Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Great, great epi . When I heard that Tarentino was the director, I was WAOW . I love his movies (Pulp Fiction is surely my fav) . As someone said, I like the way that all the CSI work together ; we can see a real team on the screen . The convo between Catherine and Gil about the money is great, with the Nick's parents too ! I love the scene when Nick talks to Grissom and the Gil's reaction behind the screen . All the atmosphere and the suspens are so well described . The end, when they found Nick, when Gil put his hands on the coffin, the fear in the eyes of Warrick, the moment when Catherine discovers about the explosive ... and the last sentence, when Grissom says to Ecklie that he wants his team back !!! waow, unforgettable epi .It was a real finale season's epi :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
and i completely agree with the comparisons between the grissoms and the stokes.
The Grissoms, huh? *snickers*

Great job, kay. Can't wait for the rest of your recap. :)

ETA: Hahaha AngelEyez found this shirt for Gil. Doesn't that line sound familiar? :lol:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I think I left off at Cath & Gil with the money in his office. The rest of the episode seemed a bit ho-hum to me, but let's continue on:

* --Gil makes the drop--
WALTER GORDON: Are you terrified?
GRISSOM: Look, I really don't want to talk to you. Where is my guy?
WALTER GORDON: Oh, so ... he is 'your guy', huh?
GRISSOM: Yes, he is. Where is he buried?
WALTER GORDON: Are you two close?
GRISSOM: That's none of your business.
WALTER GORDON: What does Nick Stokes mean to you? How do you feel when you see him in that coffin? Does your soul die every time you push that button? How do you feel, knowing that there's nothing you can do to get him out of that hell? Helpless ... useless ... impotent………………………….Good. Welcome to my world.

He hit the nail on the head there. Yes, Gil looks at Nick like a son, something I don’t think Gil realized until this all started.

* --Cath vs the money—
(the money stuck to Cath’s shoe as she walks through the warehouse.)
CATH: (mutters) What I had to do to get this money and for what.

Oh, I definitely want to know what that was. I’m guessing there was a “please daddy” involved somewhere. Probably my favorite scene in the whole episode!!

* --Nick shoots the light—
Warrick’s reaction to Nick shooting out the light was a wonderful scene. First a “you son of a bitch”, followed by laughter in relief.

* --like father, like daughter—
KELLY GORDON: How many did he get?
BRASS: Hey, we're all still here.
SARA: Nick is still missing.
SARA: The CSI is still missing. Do you know where he is?
KELLY GORDON: That's pretty funny -- you guys not being able to find something.

It would be pretty funny if it wasn’t so serious with Nick’s life on the line.

* --Warrick freaks out—
GREG: Was that necessary? Never mind my clothes. Look at the evidence.
CATH: Sorry, Greg. I'll go talk to him.

I’m quite surprised that Warrick was the first (and only one) to flip out. I also like the fact that Cath knows when she needs to get into “supervisor (or mother) mode”.

* --I know you—
CATH: Hey, Warrick, hey. Hey, how you holding up?
WARRICK: I'm not.
CATH: I know.
WARRICK: I just can't help thinking that could have been me in that box, you know? We flipped a coin for that trash run.
CATH: Hey, Nick is not inside a box because of the flip of a coin.
WARRICK: If that was me, I would have
CATH: Hey, you know what? I know you. I don't believe that. Okay?
WARRICK No. You're wrong. I wouldn't have lasted this far. Catherine, if something happens to Nick, if we don't bring him back in one piece


* --I’ve got something—
It’s a dog. It’s a damn dog!! It was great how they went between them digging and Nick in the coffin hearing noises outside.

* --Nick records the tape—
Gil watching him and reading his lips was so sweet….until the ants come. It was cute when Gil gets excited about something on the computer screen – then we see that he’s excited because of a bug and was able to print the picture to find out what kind! Typical!!

* --mapping it out—
I like this scene where they’re putting it all together in the layout room. Each person adds a critical piece of the puzzle. Then Sara picks the correct one where Kelly Gordon used to work.

* --getting the signal—
Cath gets the signal for the web feed, stumbles over the pipe. Her scream of “NICKY” always brings shivers.

* --halucinating?—
The hilarious autopsy of Nick with Doc and Nick’s dad is so funny, with Nick watching. Just what the viewers needed to lighten things up.

* --the removal—
They come so close, only to find out that the box is rigged with explosives. Gil’s shout of “Pancho” just reiterates the father/son relationship between them, and the whole family feel of the team.

* --safe and sound—
Cath & Warrick climb into the ambulance with Nick. The “other team” stands by and watches them drive away. Oh how I love this scene…capped off with Gil’s “I want my guys back” to Ecklie. The only thing that could have been better would have been for him to say “I want my family back”.

* -- the ending—
How could this season end with such a crappy scene as this? Nick visiting Kelly Gordon. This just did NOT work. They had the perfect ending in the previous scene.

That’s it – finally.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

do you have any skin left on your fingers?

i so loved the autopsy scene. that was a great moment of comic relief.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Alrighty then - Grave Danger it is. And, might I add, how refreshing it is to have a new writer/director in here who actually FOLLOWS the show and knows all about the characters and their backstories, and the "little" things that USED to make the show as good as it had been.
True! I love it that Tarantino follows the show and knows the characters inside out.

EricaSJ said:
coolcatz said:
and i completely agree with the comparisons between the grissoms and the stokes.
The Grissoms, huh? *snickers*
Hell yeah! I love that too.. now so wanna watch Grave Danger again.. oh noes. :eek:

Love that shirt! :lol: We should send that to Gil as his birthday present, lol!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
do you have any skin left on your fingers?
Thank goodness for copy & paste on a lot of it (the quotes). I've actually developed a few calluses on my fingertips, plus "mouse wrist" from working with my mouse too much in the past week!! My hand is starting to stick in the "mouse" position!! :lol:
Thankfully season 6 pretty much sucked so no extremely long reviews!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

hey, you gotta love family time with the grissoms.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Love the shirt. I think it might be on my christmas list. :D

Grave Danger already? Holy moly we're fast. Well I loved the GC dynamics mixed with the Sam-angsty-ness. This is perhaps the last masterpiece TMTB (they were TPTB when they wrote this) are ever going to create. :lol: Although I try to be optimistic, the name TMTB are really getting to me. I hope they can turn it around next season.

Speaking of Season 7, anyone know when it premieres?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ September 21st. :D

kay, I'm going to miss your long reviews. :( On the other hand, though, there were a few nice episodes from early season 6. So I still expect your excellent reviews on them. Oh c'mon, you won't give up Shooting Stars, Secrets and Flies, A Bullet Runs Through It, Werewolves, and Kiss Kiss, Bye-Bye, will ya? ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
kay, I'm going to miss your long reviews. :( On the other hand, though, there were a few nice episodes from early season 6. So I still expect your excellent reviews on them. Oh c'mon, you won't give up Shooting Stars, Secrets and Flies, A Bullet Runs Through It, Werewolves, and Kiss Kiss, Bye-Bye, will ya? ;)
Well that pretty much sums up the only decent episodes in season 6 - although ABRTI wasn't really a favorite of mine. Strangely, I've actually re-watched Shooting Stars and Secrets & Flies on dvd the last two nights. Maybe I'll get KKBB out yet tonight. I think I need a Sam-fix.

I'm sure the full-episode reviews will continue. the rest of y'all need to chime in with more discussion on your favorite parts - not just saying that "it's all been said previously, so there's nothing left to say". Otherwise I feel like I'm continually saying too much, because in reality, I'm not much of a talker...more of a listener. (that might seem a bit strange since I'm a radio announcer.)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
I'm sure the full-episode reviews will continue. the rest of y'all need to chime in with more discussion on your favorite parts - not just saying that "it's all been said previously, so there's nothing left to say". Otherwise I feel like I'm continually saying too much, because in reality, I'm not much of a talker...more of a listener. (that might seem a bit strange since I'm a radio announcer.)
You never say too much kay , your long reviews always keep us going, episode discussions are never complete without your great work so keep them coming! ;)

Man, you guys are really making me eager to watch Grave Danger , it comes on next week over here, this week I get Iced (double meaning? :lol:) which isn't a GC epi as I've heard :(

Never mind, it's always good to save the best for the last. For me, the best season finale so far is Strip Strangler where they also had the whole team together. IMO that's the most proper way to end an ensemble show, they really are a family as much as a team :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

rebec said:
Never mind, it's always good to save the best for the last. For me, the best season finale so far is Strip Strangler where they also had the whole team together. IMO that's the most proper way to end an ensemble show, they really are a family as much as a team :)
Ditto. A lot of people may think my favorite season finale would be Inside the Box since I'm a PureJoy shipper, but my favorite is actually Strip Strangler. I do love ITB, but CSI wouldn't be CSI without the whole team. The end scene in SS is probably one of my most cherished scenes from CSI ever. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne, don't stop. i comment where i have comments that are allowable.

strip strangler was a great finale, perfect example of how a finale should be done.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ kaylyne i think your episode reviews are great!

rebec Iced is a v funny episode, if there were a few more G/C moments then it would be the perfect ep IMO.

Anyway, I agree Strip Strangler was a great episode, it kinda mirrors Grave Danger a bit. Favourite SS quote:

Catherine: Never doubt. Never look back. That's how I live my life.
Grissom: I admire that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks CSIangel

*feels reassured, starts counting down to Iced *


Hey! They are backtracking and showing Who Shot Sherlock? , guess they'll show Snakes next week, that means I'll have to wait about a month for Grave Danger :(

*stops ranting and goes back to watching CSI*
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