Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ Ah. There goes one of my favorite threesomes. :D When is Nicky joining in? :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

coolcatz said:
i'll give you a round if you don't...ah forget it. you guys watch goober's avie, she'll have gc in their before it's over. lol.

Hey. Don't make fun of my avi. Yes theres alot of ships there. I'm multi, what can I say? and I thought you wanted me to be a GCer?

anyways, down the drain. i love the opening sequence. i think s5 actually gave us more cath/warrick/gil scenes than ever before.

..No comment there.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

we're almost to the cath/gil/warrick/nicky foursome.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

hottie, you are letting things escape again. and you almost got me kicked out of the library over that banner.
LOL! Thanks well coolc and csigrillow thats the way to go we should just play and twist their spoilers. better to make fun of them rather than getting so worked up on 'em.

I think the Swap Meet scene, the Spellbound scene (Cath's vacation plans), and the Early Rollout scene ("how can I help"), are all very similar in that None of them have anything to do with cases.
Oh yeah I love that newbie writer who wrote Spellbound--an episode with G/C and Greg's always on the top of my fave list.
and coolcatz that's a looong and interesting summary and study of No More Bets. I watched that ep several times cuz the case confused me. :lol: And Chris is a jerk I know but he is hot in that episode.

Oh are we in Swap Meet now? Or we're still in Harvest? Down the Drain?
I'll just give my reason..
GC aren't boring because..
23. They love evaluating each other's ... I mean each other.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

rebec, glad you've found us. It can get awful lonely if you don't have a single GC shipper around you. :p I know how you feel, but I have some who are thinking of converting over onto our side.

I've been seeing these really long posts and I'm pressure to write one so I'll just include what I wrote in reaction to one of the articles that was about the new "romance" on CSI and how it would fight against Grey's (sigh). But Swap Meet...caught me off-guard and loved it. I would love to add a reason.

24. Because Gil knows what she wants before she knows it. :lol: I wonder if someone's done it already.

Here's my comment:

"I'm sort of in the middle, myself. I love the cases, and CSI has got me interested in sciences again, etc. But I'm also interested in character development; to see who might find happiness with who, or who might evolve from the person they once were in season 1.

I think this article was being somewhat subjective in reviewing the fan's reactions to the Season 6 Finale. I'm willing to bet that the majority of the fans were disappointed or even shocked to find that such a huge development could happen so suddenly. I don't know about some of the fans, but I certainly did not see this coming. Granted, Grissom and Sara have been "flirting", supposedly. But every fan has to admit they've seen "flirting" from every corner of the ring, with Grissom and Catherine to Sofia to Lady Heather and Warrick with Catherine and Sara. Every character has had some sort of intimate development with the other. I suspect that TPTB have tried this strategy to keep the fans on their toes, biting their nails, just anticipating the next development for their favourite pairing; thus, increasing the number of viewers every Thursday night. But to suddenly "dump" this pre-existing relationship between two of the major characters on the fans can possibly be seen as a path to disintegration.

Delving more into the relationship between Grissom and Sara, I see many faults that may be the ship's ultimate demise. What is it based on? Another question is...why the abrupt introduction? If it was truly in their hearts to make this pairing work, why didn't TPTB break it in more slowly, give the Grissom/Sara fans a heyday? For us other fans, the relationship has no foundation; we have no idea as to how it came about, nor when it came about. Honestly, no fan can argue that this was gradual, that this was foreseen, not even if you're a Grissom/Sara fan. I'm also pretty sure even the Grissom/Sara fans are experiencing the bittersweet-ness of it all; they had been expecting this grandiose entrance of the pairing: the start, the climax, and the happy ending. Instead, they were thrown a bone; a strange middle. Then another question arises: Does Grissom truly love Sara, and is he willing to perhaps give up his most beloved possession, work, for her? or is this just a temporary "phase" in his life that many men go through? I think this concept of "middle-aged man-comes-out-of-social-shell" can be especially elucidated through Grissom because he was so in his own world, because he was so dedicated to his work, and because he had no personal life whatsoever. I'm wondering if that's the message that TPTB are trying to communicate across or if it's just saying that it's a mid-life crisis, and that it's unstable. The ultimate question: Will it last? I'm hightly doubtful.

Take the very similar abrupt pairing: Warrick and his wife, Tina. Beginning of Season 6, TPTB throw the fans a marriage. Now, I'm not sure why this was done: was it just to add more suspense to the idea of Warrick/Catherine? By the end of Season 6, Warrick and Tina are on the brink of, perhaps, a split. With a faulty foundation, comes an inevitable falling apart.

I truly believe that TPTB have made either a mistake if they are willing to stick with this, or a very clever trick on the fans. By creating two "diversions" of ships, are they leading to the ultimate ending with perhaps a love triangle between Catherine, Grissom and Warrick? So far, CSI has been a show of many twists and I have given up trying to predict as to where it will go. But I sincerely hope that TPTB have made the wiser decision. " - Christine
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

um, don't go on till i can hit harvest this afternoon please. pretty please.

and hottie, i love your take on the spoilers.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

OMG Gravy, that was you? I think it was one of the comments I liked the most written by a shipper. You told people what you thought without being sour and your comment sounded really sincere to me. I was so fed up by most of the comments on those other articles at the Chicago Tribute website. Yours was one of those that got me impressed... in a good way. And who would think it was written by a 15 year old? Good for you, Gravy. Kudos to you.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

wow Gravy, that was just incredible! compared to those bashing comments made by other shippers, yours really showed depth, maturity and sincerity.

I have to agree with you on the abruptness of things. Take Warrick's marriage for example, the way he explains it, it seems like he married Tina in the heat of the moment, just because he suddenly finds life so short and doesn't want to be lonely.

This kind of makes you wonder about the same thing for GSR. The lack in continuty of grissom's constantly passive attitude to the suddenly blossoming relationship is another confusing thing :confused:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Gravy, that was an excellent piece of writing. I agree with your insight into the fiasco that tptb have created and if they know what’s good for them, they'll read it and give it some serious thought :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Gravy I knew it was you! Excellent girl! Ahaha I can stalk you know cuz I have an idea of your writing style.. Maybe I got used to the style in your fanfic and your posts here.. ;)

But Gravy they (TPTB) had a new interview with Maureen on Chicago Tribune.
Check that new interview HERE--Spoiler warning MILD spoilers if you click this article. And its still not good for GC. :rolleyes: Im not surprised with Shankar's answer though, he always came across as somebody who favored a different pairing to me. Don't ask me which cuz I won't answer in this thread. (AngelEyez!) :D Oh and another thing, it seems that they are totally going into the Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer route. Bleh.

EDIT: Gravy your question and analysis here:
What is it based on? Another question is...why the abrupt introduction? ... or is this just a temporary "phase" in his life that many men go through?
reminds me of this spoiler:
GRISSOM: If you want to analyze me, don't chisel. Just do it. Who am I, Doctor Parker? DR. DEITRICH PARKER: You're Socratic by nature. A born teacher. You taught at Michigan, Berkeley, University of Queensland, Australia, which took you on a bug specimen collecting tour of south Asia. You arrived in Vegas about fourteen years ago. As you were working your way up to supervisor, you published two papers a year in various journals. You became supervisor eight years ago and you've only lost one employee since then. Here's what you haven't done. In ten years you haven't published a paper. You haven't traveled...And your students are now teachers in their own right. (beat) What are you doing? (beat) The answer is not much. You've gotten complacent. And you know what happens when curious minds go complacent? They get bored. Adult bored minds do one of a few things. You chose to have an affair with someone in your lab. (Grissom shifts) Maybe it's love, maybe it's not. I'm not judging that. But boredome was its catalyst. (hits like a slap) Thus the deliciousness of keeping it a secret. Titilation. I only know because you refuse to make eye contact with her in a crowded room of people. (then) My analysis? Unless it feeds the hungry ghost inside, you'll need more. -->You pretty much had a good grasp of the reasons, you just forgot to add boredom. JK!!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Hehe Hottie, I knew you were gonna post it sooner or later. That's an interesting convo. LOL.

Continuing with the reasons...

25. They are the harmony of yin and yang.

Hello? Don't tell me that you missed the yin and yang thing. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Wow everyone, thanks for all the compliments. I'm not sure I deserve them. :p It was really a whim that got me writing and just express all my thoughts but definitely not in a sour way that people seemed to be writing in. I wanted to come off as an objective point of view, not an avid GC shipper which I am really, but I didn't want that to affect the validity of my argument. But other commentors are really pushing my buttons with their immature statments. (Sigh)

Hottie, for sure. I wrote that after reading that particular spoiler, and I think it proves my point. :lol:

But yeah, I think we all need to speak out for ourselves and hopefully communicate something across.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Oh for goodness sakes. :rolleyes: Some people have been reading our threads again.. and messed with Chicago Tribune. Oh well that happens I guess when you're bored with your ship.

Hottie, for sure. I wrote that after reading that particular spoiler, and I think it proves my point.
Oh Gravy you posted your own reasons wayyyy before the spoiler came out. And you somewhat got the idea what they will try to convey next season.( Unless of course that spoiler will end up in the cutting room floor. :rolleyes: ) So proud of you girl.. and you're 15!!! I hope you don't grow up. :lol: Oh and give us reasons, we need to do this for Gil Grissom's 50th Birthday! :D

"GC aren't boring because..."
26. They held hands more than twice.
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