Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

ren28 said:
Gosh, xitalianxromanc, that was just awful! You've not only attacked Jorja Fox, made the Mods angry with us, but also defaced Erica's beautiful website.

Hottie_Cath said:
Aww come on you gals you're making me watch CSI again
How about making a compilation of just the lovely GC moments so you can watch with all of the pleasure and none of the aggravation? ;) Hmm. Didn't someone say she did that?
Oh somebody did that on Season 6's Way To Go. :D And she sent the edited episode to me. :D And kaylyne has a compilation of the gc moments i think.
AngelEyez said:
ren28 said:
Gosh, xitalianxromanc, that was just awful! You've not only attacked Jorja Fox, made the Mods angry with us, but also defaced Erica's beautiful website.

Uh... I had the exact same thought. Having an opinion is one thing... but dragging others into it in such a way is just... low.
Uh yeah I just read the line that came with the pic she made and Erica was not at all aware of what she did.

AngelEyez said:
LOL Hottie_Cath, I love your excitement. I hope you won't be disappointed.
Ack! :eek: Please not the HQ pic of the episode which must not be named. When I saw that pic and I wasn't thrilled at all. LOL.

*runs to look at The Finger caps instead*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Hottie_Cath said:
AngelEyez said:
LOL Hottie_Cath, I love your excitement. I hope you won't be disappointed.
Ack! :eek: Please not the HQ pic of the episode which must not be named. When I saw that pic and I wasn't thrilled at all. LOL.

LOL! No.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

*breezes in again*

Wow. That certainly wasn't the best pic to see first thing in the morning. Mercedes, I'm glad you like my stuff, but don't you think you needed to at least inform me of moderating it before you posted? I most definitely wouldn't say yes if you had asked me anyway. My art is for enjoyment instead of insulting. I have told you not only once that this is the C/G thread and that we're here to enjoy our ship, not to inslut others. I have also asked you to leave other ships and characters alone and just focus on C/G in our thread, but you wouldn't listen. And now you're using my art to diss a character whom I actually like? I request you to remove that link as soon as you read this, and please DO NOT moderate my fan art in any way ever again. I also suggest you spend your time making good C/G stuff instead of doing things like this.

My apology to anyone who feels offended (Gosh I feel offended). I'm sorry my artwork was used in this lame way.

ETA: If any of the mods sees this and the link is still there, please remove it. I made the original banner and I believe I have the right to request this when I think it's abused. Thanks in advance.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Aww. Erica, you've nothing to apologise for. Your website has been a source of great fun and enjoyment for all of us, and only that. Thanks for putting up all those caps.

Yes, it has been misused and abused, and I'm revulsed, but not by you. *hugs*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Yeah, not your fault, E. I ditto ren's comments.

That really bummed me out. I had to go watch the 5x21 committed episode (which I never, ever re-watch) with Jorja's commentary, and Jorja's movie Food for the heart (which she's WONDERFUL in).

Now - are we getting back to GC? My brain is so flustered now I can't even remember where we were - and I really don't want to go back through all that to check. So, anyway...a little more CG (& others) updated at my usual place. Got a start on feel the heat. Care for a preview?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

kaylyne your icons are always awesome (and i'm still stuck on john and maureen---you so made me buy mcclintock)

uh **xitalia** that was very uncool. that is a cast picture and jorja is a member of the cast. plus that is erica's artwork and you defaced it. not cool again. we're purejoy shippers for a reason and that just doen't fit with the purejoy theme. it would be a good idea to remove the link

now what comes after nhi or are we still gushing over piggy?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

^ There's never enough of the piggy! But if we continue, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop anytime soon. :D The next episode is Who Shot Sherlock?, one of the lighter episodes from season 5. It also has the best scene of the whole team. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

um, don't remember too much from this one. from this point on s5 kinda sucks except for a couple of high points.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Well, the cases aren't really that impressive to me, but the three things I'll never forget about this episode are:

The jello man...

Cath's giggles...

And the end scene. :)

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Coolc - don't get me started on JW/MO movies! I LOVE all 5. (TQM was the best) Those two were great pals off-screen too (as were their families).

Sorry, sorry, back on topic (I said, don't get me started!)
After NHI, we've got Who shot sherlock

* --Greg's final proficiency--
(Will he make it successful?) How appropo that it's about Sherlock Holmes. Seems more of a Gil Grissom episode than one for Greg. I really like the Sara/Greg interaction in this one. Here you get to see Sara teaching Greg a bit more that Gil does.

* --will he say it again?--
GREG: So, are you going to say, "the game's afoot"?
GRISSOM: I didn't know you were a Conan Doyle fan, Greg.
GREG: I'm not. I saw a Sherlock Holmes movie once by mistake.
GRISSOM: Well, just so you know ... those movies never ended like this.

Of course he won't say that phrase again. That was a PureJoy line in the teaser of PMJ

* --Nick/Warrick's case--
Blah! Unmemorable. The guy who ends up being electrocuted while driving his jeep over a downed powerline.

* --Doc doesn't always know?--
ROBBINS: Unless some other evidence comes to light, I'm done. Sometimes I can't tell you why they die.

* --Cath/Conrad round 1--
CONRAD: Swing shift's short a couple of bodies.
CATH: Yes, and when is that going to change?
CONRAD: Not anytime soon -- Catherine, there are budget constraints. You'll have to prioritize.
WARRICK: Should we come back?
CONRAD: No, no, no, come on in. So, how's your, uh, your surfer dude case?
WARRICK: Uh, the victim's roommate admits they got high together, but denies being in the jeep at the time of the accident. At this point, we can't place him there.
NICK: Brakes on the jeep were functioning. The driver should've been able to stop.
CATH: Any signs of foul play?
NICK: No. Something's not right.
CONRAD: All right, nothing suspicious and no crime's committed? Put the case to bed. I'm sure your supervisor can keep you busy. Close it.
WARRICK: Sounds like he's more concerned with getting it done than getting it right.
CATH: Are you guys satisfied?
NICK: We don't have an answer.
CATH: Then get one.
WARRICK: What about Ecklie?
CATH: My problem, not yours

Awww. Me loves Cath in sympathetic supervisor mode. We all know Cath will wrap Ecklie around her little finger the way she always does.

* --watch it wiggle/see it jiggle--
CATH: What ... what is going on?
NICK: We're finishing up the case.
CATH: Do you know how much ballistic gel costs?
WARRICK: I didn't know you did.
CATH: I just thought you guys were gonna go over your notes, look over the case file.
WARRICK: Well, hold on now. We found electrical burn marks on the roll bar and the jeep's undercarriage. And we found blown out fuses on the instrument panel and the starter. That would explain why the jeep wasn't running.
NICK: Yeah, we called Nevada Power, and they confirmed there was a downed power line the day of the accident.
CATH: So, you're saying the victim was electrocuted?
NICK: Yeah.
WARRICK: So we replaced the fuses, we connected the jeep to a power source, and we hooked up gelatin man here to a meter.
CATH: Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle, I get it. Well, you're gonna need at least six milliamps to prove your theory.
NICK: I'm on it.

* --bossy cath?--
CATH: So I know that I've never said this to you guys before, but ... hide the evidence.
NICK: Thanks for getting our back.
CATH: We're a team, guys.
WARRICK: Oh, since we're a team, you gonna help us clean up?
NICK: Yeah.
CATHERINE: (laughs) No. I'm the boss.

* --Uh-oh/Cath-Conrad round 2--
CONRAD: I thought you told me you closed the Cory Demayo case. Catherine, nothing happens in this lab that I don't know about.
CATH: Then I'm sure you know the case is now closed.
CONRAD: Did I make a mistake promoting you?
CATH: Yeah, you should have given me the day shift. But I'm making it work.

She always charms him in the end, doesn't she?

* --did Greg make it?--
NICK: Hey, Greg, Grissom wants to see you.
WARRICK: Like now, in his office.
(Greg goes to Gil's office)
GREG: Grissom. You wanted to see me.
(finds the dummy sitting in the chair with "you passed" written on his chest. Turns around to see the gang cheering him)
CATH: Well done.
CONRAD: Congratulations, Sanders. Good work.
GREG: Thank you.
CONRAD: Okay, gang, there's people to put in jail. Let's get back to it, shall we? Come on, come on, now. Party's over. Let's go.
NICK: Good job.
GREG: I don't get it. I got the wrong guy, the wrong manner of death.
GRISSOM: I don't expect you to be correct in all your interpretations all the time. You collected the evidence. You thought there was something missing, you went back and found it. Hey, that's the job. Congratulations, Greg.
GREG: Thank you.

Awwwww. The last scene is just so cute. Even though they're on different shifts now, you know they still care very much about each other, and want to participate in their joys (& sorrows). It's interesting to me at the very end how Gil still stays in his office while the others are having champagne. I'm sure he's looking at them like the rest of us are - they may not be on the same shift anymore, but they're still a team. Actually, let me re-phrase that - they're still a family
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

CONRAD: Did I make a mistake promoting you?

CATH: Yeah, you should have given me the day shift. But I'm making it work.

that last line is why cath is so wonderful to me. she takes what life gives her and she makes it work.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

^ Ditto. I think that is the best thing anyone has ever said to Ecklie. Hehe. And yes, Cath always takes what life gives her and makes it work in her own way. I think it's part of the reason why Gil admires her. In fact, not only Gil but the lot of people who love Cath. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

unlike nick who sees the world moving to accomodate him (another cool outlook on life, shows how he can deal with being buried in a box...oops i guess i should hop to goober's thread huh?) cath adapts to her world and moves around the bumps and blocks it throws at her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Which epi was it (Swap meet?) where she has her little frustrated talk with Gil? When she says she's missing out on her daughters life. Well, we all know that Cath going to Swing even makes things worse. I wonder if Ecklie did that to her to see if she'd actually turn it down. Remember, he knew about her money from Sam (hinted in his little talk with Cath during Mea Culpa). Yet, Cath takes it all in stride - putting Sam's money to good use by moving Lindsey to a stricter school.
Could you imagine TMTB actually putting Cath/Nick/Warrick on "days" when they did the switch instead of "swing"? They knew that if things didn't turn out well with the splitting of the team (which we all knew wouldn't work anyway - DUH!), there would be no reason for the three of them to want to jump back to "graveshift" somewhere down the road. (especially Cath).

ETA: Awwwww. CSI Weekends is on right now. no more bets Gil is just kicking Cath off the case at the neon graveyard. *sniffle*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

oh geez. i miss my csi. but i don't want to give them the viewer.

and that is so my fav gil/cath/sam ep. gil and cath were both so heartbroken when he kicked her off the case.
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