Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!
Bev, I wish your TT were causing trouble here. That would be so much fun!
But no, she was being very good. That's okay, though. We don't want her to get modslapped, do we? (Though I'd be proud of her, too.)
Tracey's back! Where have you been, girl? Too busy with House I guess? :lol:
rebec, I think there's a thread in our cozy corner regarding the article I mentioned earlier. Hmmmm let me see...ah gotcha.
Here is the article. It's actually untitled and the phrase "destined to go beyond the 'just friends and co-workers' stage" is in it. See? I told you seasons 1 and 2 were the best.
AWJ, I think we pretty much agree that Gil's big screen TV is in his townhouse since Catherine said that, but our question is where in the townhouse is it? So far we've got answers like his bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen...where do you think it is?
And welcome back
GrissCathfan (jeez I love typing your username)! You've gotta pop in more often.