Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

hey,, mcf! hope you are having a blast. and win me some money will ya?

nesting dolls. i think this is the first time since probably eddie that gil hasn't had her back. even in nmb he had her back even though he took her off the case. that was a hard scene to watch.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hottie great job with the awards, I'm totally satisfied with the results :)

GraveyardIntern said:
That last scene in Nesting Dolls...I think I've said this before but I'll say it again. The last scene was supposed to, I think, convey Catherine's disapproval of Gil's lack of disciplinary action. He looked to her after Ecklie left because he thought that she might understand him. When she looks at him with hidden "dislike", he raises his eyebrows, thinking even Catherine isn't on his side this time. Besides, Catherine always thought he had her back, right? I guess for her this might have been seen as a sort of betrayal. The confusion of this scene is where all the angst comes from.
Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

good thinking there about the comment cath made about gil not wanting to dance. He knows cath will make him dance (with her) and since he will never be able to refuse her, he chooses the easy way out and doesn't turn up :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ lol rebec thats so typical Gil

we know that Margs nieces might be in a scene, was wondering if Margs son has ever been in an episode or if he will be in the future?

loved the beginning of Nesting Dolls the G/C scene was so funny, Gils face looked so sweet and excited. Whats the next episode? :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Are we done? Are we done? :lol: I don't like talking about Nesting Dolls because well, you all know I don't like it when they have the girls fight. So, may we continue? The next episode is Unbearable. No C/G, but you're still welcome to contribute your comments, like how pretty Catherine is when she's wearing a hat. :D Meanwhile, I think it's okay to begin with *drumrolls* King Baby? Yes. You know you wanna. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

KING BABY! (squee) I watched the final scene again yesterday and it didn't fail to make my heart flutter along with Marg's eyelashes :lol: I think I remember someone on the forum posting something about the signs of flirting or something like that (not sure if it was on Talk or some other board) and one of them was the eyelash fluttering which Marg pulled off quite nicely. Loved Billy's expressions too. They make me laugh :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

omg! what was really an angsty set up ended so beautifully. i felt sorry for cath when ecklie put gil on her case. she could do the job. and wtf was ecklie thinking? it's a high profile job and gil doesn't do press well, he always pawns it off on cath. and we get wendy malick in this ep (i love wendy malick). but cath's loosing the camera and going to gil. the fight outside the morgue (poor sofia got in the middle of their fight without trying). but the end!!! beautiful. tmtb must have forgotten about this.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ah, the eyelash fluttering thing. Well, I remember Marg doing it on the Sep 22, 2005 ET CSI segment when Billy said that she sometimes bossed him around. :lol: I don't really know that it is flirting, more like a playful thing. But yes, on KING BABY, she did that at the end scene. And what a scene!

coolcatz said:
tmtb must have forgotten about this.
They've forgotten a lot of things! And there I was, thinking I had swiss cheese between my ears - they've got cobwebs! :rolleyes:

The one thing they did not forget though is that between Gil and Cath, the chemistry is amazing, but since they didn't like it, they worked hard at dousing the flames. Morons.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

That's precisely the reason why we refer to them as TMTB now, right? :lol: Yeah why was Gil put on the case if it was so high profile? She was a supervisor too, and Ecklie handling the press would have been enough. Nothing personal? Nothing personal my behind.

Marg was doing the fluttering in most of the ET segment. :lol: Really gotta love that segment. I think every single one of us has watched that clip more than ten times....or maybe that's just me ;P
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GraveyardIntern said:
why was Gil put on the case if it was so high profile?
So they can give us GC to squeal about? :lol: I can put up with their torturing the storyline if it means we get our PureJoy moment(s) :D

GraveyardIntern said:
Marg was doing the fluttering in most of the ET segment. :lol: Really gotta love that segment. I think every single one of us has watched that clip more than ten times....or maybe that's just me ;P
Yup, it's just you. :lol: (Just j/k) You know, if ever ET ran a poll to find out which of their thousands of segments was the most popular, I bet this one would come out tops. And TMTB (yes, "moron" is the reason we call them this) might come out looking nonplussed saying, "We're pleasantly surprised that this segment is still so popular with the beautiful fans." :rolleyes:

Which brings me to a question: what do you people think ET will come up with as a season opener segment to promote CSI this September?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

i say a montage of various loonetoon moments showing the various cartoon characters throwing up.

all i know is i don't see how it will be much fun. the season is starting on a very serious note. but throwing in another kiss would make me happy
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

oh no, we are so not done with king baby. kaylyne hasn't added quotes yet.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

A brief synopsis on Unbearable - basically forgettable. About the only thing I remember is that the actor who played guy responsible for having the bear killed is now one of the CSI lab techs in season 6. Other than that, it was kind of cute to see this:
CATH: I had to see with my own eyes. You're actually autopsying a bear.

It SO reminded me of Gil arriving early in the previous episode because he was excited about what was found.

Now the fun part -King Baby: (I'd like to start from the end, but I'll restrain myself and do it the regular way)
So...sit back...grab a cup of coffee...because this will be longer than a short story.

* --What the hell?"--
CATH: What's going on? This is my scene.
CONRAD: High profile case -- woke up the supervisors. All hands on deck, Cath. Grissom's lead on this. He's the senior supervisor.
CATH: If it's all hands on deck, what are you doing behind the tape?
CONRAD: You know if I cross the tape, my name goes on the crime scene log that gets subpoenaed by the defense, and I have to testify.
CATH: And when was the last time you testified?
CONRAD: That's not my primary job anymore. I'm an administrator. I run interference for you guys ... starting with the press.
GRISSOM: It's nothing personal, Catherine. Cases like these rain down hard. You need all the help you can get.
CATH: I need help, not supervision.

Gil just doesn't understand.

* --I smell crap--
CONRAD: Catherine ... Look, it's not that we don't have confidence in you ...
CATH: I smell crap.
CATH: Don't take another step. ......Joe?
CATH: The Eigers have any pets?
OFFICER JOE: No kids, no pets.
CATH: Okay.(To Ecklie) I saved you from putting your foot in it.
CONRAD: I appreciate that.

As I've said before - Catherine can always charm him even when he's an ass. (remember "boom" where she took over his case to keep Nick out of big trouble? Now, would Catherine have let anyone take HER case in that situation?)

* --Get out of the way, Sofia. Cath's on a rampage--
GRISSOM: I'm glad you decided to stay, Sofia.
SOFIA: So am I ... for now.
CATH: Thanks for waiting. Got here as fast as I could.
GRISSOM: We just finished.
CATH: Grissom, what the hell? Am I going to have any part of this case, or should I just go back to my office and start shuffling some papers?
SOFIA : Catherine, it wasn't personal. The body was posted. We didn't think you'd be back for a few hours. There's the report.
CATHE: (to Sofia) Stay out of this. (to Grissom) So, is
this an Ecklie mandate, or is this just your thoughtlessness?
GRISSOM: Well, look, I apologize, but this is a group effort.
CATHERINE: Thanks. I feel much better.

I think I've said this before somewhere, but up to this point, Gil had no clue of what Cath has been upset with. He doesn't see how this looks from her eyes - Cath, the new supervisor. All of a sudden, big high-profile case - and they bring in Gil. Here Cath is, trying to prove that she can play with the "big boys", and they give her a babysitter. Had Gil been more aware of how she was feeling, he would have waited for her at the autopsy. To him this was just another case. To Catherine, it was SO much more. This little blowup between them is also the turning point where Gil has his eyes opened to what he's been missing with Cath gone from his team - as he explains in the end...her passion, her tenacity, AND her tush.

* --Cath's camera--
How appropo to have Cath lose some evidence here. She's trying so hard to be involved in this case, and to claim it as hers. Then Murphy's Law comes into effect.

* --Gil & Oz?--
GRISSOM: Well, if the Wizard of Oz had nude photos of the wicked witch, Dorothy would have never lost her slippers.
CONRAD: Well, if those files exist, it gives us a list of suspects, but nobody actually knows if he has dirt on everyone, or just wants them to think he does.
GREG: Brass subpoenaed Eiger's home phone records in the last year.
CONRAD: Yeah, anything interesting?
GREG: Numerous calls from Eiger's house to Sy Magli's office.
CONRAD: Well, they were known business rivals.
GREG: Between midnight and 4:00 a.m.-- What I like to call "love hours."
GRISSOM: Wouldn't be the first time that hate mutated into passion.
GREG: Public enemies, private lovers. So Jackie Collins.

Wow with all of the references. Gil not using Shakespeare, but the Wizard of Oz? and Greg with a Jackie Collins reference (did Gil even know who that is?)

* --Houston, we have a problem--
CATH: We have a problem.
GRISSOM: Oh, no, not again.
CATH: The memory card from my digital camera was stolen and switched with a blank. The only time the camera was out of my possession was at the crime scene.
GRISSOM: Well, how can that be? It was a secure scene.
CATH: I don't know. I dusted the camera and the card. There weren't any prints. All of the crime scene photos of the body and the blood evidence were on that card.
GRISSOM: We do have a problem.
CONRAD: Yes, we do.
GRISSOM: Get back to the crime scene, Catherine. Get what you can.
CATH: Well, I know that the scene's been released.
GRISSOM: Well, go quickly.

Damn Ecklie for intruding on a GC moment!! I liked how Gil rolled his eyes when he said "not again". He thought Cath was going to rant at him again! He wasn't ready for another round yet!

* --Cath vs the wife--
CATHE: Uh, men just don't appreciate us.
DONNA EIGER: It's never enough. When you put up with things that nobody else would and he stills wants more. I mean, just how low are we supposed to sink?
CATH: You know, I think you're better off without him, anyway.
DONNA EIGER: What's your name?
CATH: Catherine.
DONNA EIGER: You know, Catherine, this whole, um, sisterhood thing that you're trying to get going here, it's just really not working for me. You can't con a con, sweetie.

*giggles* Cath got outsmarted on that one. What was she thinking in telling the wife she was better off without him? Especially given Cath's history with Eddie.

* --Cath finds trash and...a diaper?--
CATH: Uh, Warrick?
WARRICK: Yeah..... Is that a diaper?
CATH: Mm-hmm.
WARRICK: Those safety pins, they could match the bruises that we found on Mr. Eiger's hips. That accounts for that blood.
CATH: Well, we can probably get DNA from the blood. But to confirm that Eiger actually wore this thing, Mia's going to have to test the urine inside. Lucky girl.
WARRICK: Lucky her.

* --Secrets?--
WARRICK: A very powerful and paranoid man with a secret this big? It'd probably kill him if anyone found out.
GRISSOM: I think it did kill him.
CATH: So we're back to suicide?
GRISSOM: Well, let's collect for now. We'll, uh, theorize later.

Yeah, Gil & Cath will ....uh...."theorize" later.

* --a milk maid--
NICK: Hey, maybe we're looking for the hand that rocks the cradle.
CATH: I think that Bruce just wanted the same thing as every other guy.
GRISSOM: Nurturing?
CATH: Easy access.

Damn, but Cath always has the greatest one-liners!! It's also fun to see that Cath holds her own in a room full of guys and plays along with easy sarcasm (evidence of her stripper days?)

* --Cath/Ecklie round 2--
CATH: Those are mine.
CONRAD: I'll have our public information officer contact his counterpart at the station. We'll also call Judge Anderson and get a warrant for the memory card, any copies, and the name of their source.
CATH: Thank you, Conrad.
CONRAD: It's my job.

See! Cath's theory about playing politics seems to work quite well. As I said before, Ecklie has a secret crush on her, you know!

* --Nick's Daddy--
MADGE: Howdy.
GRISSOM: Well, howdy. I was wondering, do you carry adult diapers?
MADGE: Oh, we sure do. What are you, about a 34, 36?
GRISSOM: Well, they're not for me.
MADGE: Oh. (She looks at Nick.) Well, aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy?
NICK: I'm going to have a look around.
MADGE: Mommy-shopping?
GRISSOM: Sort of. I was wondering, in your line of work, do you ever wear a uniform or a dress?
MADGE: No, but I could. Are you a drinker or a stinker?
GRISSOM: Excuse me?
MADGE: Well, a drinker likes to ... ... and
stinker ...
GRISSOM: I get it.

Oh how I love Edie! She's always a joy to watch! Nick's expression was priceless!!! Plus Gil's smirk.

* --interesting points of view?--
GRISSOM: Count Basie said that it's the notes you don't hear that matter.
CATH: Two voids ... one pointing towards 11:00, one towards 1:00.
GRISSOM: Something blocked the spray.
CATH: Something in a size eight.
GRISSOM: Could that be explained by her rendering aid?
CATH: I don't think so. It's a fine mist. A spatter. I think he was still alive, expirating blood..... I wonder what was going through her mind when she stood there and
watched him die?
GRISSOM: I wonder what was going through his?

I hope they weren't thinking the scenario that I'm imagining that they're thinking.

* --Sofia gets the last word--
SOFIA: So we're looking for a lactating female with a center whorl print.
SARA: We recovered two sets of prints from the baby paraphernalia. His and ... presumably hers.
SOFIA: We've excluded Mrs. Eiger. How long can a woman lactate after giving birth?
SARA: I had a professor in college, her six-year-old used to come in for lunch. I guess they'll go as long as you let them.
SOFIA: What, the boobs or the kids? That's a two-legged topless buffet.
SARA: I'm thinking, you know, if you commit to something every Thursday night, you got to be getting something good out of it. We found oil drops on the driveway. None of the Eiger cars had leaks. I ran it through Trace. It was an AGIP ... Sint 2000. It's a synthetic motor oil.
SOFIA: A synthetic would make it high end.
SARA: That particular oil is only used for Lamborghinis. How many lactating women are driving one of those?
SOFIA: So he either paid well or was a good gift giver.
SARA: Maybe we're looking for a cash cow.
SOFIA CURTIS: With liquid assets.

You know, I kind of like Sofia vs Sara!

* --yes, you're anal Hodges--
CATH: An enema.
HODGES: And people call me anal.
GRISSOM: Well, the whole point of having a "mommy" is to have her do these things for you.
CATH: So the acid was no doubt supplied by the same sweet thing who gave him breast milk from that ... boobs-ahoy dress.

Hodges - get out of my PureJoy scene, dammit! Somebody around here had the perfect siggy banner for this scene.

* -- oh, you guys know what comes last. I'm sure you scrolled down here to begin with, just to get to the conversation--
GRISSOM: I've enjoyed working with you.
CATH: Which part? The part where I got in your face or the part where I, uh, lost evidence, or uh, maybe you just miss me.
GRISSOM: I did miss you. I missed your passion and your tenacity. I even missed your tush.
CATH: Really. Thank you.
BRASS: Sorry to interrupt. I miss the punch line?
CATH: Yeah.
BRASS: So Bruce lied about the kid. There was an out-of-state adoption that placed the day the kid was born.
WAITRESS: Anything to drink, sir?
BRASS: And Bruce's mother ... (to the waitress) -- a light beer, please. (to Grissom and Catherine) His mother was a piece of work.
CATH: So, is Tanya going to take the fall?
GRISSOM: Can't convict her for cheerleading.
BRASS: You can if there's LSD in her pom-poms. Acid makes her culpable. Class A felony.
CATH: Any more culpable than his wife, who just let him lie there?
BRASS: You know, what I can't get my mind wrapped around is, uh, you got a guy who's tough enough to get to the top of the heap in Vegas, all this power, and he ends up crawling around a playpen.
GRISSOM: That's the point, isn't it? It's only the truly powerful that have the luxury to relinquish power.
CATH: But diapers?
GRISSOM: Why not? Where would you go if you had the connections and the cash to go anywhere you wanted?
BRASS: I hear Fiji's nice.
GRISSOM: Eiger went further. He went all the way back to his childhood.
BRASS: Yeah. I think I'd take Fiji.

Yeah Brass. You missed the punchline...and interrupted one of the greatest PureJoy moments in CSI history, Damn you!! Oh well. At least he knew he interrupted a GC moment and was apologetic about it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

you mean this banner?

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