Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I'm 100% with you cath ! but it's better for all of you that I don't sing :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hmmm...I still consider myself a newbie, so my favorite GC moment is when they have that big fight in the parking lot in PMJ. I guess I'm gonna say that Gil's big screen is in his hermetically sealed "townhouse" where he does "advanced" crosswords and watches the discovery channel. I love it when they fight, it's so cute!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Bev, I wish your TT were causing trouble here. That would be so much fun! :D But no, she was being very good. That's okay, though. We don't want her to get modslapped, do we? (Though I'd be proud of her, too.) :D

And Tracey's back! Where have you been, girl? Too busy with House I guess? :lol: rebec, I think there's a thread in our cozy corner regarding the article I mentioned earlier. Hmmmm let me see...ah gotcha. Here is the article. It's actually untitled and the phrase "destined to go beyond the 'just friends and co-workers' stage" is in it. See? I told you seasons 1 and 2 were the best. ;)

AWJ, I think we pretty much agree that Gil's big screen TV is in his townhouse since Catherine said that, but our question is where in the townhouse is it? So far we've got answers like his bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen...where do you think it is?

And welcome back GrissCathfan (jeez I love typing your username)! You've gotta pop in more often. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Yeah, another newbie ! welcome GrissCathfan :)
That's funny, there is a lot of new C/G fans just before the S7 ! coincidence ? :D

I don't know if I answered about the big TV screen ! I've been a bad newbie : I think that it is in the toilets cuz in the other rooms, they have other (good) things to do :devil:
BTW, I think that the S3 was a good one too !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

LOL I don't think all our newbies are new to PureJoy. Some of them probably just decided to come out of the closet now. :lol: There could be new fans, though. Hehe you guys have made a great choice.

Hmmm watching TV in the toilet? That would be interesting. I've never thought of that, though. But I personally think they need a big screen TV in the bedroom because there's no better place for them to watch their videos. :devil:

For me, part of season 3 was good, but not all of it. Same happens to season 4. IMO the quality of the writing has been slowly slipping since season 3. And just when you thought there could be nothing worse than season 5, they brought you the unmemorable season 6. *shudders*

Oh did we include desire in the D part of the dictionary?

As for the E part, I think the word eager is quite suitable because Catherine and Gil are always eager for each other. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Yup, newbies your choice is the best one :D

Hey DESIRE , I think we forgot it ! good one .
Eager, defines very well the C/G relationship ; it's so evident on the screen (well, at least for us) :rolleyes:
I would like to add ERICA in the E part ! I don't know another bigger fan of Cath than you ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

LMAO. Thanks a lot Catherine. It is true that I'm a big Cath fan, but there are lots of other great fans too. Take coolc, Drumchik, Hottie, AngelEyez and the girls over at AAM as examples. It's a great pleasure sharing the Cath love with you people. :)

Another term for the letter E, earlobe. Because we know they like to lick and suck each other's earlobes. :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

E is for Eyes. As in they only have Eyes for each other.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I love your E part , Bev !
About the earlobe, I think you read too much fics Erica :lol: I've never seen that in an epi !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Um...smut much, Erica? :lol: LMAO at the comment about the earlobes.

I can't think of any words. I think everyone here's so brilliant, they're stealing words right out of my head. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Earlobe? :lol: So, yeah, I can't think of any for E. But I do have one for F:



As in "plushies & furries" I knew somone would've come up with that one right away, so I wanted to post now before somebody stole it. BWAH HA HA!! :lol: :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Come on you girls. It's not like you've just known me. You all know that I'm teh smuthead. :lol:

Oh oh another word just popped in my head. earth-shattering. If you wonder why I picked this word, my answer is...well I'm the smuthead and you shall know what I have in mind while thinking about earth-shattering. :D

ETA: That was a brilliant one, littlesara, but uhoh you beat coolc to it. :D BTW, welcome back!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

she may have gotten furries but i've got FUR AND LOATHING!!!!

and i so need to hurry up and catch up on fics.

and i have to agree with the bigscreen being in his bathroom.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I can't cause trouble here, Syd! I don't want to get banned! Then I wouldn't be able to have fun.

Then again, I'm still upset that I can't say some of my personally coined phrases here. Really puts a dampener on things.

ETA: Dammit, I'm always JUST under with the three line thing! :rolleyes:
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