Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I am going back to watch some more scenes in a while, from what I understand...

It has to do with the opening of a new casino. I'll try to post late tonight or tomorrow, it sounds like the shoot will go pretty late.

I really need to get into the episode discussions with you guys, I will soon!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GRISSOM: I've enjoyed working with you.
CATH: Which part? The part where I got in your face or the part where I, uh, lost evidence, or uh, maybe you just miss me.
GRISSOM: I did miss you. I missed your passion and your tenacity. I even missed your tush.
CATH: Really. Thank you.

aww the best G/C quote IMO, and thought the Gil eye roll was so funny he sounded so whiney lol! :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hahaha Kay we knew you'd do a great recap for King Baby, and you proved it once again. :D I kind of like Sofia vs. Sara, too. Actually I like all the scenes with the girls as long as it's not a fight kind of thing because hello, girl power rules! And those Cath vs. Ecklie scenes...:lol: Are we really surprised that Cath is always the one who wins at the end? ;) I totally agree that Ecklie has a secret crush on her. As for the end scene, I don't think there's anything I need to add. You guys already said it all. I'm glad that Cath and Gil had their own moment and that we got to see the C/G/B banter that they rarely show now, although I'd rather not see Brass there. :D

MargCathfan[/b]]Glad to know you're going back to the set, girl. Once again, your information told us that the initial spoilers we got were pretty accurate. Sam is going to open a new casino. Heh. However, I really really hope the most angsty part weren't true. *sniffles* Anyway, I hope you have a good time there. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

well kaylyne there are more like that where that one came from, lol!

e, that scene is so the epitome of the heart and soul of csi. we have the great gil/cath moment and we have the whole gil/cath/brass thing before gil decided he had no brain and wasn't a friend to anyone.

i love that cath never gets to answer the question gil asks about where you would go if you could go anywhere because brass jumps in.

now going backwards, my next fav scene in this one is the gil/cath/sofia scene because cath wasn't so upset about the work being done. she was upset because she was left out.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I suspect it will have to do with Sam the opening of the casino. Many thanks for keeping us updated MC1 :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ITA on the Cath/Gil/Sofia one, coolc. I also like it that Cath told Sofia to stay out of it instead of just bitching at her because it was between her and Gil and she didn't want to involve Sofia. But then again, some people seem to think Cath WAS bitching at Sofia already. I guess people just see it in various points of view. One thing I know for sure, though, is that if Cath really wanted to bully Sofia, she wouldn't have given her such an easy way out. ;)

I think this one can be used for a Got Milk ad. :lol:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
ITA on the Cath/Gil/Sofia one, coolc. I also like it that Cath told Sofia to stay out of it instead of just bitching at her because it was between her and Gil and she didn't want to involve Sofia. But then again, some people seem to think Cath WAS bitching at Sofia already. I guess people just see it in various points of view. One thing I know for sure, though, is that if Cath really wanted to bully Sofia, she wouldn't have given her such an easy way out. ;)

exactly. this was between cath and gil and sofia just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. it could have just as easily been warrick or nick or sara or greg and it still would have happened.



i was thinking this one goes with the siggy. for the times when cath goes out of town so gil won't be whiney.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

*rushes in* Whew, glad that I'm not too late for King Baby

kaylyne said:
Ecklie has a secret crush on her, you know!
That explains it, I thought he was trying to get close to cath in the end scene of Nesting Dolls where he had his hand on the back of her chair. It kind of made me think that the expression on gil's face as he walked in wasn't all because of sara :lol: Or maybe it's just me

I thought the mini arguement they had outside the morgue was very marriend coupl-ish. Poor Sofia, caught in the couple's fight without a warning

Now about the end scene *thud*, cath must have thought she had the upper hand when she said "maybe you just missed me" and it was just so funny when gil blew her off with the tushie comment :D I actually forgive brass a little because his question about the punchline brought about the eye sex, so I still give him a little credit though he really had bad timing ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Lots to talk about.

ren, I'm not really sure what ET's going to blast off the new season with (I certainly hope it's going to be another treat from Billy and Marg), but I suspect it'll have something to do with the spoilers we've been hearing from MargCathfan. Oh by the way, I give lots of thanks to MCf for giving us accurate spoilers from time to time! You're awesome.

Now onto the Gil/Cath/Sofia dynamics. We sort of see it first in Formalities when Sofia first presents herself to us and the scene with the glued tie. The way Catherine flicked it acted out by Marg sort of hinted at a jealousy. She was mocking Sofia's efforts because Gil was so awed (hence the dopey look on his face), and tells him to remember that she's with Ecklie (whom Cath fully knows to be Gil's enemy..sort of). And once again in King Baby when Sofia tries to defend Gil's point of view, Catherine tells her to stay out of it. Not just because the conflict was between her and Gil but also because Catherine seemed to be threatened by Sofia's presence. Why? Because Gil and Catherine were on separate shifts and Cath knew that Sofia was trying to take her place, which started to show itself in the glued-tie affair in Formalities. I believe Catherine was so hostile towards Sofia because she wanted to avoid the "inevitable" rift between her and Gil that would be brought on by the shift change.

That's what I think, but I may be trying to look at this from a really biased and angsty point of view ;P

Ecklie does have a secret crush on her. I think we've seen it a few times nearing the end of season 5. With the whole Nesting Dolls thing and a little bit in Weeping Willows. :lol:

(squee) cannot miss talking about the missed your tush. I don't know how TMTB came up with something like that for Gil to say. :lol: It's so unlike Gil to say something like that although we knew he was sort of playful and flirty at times. It even surprised Catherine. That's saying something. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ecklie's secret crush may be a reason why he's always such an a$$ to gil :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yup and that's why he splited the team !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GraveyardIntern said:
ren, I'm not really sure what ET's going to blast off the new season with (I certainly hope it's going to be another treat from Billy and Marg), but I suspect it'll have something to do with the spoilers we've been hearing from MargCathfan.
Somehow, this time around, I doubt if Billy and Marg will be allowed the liberty to act their normal touchy-feely-kissy-cuddly selves, even in jest and for the camera. Remember that even eye contact between the characters they play must now be scripted in for it to be allowed. :rolleyes:

So... what's left for ET to use to reel in the audience numbers???

GraveyardIntern said:
(squee) cannot miss talking about the missed your tush. I don't know how TMTB came up with something like that for Gil to say. :lol: It's so unlike Gil to say something like that although we knew he was sort of playful and flirty at times. It even surprised Catherine. That's saying something. :lol:
Even just after the episode aired, some said it was a Billy ad lib. Considering Catherine's/Marg's reaction (choking on her drink), it's entirely possible. TMTB might not have any credit to take for the brilliance of this episode's ending.

bobo said:
Yup and that's why he splited the team !
I don't know, bobo :D *cough* Catherine, he gave Catherine the worst possible shift, considering that he knew full well why she wanted the day shift. I think at that point he wasn't particularly endeared of Cath. As someone (was it coolc?) mentioned earlier, he probably split the shift to spite Gil. He knew about Gil and Cath, and Gil had, already in Formalities, made a personal pitch with Ecklie for Catherine to be given days. Ecklie also took from Gil the two more competent CSIs - Warrick and Nick, leaving Gil with Sara, the "loose cannon". I think his crush on Cath developed later.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Eh. I've never thought Catherine's reaction to Sofia was out of jealousy, but that's just me. I never saw Sofia as a threat to the Gil/Cath relationship, and I don't think Catherine did, either. IMO Catherine was upset because Gil didn't wait for her to listen to the autopsy report whlie she was supervising the case, too. By that time she should already know that Sofia wasn't really in Ecklie's league because she had done what she thought was right (proving that Gil's innocence), but he demoted her. As I said earlier, if Catherine was showing hostility, Sofia wouldn't have gotten away from it so easily. Hehe.

Just my two cents. ;)
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