Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

It's ok. I see. Again: thank you! :)

In my opinion Shooting Stars:
Right at the start Gil see the stars. (I like thigs: he think Catherine) ;)

And, the morning, they walking the desert (this is the fantastic turn), they talk of one thing and another, they have emotional wink talk. (my mind) :p

I have got funny-fantastic think. True? :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Oh yeah! How could I forgot about the GCtv awards? :lol: Sometimes we also throw in some cute caps for coolc to cap. Believe me, she has the best caps. ;) She has this ability to make you snort out your drink and laugh your arsh off. :D

Speaking of month to ago before season 7 airs. It's not like I'm really looking forward to the new season. LOL. But I love my Cath and I can't wait for Built to Kill which, according to the spoilers, is going to be Cath-heavy. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

yeah, they are sucking up to us, aren't they?

built to kill will probably be a great ep and i so want to see marg's performance but i'm goint to have to watch grey's instead. tmtb want to give me crap then i'll go elsewhere.

now, caps...can i have caps tomorrow?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hey guys! I'm finally out of lurking again and hopefully I'll stay out for a while. I've missed so much, I don't think I've posted since #16 and now we're on #22. Wow. so much to catch up on, but where to begin?

First off big PureJoy welcome to all of the newbies and Hello to anyone else that I haven't met here before :)

Now for the big stuff

I can't believe that TMTB were thinking about putting Cath through all that drama. I mean kiddnapping Lindsey, killing Sam, having Cath getting in a car accident and all that is just too much I think for one woman to handle at once let alone two eps. I'm glad that they're at least trying a little bit to give the show more character stuff and yeah make it a little bit more "soap-ish" but that is just a little too much. And how can they kill Sam, he brings alot of Cath's "character stuff" into the show. And he's given us some good GC scene's too. They can't kill him off it's just wrong. But I guess that's ok since TMTB can't seem to do anything right anymore anyway :p I just hope that not all of those spoilers are true. Except that GC one when Gil goes to the scene of Cath's accident and they're allowed to make eye contact. :lol:

I know alot of people aren't gonna watch s7 and I honestly don't blame them but I love Cath, she's really the only reason I'm still watching but I'm not giving up on GC and I never will so my eyes will be glued to CSI every thursday night until its off the air.

I love the GCTV awards you guys had. I voted in a couple of the polls but that was it. I have to say the results were awesome :D and the little icons were adorable Hottie!

I'm so excited that Gil shaved his beard he looks so young and different now. He looks like he did 3 years ago before he grew it. Maybe now that we have the "old Gil" back physically, maybe he'll be back mentally and emotionally too. You never know :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Oooooh welcome back csibutterfly05! It's really nice, you know, to welcome both newbies and oldies back at the same time. PureJoy is spreading, hehe. :D But you hadn't posted anything since thread #16? Shame on you, girl. You gotta make up for that! :lol:

coolc, I'm working on Snuff right now. It's got a great teaser...Cath and Gil watching porn together! :lol: Do you think the caps will be ok for you to cap?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^what do you think? i'll let you use your own discretionon that one.

oh snuff. great beginning to that ep. shame gil had to go play with the bugs.

csi butterfly, welcome back. we've missed you.

now, the new gil pics? got to look again cuz those look old.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ i'm with coolc on finding pi........the EMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's presenting at the emmys and if hes shaved well obviously that's going to show...and no doubt that there will be caps at various sites...and if marg goes maybe we'll get a shot of them together?

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks guys its good to be back :). Yes Erica I do have to make up for all of the lost posts, I've been a very bad girl *bad butterfly* :p

It's nice that Billy gets to present at the Emmy's again this year but I think it would be a lot nicer if Marg was with him. They just look so great together, they have this great chemistry on the show and off. That's what makes Grillows....well, Grillows! And plus we get to see all the sexy pics afterwards. Maybe Marg will at least be there, instead of presenting with Billy. But I haven't heard anything on her presenting so far so I'm not gonna get my hopes up cause the emmy's are what next week I think?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
I'm working on Snuff right now. It's got a great teaser...Cath and Gil watching porn together! :lol
E you must have gotten tired of me complaining about no Snuff caps and decided to do them huh? See. Sometimes whining really works! :lol: :devil:

coolcatz said:
actually we usually have two or three topics going on. we are not only doing ep by ep discussion we also have the gctv awards going, talk about s7 and gc theory in general (along with my occassional round of extreme shippiness)
You? Coolc - extreme shippiness? NOOOOOOOO! I never would have guessed! ;)

I'm guessing if CM has her way, there will be no Billy & Marg together at the Emmys. Can't have their natural chemistry come forth, even if they're on a different program than CSI. People will become spoiled. Can't have that! *insert major sarcasm here*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

csibutterfly05 or shall I call you Christine again? :D Welcome back. I really did miss you. :lol:

Can CM decide who presents at the Emmys?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I wouldn't put it past CM to put her fangs and claws wherever she pleases.

To make this a 3-line post, since E is working on Snuff caps, let's have a little preview, shall we? Another nomination for the PureJoy Hall of Fame. And a plausible reason for us to mention porn here - CG are watching it!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Technically CM shouldn't have control over who presents at the Emmys, she doesn't have any afiliation with the emmys except for the fact that CSI was nominated once. Who presents what and all that is left up to the emmy people I would think.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
EricaSJ said:
I'm working on Snuff right now. It's got a great teaser...Cath and Gil watching porn together! :lol
E you must have gotten tired of me complaining about no Snuff caps and decided to do them huh? See. Sometimes whining really works! :lol: :devil:
LOL kay, you owe me big time. :devil: Actually I had tried to cap Snuff before, but I wasn't satisfied with the caps so I didn't put them on the site. I'm still not satisfied this time, but I guess that's the best I can do. Sigh.

I don't think CM or the CBS network have the power to decide who to pair up with Billy at the Emmys. Suggestion maybe, but decision? No way. I think the Emmy people know well that the quality of CSI has been sliding since (in my opinion) season 4 and it isn't as attractive to the viewers as it used to be anymore. Apparently they are more interested in other newer shows such as GA, DH, or LOST (damn ABC!) whose cast is probably more appealing to the viewers at the moment. So I don't think they'll invite anyone from the CSI cast to present for them, except for the one who really carries the show.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
LOL kay, you owe me big time. :devil: Actually I had tried to cap Snuff before, but I wasn't satisfied with the caps so I didn't put them on the site. I'm still not satisfied this time, but I guess that's the best I can do. Sigh.
I know just how to repay you - if only I could get my dvr to quit spazzing out on me :devil: I swear it's here just to torture me. As for the caps, don't worry about how great they are! It's got Cath & Gil watching porn, Cath in curls, and Cath & Sara working together wonderfully. How could the caps be bad at all?!

I don't think they'll invite anyone from the CSI cast to present for them, except for the one who really carries the show.
yeah, you mean the one that isn't going to be sticking around for much of the show this season? That sounds about normal. *is my sarcasm showing through loud & clear yet*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
I know just how to repay you - if only I could get my dvr to quit spazzing out on me :devil: I swear it's here just to torture me.
LMAO it's okay. We'll work it out, or so I think. :lol:

kaylyne said:
yeah, you mean the one that isn't going to be sticking around for much of the show this season? That sounds about normal. *is my sarcasm showing through loud & clear yet*
Yup, loud and clear, my dear. :lol: But you see, although I'm not one of them, a lot of people are watching CSI for the character of Gil Grissom. Even the people who don't watch particullarly for him know that he presents the show. As CM once said, he's the soul of it (although you gotta wonder where the soul has gone now, LOL).
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