Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ LMAO I so know what you're talking about from DTD. :D But hey, there were some cute PureJoy down the drain, too. ;) Well let's just say it's a hot ep that has our favorite threesome. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Here it is: It's a long one.
5x02 Down the drain --
· ---the drain/in the rain—
Oh, that must have been a not so fun day to be at work for the actors, huh?

· --little goof? Or my eyes going goofy?—
I notice when David pulls the drug vial out of the vic’s pocket, it seems to be a small vial. When Cath is holding the vial, it seems to be twice the size as when David had it. Maybe I’m just seeing things, since it was only a split-second.

· --Gil uses his “supervisory” title to get out of a yucky job—
GIL: Well, at least we know where he came from.
CATH: Aren't we at least gonna draw straws?
GIL: No.

· --startled by a vagrant—
ending of the teaser: Cath & Warrick are startled by what they think is a dead body in the water – only to be a homeless person “taking a nap”.

· --Cath a bit frightened—
Cath is in the drain, searching for clues, when she hears a splash of water not far away.
CATH: Is that you, Warrick?
WARRICK: There you are.
CATH: Phew.

I like how Cath is aware of her surroundings there, and knows that she’s vulnerable being alone down there in the drain. Unlike Gil when he goes to Goggle’s apartment in strip strangler, completely oblivious that any harm could come to him.

· --a glimpse of …*ahem* two “you know who”s –
CATH: (o.s.) Excuse me! --- Down here!
MAN AT BUS STOP: Oh. What's your problem, Sweetie?
CATH: Uh, no problem, sir. I'm just wanting to know what street I'm on. ….. Under.
MAN: Oh, it's, uh, Industrial. You're just South of Tropicana.
CATH: Thank you.
MAN: And I'm not holding the bus.
CATH: Don't bother.

Nice view the man had. That’s all I’m gonna say.

· --Cath has E.S.P.?—
WARRICK: I say we keep going upstream.
CATH: I knew you were gonna say that.
(just LOVE the way Cath says that )

· --Greg’s first autopsy—
At least he held on to his stomach contents!

· --Case closed (some random sayings)—
WARRICK: Daylight. Finally.
CATH: We gotta be into some golden time by now, right?
WARRICK: Oh, yeah.
CATH: ka-ching, ka-ching.
- - - - - -
CATH: This isn't about drugs or beating up homeless dudes. It's just
plain stupidity.

I just love Cath’s attire in these first few scenes. Someone bring the pics, please!!

· --the near kiss (OK, definitely NOT CG, but – damn- it was a HOT scene!)
You know the scene – I don’t have to spell it out for ya! Damn the guy who breaks it up! Would have been funnier if it had been Gil up on the road, breaking up their “moment”. I can imagine the look on his face. Maybe we would have gotten the territorial “what are you doing with him” look from Gil? – the same one we saw with Disco, perhaps?

· --Cath gets to crawl into the sewer (lucky girl)—
I chuckled when I heard the commentary that the crew decided not to tell Marg that they had to shoo out a bunch of “pests” out of those sewer vaults before they started shooting. (was it rats? Or something else? I can’t remember.)

· --Cath/jumpsuit/shades standing in the street—
Someone PLEASE bring the pics!!!

· --Brass turns down some coffee—
BRASS: You mind standing behind the tape? It's for your own safety.
BRASS: There you go.
MARTY KESSLER: Go ahead. Coffee's fresh. Didn't even spit in it……..Not that I ever would. I, I love cops.
BRASS: What's your name?

· --Sara/Greg—
SARA: I heard you finally lost your virginity…..First autopsy. How was it?
GREG: It was fine. How was your first time? How did you react?
SARA: I puked.
GREG: I didn't puke.
SARA: Way to go, tough guy.
GREG: It was weird, seeing a body laying on a table like that. Doc Robbins just pulling out his insides until it was all empty.
SARA: Were you expecting a ball of light?
GREG: Doc Robbins said, "That's all we really are."
SARA: It's what you do with it that counts.

Sara puked? Stoic, non-emotional Sara puked?! I have new found respect for Sara for even admitting that! (well, maybe)

· --Greg gives #1 & #2—
GREG: What are you doing?
GIL: Good. You're here. Fill this up for me, will ya?
GREG: With what?
GIL: It's a urine specimen cup, Greg. What do you think?
GREG: Okay.
(Greg returns)
GIL: That took a long time. You may need a prostate exam.
GREG: My prostate is just fine. I'm not a soda fountain.
GIL: Hopefully you are, 'cause I need a number two as quickly as possible.

No words needed. Just LMAO!

· --Sara/Warrick find bombs—
SARA: I'm not touching anything.
WARRICK: No. Put your stuff down and step away from the closet.
SARA: What?
WARRICK: Put down your stuff and step away from the closet.
SARA: Those are pipe bombs.
WARRICK: (to radio) Dispatch ... this is CSI Brown. We're at the Durbin residence. We have explosives on the scene. Roll out bomb squad immediately.
Roll out bomb squad.
WARRICK: (to Sara) What are you doing?
SARA: There's blood evidence on the door. If the bomb squad detonates the place, it's gone.
SARA: It'll only take a second.

· --Cath: no problems with authority?—
RICK DYSART: We're not through. We swept the house for booby traps. It was clean, but we still haven't done a full search yet.
CATH: Well, why don't you clear an area and we'll process behind you.
DYSART: Scene will still be under my authority.
CATH: I don't have a problem with authority.

HA! Since when?!

· --Get out, NOW—
GRISSOM: (shouts) Hey! The garage is packed with liquid explosives. They're gonna detonate in place. (Catherine can't believe it.) So grab what's
important and get out now! That means you, too, Sara! Right now!

Funny how he has to tell Sara explicitly to get out NOW! Knowing that she would dawdle.

* --a threat?--
BRASS: So what happened? He piss you off? Get in a fight? Maybe called you a mama's boy? Or did you just want to see what it felt like to stab somebody?
OWEN DURBIN: Like I told you, it was an accident.
CATH: Then why did you dump the body down a sewer in the middle of the night?
TERRY DURBIN: He didn't.
CATH: He didn't do it alone. We found the victim's charred clothing folded. Kids don't fold anything, mothers do. You helped him clean up the mess.
BRASS: Yeah, that's kind of funny, because, um, you're not much of a housekeeper.
OWEN DURBIN: If you talk to my mother like that again, I'll kill you.
TERRY DURBIN: Don't you say another word, baby.
OWEN DURBIN: I'll kill both of you.
TERRY DURBIN: I want a lawyer.
CATH: Well, we really don't need a confession.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

LMAO! Here we go. :lol:


Definitely can't leave out the boys, can we? :devil:


Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Oh Oh love that shot! :lol: AngelEyez has a G/C promo pic of Down the Drain on her site.. let me find it.. oh here it is:

Ok I'll make reasons for this ep, 5x02 Down the Drain..
GC aren't boring because..

19. They look cute even when they're under the sewers wearing those loose jackets.
20. They draw straws.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

For 21: They're not boring because they have their own song :D

And Hottie your banner is hysterical!! I love it :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

22: they aren't boring because they have at least five songs.

hottie, you are letting things escape again. and you almost got me kicked out of the library over that banner.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Hottie_Cath said:
Squee! ren you're on a roll!
And then I had to roll out of the door again! :lol:

GRISSOM: Where was she going? --->curious much? I wonder why?
CATHERINE: Fremont Street.
GRISSOM: Was she buying drugs?
CATHERINE: (appalled) No! She's twelve. (She sighs.) She's ... just so angry. She doesn't talk to me.
GRISSOM: Well, if enough people knew what was out there hunting them, they'd never leave their house. I think you need to sit her down.
CATHERINE: Well, I don't want to scare her. I don't want my daughter to be this ... frightened, paranoid kid who's always looking over her shoulder.
GRISSOM: Catherine, there's a big difference between scaring her and preparing her. And all the reasons why you should are in that room.
(Catherine thinks about it.)
Awww. Papa Bear... sorry, Papa Gil... is just so protective and like all over-protective Dads, only the worst thoughts come to his mind - "Was she buying drugs?" I bet for him, where Linds is concerned, paranoid is good! :lol:

· --Gil uses his “supervisory” title to get out of a yucky job—
GIL: Well, at least we know where he came from.
CATH: Aren't we at least gonna draw straws?
GIL: No.
I love this peek into their relationship. They drew straws between them to see who gets to do what... Somehow I find that so very cute.

And Erica and Rissa, those pics were hot!!! :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Glad you liked, ren. :D

So, Harvest anyone? If not, maybe we can go on. Mmmmm next episode would be Crow's Feet. Basically no C/G, but it's a great great Cath-centered episode. As a Cath fan, I'd love to know what everyone thinks about it. Of course you can skip it and go directly to Swap Meet, too. There's only one scene, but it was a memoriable scene. One of the bests from the entire season. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I guess we’re moving quickly --Harvest – Not one of my favorites:

* --the pre-teen rebel--
CATH: I'm Catherine Willows. What's the trouble?
OFFICER: With the Amber Alert, we've been keeping an eye out. Found your daughter up on Boulder Highway trying to hitch a ride downtown. (Catherine glares at Lindsay who rolls her eyes at her mom.) Now, kids this age, they need a firm hand at home, and ...
CATH: Thank you, Officer. I appreciate everything you've done. Let's go.
- - - -
CATH: Okay, what or who is on Fremont Street that you would risk your life to get to? Mouthing off to teachers, slipping grades and now hitchhiking. I mean, what is next, Lindsey?
LINDSEY: Stripping.
CATH: What did you just say? …………..Okay, no phone, no friends, no nothing.
LINDSEY: For how long?
CATH: A month.
LINDSEY: Whatever.
CATH: Hey, you want to make it two?
LINDSEY: Dad always said you were a drama queen.
CATH: Well, what do you expect, Lindsay, since he was always high.
LINDSEY: I'd take dad high over you any day! Nana's coming to pick me up. I'll be out front.

* --Mia’s introduction--
GREG: Mia Dickerson, Warrick Brown.
WARRICK: Welcome.
MIA: Look, I already know you have a running bet with another CSI over how long the new hire lasts, so let's skip it. You got something for DNA?
WARRICK: The mother's bloody t-shirt.
MIA: Exemplar?
WARRICK: It's on its way.
MIA: Thank you.

* --a lot of perverts?--
NICK: This is a map of all registered sex offenders in the state, the county, and the neighborhood.
WARRICK: Phew! That's a lot of perverts.
NICK: Get out of jail, come to Vegas. They're listed in tiers of projected recidivism, zero through three. Three being the most dangerous.

* --the Papa Gil scene--
as already mentioned. It’s interesting to note that Catherine actually did what he suggested.

* --Mia’s just a bit paranoid?—
GREG: So would you like to grab a bite later? I know a diner down the street that serves a mean liver and onions.
MIA: I don't eat out.
GREG: Never ever?
MIA: I don't like expectorant.
GREG: Really?
MIA: Kitchen staff talk while they prepare your food and then the wait staff repeats your order over the plate, and by the time you get your meal, there are several DNA samples coating it.
GREG: Wow.
MIA: Yeah. No, thank you…….. I don't eat birthday cake either.
GREG: Oh, blowing out the candles.
MIA: Ugh. Don't get me started.

* --Cath vs the mother--
CATH: And, uh ... where did Alicia fit in, except for what she could give to your son?
SYBIL PEREZ: You have no idea what it's like.
CATH: I saw her medical records. I looked at her x-rays. I know what that little girl suffered, what you put her through.
SYBIL: So you would let your child die and do nothing. Never. No, you'd talk to doctors and research. And then you'd find out that the national bone marrow registry can't help you 'cause your son is mixed race. And even if he wasn't, there aren't enough donors. Out of four million, only 205,000 are Latino. I did what I had to do.
CATH: You put one child over another.
SYBIL: I don't expect you to understand. You don't have kids. (Sybil stands up.)
CATH: Uh, I have a daughter.
SYBIL: So, what kind of mother are you? When do you see her? You work nights. You probably don't even know where she half the time. Alicia's life may not have been simple, but at least I knew her. Can you say the same?


* --Cath/Lindsey part 2--
LINDSEY: I already told you, mom, I heard you. Can we go now?
CATH: No. You need to see for yourself why you can't ever hitchhike or go downtown or be careless with your safety. Are you ready?
LINDSEY: Just do it. I'm not scared.
CATH: She was waiting for a bus downtown when she was attacked. She's was 23. She was taller and stronger than you, Lindsay. She fought back and didn't win. Someone's gonna have to tell her family. Her parents are gonna have to see her like this. Do you get it now?
DOC: Kids don't belong in the coroner's office unless they're in a drawer. You should've found a different way to deal with your daughter's rebellion.
CATH: Well, with due respect, Doc, this doesn't concern you.
DOC: Ever notice how childhood keeps getting shorter and shorter? Whose fault is that?
CATH: I honestly don't know!

* --Gil/the brother in church—
DANIEL PEREZ: I didn't realize until ... today ... how lucky I am. I know pretty much ... how and when I'm gonna die. Most people don't. It's what they're afraid of.
GIL: Was your sister afraid?
DANIEL: Never….. I'm 11 years older than her, and she took care of me. She was my best friend, and I miss her….As much pain as ... I caused her ... and she wouldn't give up, and she ... she wouldn't let me, either. That's why ... during the last relapse, I made my parents swear that it was the very last time.
GIL: But then your kidneys failed, and they broke their word, huh?
DANIEL: They told me they ... swore not to fight the cancer, so this didn't count. I wasn't gonna lose this fight. …I couldn't watch her suffer anymore.
GIL: This wasn't a mercy killing, Daniel. This was an execution. Bone marrow, transfusions ... that's her blood in your veins….. It dripped out of your nose onto the blanket while you were killing her. If you cared so much for Alicia, why didn't you take your own life instead of hers?
DANIEL: Suicide isn't an option. It's an unforgivable sin in the eyes of God.
GIL: But you believe your God forgives murder? If that's your defense, it won't keep you out of jail. DANIEL: But my death will. See, I've got about six more months. I'll be dead before there's even a trial….. I-I do want to thank you, though.
GIL: For what?
DANIEL: For speaking for Alicia. You're probably the first person in her life to think only of her. You know, you may not believe in God, sir, but you do his work.

Crow's Feet already too?
OK, not a play-by-play for this one. Just want to say:
Great Cath-centric episode. Marg did an excellent job.
Best scene:
NICK: Do you think these supplements really do any good?
CATH: Why are you asking me?
NICK: I'm just asking a question, Catherine.
CATH: Scientifically, there's not a whole lot of evidence.
NICK: More lotions and potions.
CATH: You gonna ask me if this stuff works, too?
NICK: No. I'm gonna process the bathroom.

(HA! Good answer, Nick!)

And breezing right along with Swap Meet:
The only scene that matters (the only scene I REMEMBER from this!)

CATHERINE: I know that you got the memo, I'm not sure that you read it. Eckley is being promoted to Assistant Director. They are taking applications for his supervisor spot on days. I want it..... What? You want the day spot for yourself? You're worried about giving me a good A.P. score and breaking up the team? Or maybe you just think that I'm incapable of the position? Not worthy of the promotion? Is that it?..... I'm just always, always, always defending myself to you...... I'm unbelievable. I have a daughter who is so starved for my attention, she is thumbing rides to Fremont Street to see her grandfather. The last person I want her around. I mean, not that it's much better with my mother, who sees Lindsay much more often than I do. ..... I am missing out on my daughter's life. I have no life of my own. Would you just stop me and say something here?
GIL: You want the job because you're worried about Lindsay?
CATH: That's part of it, but ...
GIL: The position calls for leadership, Catherine. You have to inspire others, solve problems, which means you have to leave your own problems at home.
CATH: I want the job because I can do it. I'm qualified, I'm motivated and I'm ready, Gil. You know that I am.
GIL: I do. Which is why I already sent in your A.P. I gave you 100%. I even put in a good word with the Director. The rest is up to you. And ... I hope you get it.
CATH: Thank you.

Classic PureJoy scene. That's all I can say.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

kaylyne, thanks for the transcript!

That scene in Swap Meet caught me completely off guard, I was watching the ep and wasn't expecting any GC when poof! they give us a great scene :lol:

It seems like they have to keep giving us these scenes (until they decided to stop in the later part of s6) but as coolc have said before, I don't think they can pull this off...i mean how can you stop a pair of actors who don't even need to be in the same scene to create chemistry to stop having chemistry? (am i making any sense?)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I think the Swap Meet scene, the Spellbound scene (Cath's vacation plans), and the Early Rollout scene ("how can I help"), are all very similar in that None of them have anything to do with cases. TPTB seem to have them in there just to show the continuing relationship between Cath & Gil. (Can't believe I'm actually saying something nice about TPTB. Okay, that's probably my only nice comment for them during the entire next season.)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

ok, hold up! you guys are moving through eps way too fast for me. we've done like three eps in two days. by the time i get here and read we've moved on.

*grumbles an apology* sorry, just really busy with rl. anyways...i've got my nmb stuff and yes i want to stay with harvest.

and now, coolcatz take on nomore bets...

This is a great study in the relationships between Grissom/Catherine, Catherine/Sam and Sam/Grissom. The purpose of the case is solely to support this character study. The case centers around the murder of two college students who were caught cheating in one of Braun’s casinos. As the case unfolds we find out that the friend who designed the system they use is the son of a man that Braun managed to have blacklisted from the strip because of his cheating. The son sees the opportunity he’s been given by his friends as the chance to one up his own father by cheating Braun without getting caught. The father finds out and murders the two friends thinking that Braun will be the one blamed for it thereby giving him his own revenge.

The Grissom/Catherine relationship is addressed beginning with the finding of the receipt from the Rampart and Grissom’s sending Catherine home because he father is involved. This is the first time Grissom has taken a CSI off of a case since season one’s Boom when Nick was a murder suspect. The looks exchanged between the two during this scene are heartbreaking. The other moment during this episode comes when Catherine comes to the lab to give Grissom a possible lead on the case involving her father and his car. Grissom both angers and hurts Catherine by telling her that any evidence coming from her would be tainted. Catherine retaliates by telling him that it will have to come from him, telling him he is “above reproach,” and then leaves.

The Sam/Catherine relationship is addressed from the same starting point. Catherine is punished for being his daughter because Grissom feels the case could be challenged if she is involved. The confrontation between Sam and Catherine is intense. Somehow Sam found out she was sent home because he is her father. Catherine tells him she could loose her job for even talking to him. Her date tries to schmooze Sam and is rebuffed with “You aren’t impressing her.” It is when Sam leaves that Catherine makes the connection between his limo and the tracks at the crime scene. Ironically enough she is next seen giving this information to Grissom, choosing to help him over protecting her own father.

The Sam/Grissom relationship is actually the most interesting aspect of this episode. We see two alpha males battling for supremacy. The battleground? Catherine. Sam is baiting Grissom from the moment the two meet again. He feeds him a line about Grissom not being able to pin a murder on him. Grissom keeps his cool. He brings up the check that he gave to Catherine and gets both a figurative and literal rise out of him. Grissom’s reaction is quick. He doesn’t like the idea of the money, he sees the strings that must be attached to it despite Sam’s insistence that there were no strings. Round one goes to Sam.

Round two is also Sam’s. After finding blood in his limo Grissom has him brought in for questioning. Braun goes against his lawyer’s advice and spills it all. He’s an innocent man this time and he knows it. He also knows Grissom would love to lock him up.

Round three goes to Grissom when the father of the boy who designed the foot gadget is brought in and sat in a room with Braun. Brass and Grissom are observing the interaction and see that Braun knows the man.

Round four goes to Sam when the DNA from the blood sample does not match the victim. Greg asks Grissom if he’s disappointed and all he can say is “it’s the evidence.”

However, the final round (and victory) goes to Grissom in the very last scene. We see Catherine arriving at the lab for her shift. She walks over to Braun’s limo, asking him to dinner as a way of apologizing for what has happened. The young man from earlier stumbles up from inside the limo and is obviously drunk. Sam looks to Catherine and tells her he always gets his money’s worth. The limo drives away leaving a stunned Catherine realizing what she may have gotten herself in to.

Overall a wonderful episode.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

What is with you and these round ones, twos and three things?.. :lol:

And although, I don't say much, dudes, calm down on the eps.. I'm just following Squishy's example. I do whatever she says {almost}
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

i'll give you a round if you don't...ah forget it. you guys watch goober's avie, she'll have gc in their before it's over. lol.

anyways, down the drain. i love the opening sequence. i think s5 actually gave us more cath/warrick/gil scenes than ever before.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Wow, I absolutely loved that observation of NMB. It's definitely spot on!! Ah, the CSI that we all know & love is gone ... *cries quietly in the corner* :( But the way I see it, in the end, everything will always come back to Gil & Cath, for me anyways. :) They will always be the glue that holds the show together, even if they're doing it separately ... if that makes any sense lol!!
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