Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

You're problably right, Ren, but does Ecklie really think he has a chance with Cath ? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I surely gonna be hated for saying that but I love Ecklie ! he's a real jerk but we always have great scenes with him :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I agree, Erica. The issue was not about jealousy between Catherine and Sofia. It was an issue between supervisors. Catherine was sharpish with Sofia because she was pissed, and Sofia was just in the way. "Collateral damage", as one might put it.

Later, in Room Service (6x02), Gil references that with his remark in that cute phone scene:

(Grissom is walking away from the site and dialing his cell phone.)

CATHERINE: (from phone) This is Catherine.

GRISSOM: (to phone) It's Gil. How you doing?

CATHERINE: (from phone) I'm busy. Checking up on me?

GRISSOM: (to phone) Why would I need to do that?

CATHERINE: (from phone) You tell me.

GRISSOM: (to phone) Look, I know you tend to get a little territorial about your crime scenes, and I don't want there to be any tension between us, so I'm giving you fair warning.

bobo said:
but does Ecklie really think he has a chance with Cath ?
Hey, a man can dream, and Cath is pretty much the dream girl of every man in the lab, I'd say :D But seriously, no, he isn't her type, I don't think.

bobo said:
Anyway, I surely gonna be hated for saying that but I love Ecklie ! he's a real jerk but we always have great scenes with him
You're not alone in loving Ecklie. Just like Sam Braun, Ecklie is a PureJoy anti-fan in that he knows there's something going on between Cath and Gil (why the split otherwise???) but he would like to take Gil's place. Sam, well, he's just the kind of Dad for whom no man is ever good enough for his daughter :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Collateral Damage, a very good point. :lol: Yeah, so I guess I was putting a little more of my bias into it then. ;P Well...what do you think was the whole thought behind the flicking of the glued tie?

Um, talking about Ecklie now. Someone mentioned a picture with Billy with the actor who has the part of Ecklie, and how they were friends. Um..I think I remember something about how they were friends from even before the show. :p But I might have the wrong info.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GraveyardIntern said:
Collateral Damage, a very good point. :lol: Yeah, so I guess I was putting a little more of my bias into it then. ;P Well...what do you think was the whole thought behind the flicking of the glued tie?

Um, talking about Ecklie now. Someone mentioned a picture with Billy with the actor who has the part of Ecklie, and how they were friends. Um..I think I remember something about how they were friends from even before the show. :p But I might have the wrong info.
Yup Marc Vann (Ecklie) and Billy P. had a movie together before. Oh and speaking of Ecklie, he guested on The OC (the episode was aired just last March) and he played a detective there.

*sighs with you on the end scene of King Baby*

and McFan enjoy your trip on the CSI set. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ren28 said:
I agree, Erica. The issue was not about jealousy between Catherine and Sofia. It was an issue between supervisors. Catherine was sharpish with Sofia because she was pissed, and Sofia was just in the way. "Collateral damage", as one might put it.
I absolutely agree on that. I never saw it as Cath being threatened by Sofia. This was totally a Gil/Cath blow-up with Sofia in the wrong place at the wrong time. As I said in my review - At this point, Gil has no clue as to why Cath is upset with this. As much as he tries not to, he's still considering Cath as his "right & left hands" and not an equal-rank supervisor. The least he could have done was called Cath to give her a heads-up that he was going in to cover the autopsy. She certainly would have said "please wait for me".
ren28 said:
Later, in Room Service (6x02), Gil references that with his remark in that cute phone scene.
Actually, I thought that Room Service line referred more to our next episode to be discussed - big middle
CATHERINE: What's the deal? You're coming to my crime scenes before I get to them now?

Two episodes in a row where he's there at her scenes - even though they're on different shifts and both are supervisors. (even though the first one was an Ecklie mandate)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Now y'all are making me want to watch King Baby....hey! I can watch it right now! I have my iPod! :D:D:D:D Joy.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GraveyardIntern said:
Collateral Damage, a very good point. :lol: Yeah, so I guess I was putting a little more of my bias into it then. ;P Well...what do you think was the whole thought behind the flicking of the glued tie?

Ah, my young angsty one! Well, I think you were right to read a tinge of angst into the glued bowtie scene. But I must say the first time I saw it, that glued bowtie that was placed on the table screamed "noose" to me, especially in the context of Sofia's words and her whole body language.

GRISSOM: Well, the broadcast's out on Janelle and her car. When she turns up, she'll have to answer for it.

SOFIA CURTIS: Well, that's ... (She glances behind her.) ...highly unsatisfying.

(Sofia stands up. She puts Grissom's tie on the table.)

SOFIA CURTIS: You forgot this at the suite. I fixed it for you. You never know when you might need to get dressed up again.

(Sofia leaves the room; Grissom watches her go. Catherine picks up the tie.)

CATHERINE: (amused) She glued it.

(Catherine's phone rings.)

CATHERINE: Just keep in mind, Gil, that she is on Ecklie's team.
Personally, although I can only take angst in wee little drops :lol: I actually loved this scene because it has so many layers to it.

It comes just before Mea Culpa and the split. As a highly intuitive woman and a consummate people person who knows how to navigate the political waters, I think Catherine senses trouble ahead for Gil. Wherefore the flick to the glued bowtie. As someone commented earlier, how the heck is anyone going to be able to use that bowtie again, now that it has been glued?!? Which is why it screamed "noose" to me immediately.

Plus, notice Sofia's words just before that: she considered Gil's work and possibly his attitude towards his work too: "highly unsatisfying". Was she going to report that back to Ecklie? Catherine thought so, I suspect.

Sofia's remark: "You never know when you might need to get dressed up again" shows that she saw Catherine help him with his bowtie earlier on, knew that he didn't know how to tie it on for himself. That bowtie scene seemed to have been used by Sofia as a metaphor of Gil's performance: it seemed to me that she thought he looked good (physically and in the results he produced) because Catherine was always there for him, looking out for him, looking after him and taking care of everything... well, almost. :D So "You never know when you might need to get dressed up again" - in terms of what he was wearing, or in terms of the results he managed to produce?

So for me, that was a feral scene: two wild cats facing off, one hapless puppy in between them. :lol: Was Cath jealous? I don't know that jealous is the word I'd use: somewhat insecure because Gil might not see the trap he was walking into, a trap in the beguiling person of Sofia. But I don't think that was the primary reason she flicked the glued bowtie.

:p Sorry this turned out to be so long!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

sofia was just in the wrong place. which probably set cath off even more. jealous? maybe a little. upset with gil? oh yeah! that wasn't even about the crime scene or the autospy. that was about he didn't wait for HER.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
Actually, I thought that Room Service line referred more to our next episode to be discussed - big middle
CATHERINE: What's the deal? You're coming to my crime scenes before I get to them now?
It Catherine's line and Gil's silence that gave me to think that Ecklie may have intimated to Grissom the need for more than just help with this high-profile case.
GRISSOM: It's nothing personal, Catherine. (Catherine turns around to look at Grissom.) Cases like these rain down hard. You need all the help you can get.

CATHERINE: I need help, not supervision.

(Grissom doesn't say anything. He nods at the body.)
And in Room Service
GRISSOM: (to phone) It's Gil. How you doing?

CATHERINE: (from phone) I'm busy. Checking up on me?

GRISSOM: (to phone) Why would I need to do that?

CATHERINE: (from phone) You tell me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ren28 said:
So for me, that was a feral scene: two wild cats facing off, one hapless puppy in between them. :lol: Was Cath jealous? I don't know that jealous is the word I'd use: somewhat insecure because Gil might not see the trap he was walking into, a trap in the beguiling person of Sofia. But I don't think that was the primary reason she flicked the glued bowtie.
I'm in agreement there too. I never saw Cath as being "jealous" in that scene. I saw her "heads up" warning to Gil as being just that - a "heads up", because as we see two episodes later (Mea Culpa) that Sofia is the one who's investigating the "incident". From an earlier conversation in Formalities, Cath asks Nick "ever work with her?" (meaning Sofia). So I'm guessing Cath has worked with her before and also knows that with Sofia being Ecklie's "right hand", there might be something lurking down the road that will unexpectedly happen - and it does.

Also, I saw the "flick" of the bowtie as Cath kind of saying "it's glued. Nothing more you can do about it"

ETA: ren - I took Gil's silence there as him thinking that there's no way to continue this conversation to where Cath will accept the result. He knew she would just continue arguing, and at this point, they were at a high-profile crime scene that needed to be processed. Remember later when she comes to his office to tell him about the lost photo card - she says "we have a problem" and he says "oh no, not again" with a roll of his eyes. He's thinking she's on another rampage, especially since this just occurred after the autopsy blow-up.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
ETA: ren - I took Gil's silence there as him thinking that there's no way to continue this conversation to where Cath will accept the result. He knew she would just continue arguing, and at this point, they were at a high-profile crime scene that needed to be processed. Remember later when she comes to his office to tell him about the lost photo card - she says "we have a problem" and he says "oh no, not again" with a roll of his eyes. He's thinking she's on another rampage, especially since this just occurred after the autopsy blow-up.
Could be. Gil's silence can be interpreted in many ways. But certainly she thought he was sent to supervise her and he did not disabuse her of that notion, at least not that we were given to know.

King Baby is such an exciting episode, isn't it? It has coherence and continuity, great dramatic and sexual tension and sharp humour. A pity they don't do GC eps quite like this one anymore. :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^which was probably the most couply arguement they've ever had. he didn't expect a "real" problem, just the wife griping.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

You put a lot of thought into that line, ren. You make yourself perfectly clear ;) I sort of get it now. Me and my youth. :lol:

EDIT: I agree with the wife-griping statement, coolc. A very good point. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

You're coming along just fine, gravey, I assure you! And I absolutely agree - the Gil eye-roll and groan was such a hubby thing to do. In this episode, they relate to each other on so many levels: they compete, they cooperate, and they flirt with each other... he leans on her (bowtie, speech, etc.) and she looks out for him. What have I missed out here?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Reading your comments, I think that this epi contains all what we love in Cath/Gil's relationship !
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