Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*jumps right in like I always seem to do*

*waves hello before I move on*

*blinks at all the spoilers* Kinda difficult to take 'em all in at once.

WHAT THE HELL?! Okay. *takes a deep breath* While I actually find all these spoilers HIGHLY interesting, I will be VERY sad to see Sam go... While I think it COULD make for a FANTASTIC episode (though TPTB will no doubt screw it up somehow), I adore the character of Sam, and I really don't want to see him go. Of course... from a G/C standpoint, my main worry is that Gil won't even know about what's going on (not only with Sam, but with everything else). Or that he WILL know, but we'll just never see a mention of it, not to mention a proper G/C scene (which I think we all deserve after all the crap the latter half of season 6 gave us). I so DESPERATELY want to have my faith in G/C restored - even if it's "just" their friendship, 'cause honestly, at the moment that what I'm missing the most. I just want them to stop screwing with the fantastic and beautiful relationship they truly DO have (with fights and everything) and get back to how they used to be - two beautiful people, both flawed in their own ways, but with this eerie understanding of each other; this connection that simply jumped off the TV screen. That's what I want back, no matter who they're with "romantically". I just fear that they'll screw it up yet AGAIN this season. And yeah. I'm gonna miss Sam.

Well, hello there essay post. LOL

And Gravy - I absolutely loved that response. Wonderfully written.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Hey lookie who's back from vacation! (Oh yeah, I'm being all sour and bitter over here. LOL) Welcome back, Angie! How was the trip? Did you have fun?

I loved your response to the spoilers, LOL. And I 100% agree with you. But as I have said at some other places, practically I don't have faith in TPTB anymore, thanks to the latter half of season six. *shrugs* Good thing that it's just a TV show because no matter what happens on the show, I can still ship my couple as much as I want. ;)

Hottie, I guess they probably are bored, yeah...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Squee! Welcome back Angie and hope you enjoyed your vacation! Well I know you enjoyed your vacation cuz you were strutting your bikini clad bod and all that even during your working days. :lol: :lol:
Yeah the spoilers are kind of overwhelming but right now we're just having fun making silly things out of those spoilers.
And jeez, how can you forget?!?! Give us a reason.. we need to have 50 reasons for Gil's birthday hun!
"GC aren't boring because..."
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Oh yes Angie, give us a reason. I'm sure it'll help you regain some of your PureJoy love. ;)

BTW, you still owe me some bikini pics. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Thank you, darlings! (And Erica, stop all that pouting. You were more than welcome to join me! LOL)

LMFAO And I owe no such thing! Norway was hot, but not hot enough for me to strut around in a bikini. I leave that for work, like Rissa so nicely pointed out. LOL

Oh right! A reason! I knew I'd forgotten something (come on, I had like 10 pages to catch up on! And with my memory of a goldfish and all that... ;)).

*checks back on previous reasons*

#27 They're not boring 'cause Gil offered her hot, steaming sex right there in his office. (What? He did! *g*)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ And don't you find goldfishes just delicious? ;)

Your reason reminded me of my new one...

28. Because he ordered her to be harder and more and then made her sore.

Right. I was more than welcome to join you. You just wouldn't buy me plane tickets. *big pout*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

*now im in the gutter, thanks to Erica and the bikini!* :lol:
I will now add a reason for the GC brotherhood..

GC aren't boring...
29. Because Gil's always UP and about when he's with Cath.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^love the banner. i think they're all really sayin that.

iamemmersingmyselfinthererunstogetasenseofsecurity....hehehe if you didn't catch that i am emmersing myself in the reruns to get a sense of sucks that people need to do that because of the last season....pooo...i just want the first episode to air so i can get a feel of what we're lookin at.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Mmmm the other day I was watching Jackpot, one of the best GC epis, but Gil have some much passion on that epi., I love and miss that gil I think the last time I saw a little of that passion it was in Shooting Stars and Pirates of the ...., when he goes where Lady H was but sence then is like not the same gil that he was in the first season.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

But the gutter is such a LOVELY place to be in! *wants to live in the gutter all the time* Hang on. I already do. Moving on swiftly! ;)

And Erica... well... you never asked me! (Besides, if I had that kinda money, I'd come barge in on you instead. LOL)

AH! LMFAO Okay, so this isn't purely G/C, but they just aired a promo for our "season premiere" on TV (hope to catch the whole thing again later) in which they used clips from "I Like To Watch", and they did the perfect thing at the end:

Voice: "So, is it true that you're not gonna watch the season premiere of 'CSI' on August 14th?"

Grissom: "There's too many forensics shows on TV."

LMAO Ah... that line never gets old. *g*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

too funny. so i read that article at the chicago tribune and i can only come to one conclusion. tptb are set on some sort of incestuously themed relationship. seriously. now the "old married couple" is like brother and sister? lmfao!!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

LOL coolc. I guess he just had to say that to support his own ship. I don't mind his main ship at all, in fact, I like it a lot and it's my secondary ship on CSI although his remark of having a hard time seeing our ship was a bit disturbing to me. LOL. Anyway he might not support our ship, but we know for sure that there are people among TPTB who do see PureJoy. The fights they had proved it. It's just we're not lucky enough to have it on the show. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

true. and i've already stated in other places how i view his main ship in relation to all that is going on. he's done this before and i honestly think even if he was given free reign it would have the same outcome as before. but...

does anyone know who was fighting for our side? i wanna send them something special.

and harvest (see i remembered and thank you for waiting for me). i think this is one of the best "old married couple" examples. and also it is the perfect example of why gil and cath make so much sense. she's been a single mom since basically s1 and most definately since eddie died in s3. she knows how she wants to raise her daughter and she handles everything the best she can. but when her daughter starts acting out (like any 13 yr old) she is given grief by everyone...the cops, the suspects in the case she's working and even doc. and she gets ugly with all of them over their unsolicited advice. but when gil, mr. no personal stuff, talks to her it is different. his first question is out of concern of lindsey's doing drugs which freaks cath who thinks she's too young (ok, which one is living in the bubble on this subject lol). his next is, in his own way, telling her he'd never let her out of the house. her reply is that she doesn't want her to be afraid but her tone gives away that she would consider it. then he gives her the idea of showing lindsey why she doesn't need to do what she is doing by pointing to the morgue and telling her all the reasons are there. so how does she react? the next time we see her she has her daughter in the morgue looking at a body (followed by doc disapproving of her actions).

gil is the only one who tries to be supportive of her here. gil is the only one who she doesn't jump all over when they give advice. she actually does what he suggests, she trusts him that much.

and the beauty of this scene is that most of it is done in that old married couple way with them talking and not always looking at each other but yet always connected.

i miss my csi.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Very well put, CoolC.
You would never think that Gil would be the one to give Cath parenting advice - and that she would actually listen and do what was suggested. Was it the right thing to do? It depends on if the point got through to Lindsey. When was the next time we actually see her (I'm thinking W.W.?) But we do hear in 4X4 that she's at Butterfield and getting "straightened out". So - maybe Gil's suggestion was on the mark.
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