to be vienna sausages and not steak.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Squishy! Leave my Nicky alone!
*puts Nicky in time machine and takes him back to deleted s1 scenes*
Ha! Now you can't.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

the dictionary needs:

bucks, pucks and ...chicks
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Oh c'mon. This is just a little game we're playing, and since our subject is C/G...well...:lol:

Vienna sausages sound good to me, though. I also love Frankfurters hehe. But yeah, steak is the best. *hands coolc hotdogs and steals steak*

Nex one?

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!


brass: now lynny, you know why we brought you in. what have you done with stokes?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

"I'll never tell! He's mine you hear me, MINE! muahwhwhw" *coughs* damn vanishing spray crap. Gonna kill Casp when I find her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

ROFLMAO! Now even Lynn got involved huh? Lynn, look what you have done. :devil: So, what's going to happen next:


As for the dictionary, great idea, coolc. That somehow reminded me of these:

Cleaned up
Oiled up
Sexed up

Shall we add these, too? :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

oh we most definately need those.
we also need:

Help (as in "how can i help?")


brass: did you buy that vanishing spray at the cirque show? if so, you paid too much because i most certainly see you. now, what have you done with stokes?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

A few more words to add:

Racoon... from the season four episode Fur and Loathing

( do we have Furball already? :lol:)

Riot... "You are a riot, Alice" from the season one episode Evaluation Day.

And here's the next cap:

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