Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Don't be sorry, it's a good observation ! she's the only one who sits on his desk too :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

yep! she just goes in, sits on his desk and leans *slightly* towards him and he doesn't even flinch! :D

i just love the chemistry they have, cheers to billy and marg! without them there's no joy in csi :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

rebec said:
i'm glad i've read all the posts, or else i would not have known about stuff like the ET kiss *swoons* still super happy everytime i watch the clip :)

Funny how people who package the show to sell it know just what to put out to draw in the viewers. And TPTB are clueless. :rolleyes:

By the way, have you seen that hilarious ad in Spanish posted on BTA?

rebec said:
over here in singapore csi is not a hit show, people prefer desperate housewives. of those few people who actually do watch csi, most watch the show for the cases, so im a lonely shipper :(
Glad you found us then :D

rebec said:
anyways, back to the topic at hand.......i haven't read any of the spoilers.....i haven't even watched season 6, only know about the GC eps that you all have discussed. but i do know about the disappointing finale so im quite apprehensive for what's to come in s7
Well, I'm so apprehensive that I'm not even going to watch the show unless I hear they've stopped all that madness, definitively. And at this point, the S7 spoilers aren't reassuring in the least.

rebec said:
judging from the reaction on this board, things are not turning out the right way are they? hmmmm......i guess i'll go take a look at the spoilers (when i pluck up the courage) but i think i may need alot of GC moments after that for some major healing
Yup. If you go there, you'll need a time of major healing. I read somewhere that shows like CSI peak in their 3rd/4th seasons and then go trundling downhill. Few last beyond S7 or 8. CSI isn't going to be an exception to this rule, I fear. All the more because those behind the scenes who brought to the show its uniqueness have moved on to the other CSIs... and now elsewhere altogether. The writing team has seen an injection of new names but, alas, not new talent. There was a small number of enjoyable episodes in the first half of season 6. But by and large, the writers have not shown the ability to write great cases, or good character-driven episodes.

In fact, TPTB are the only ones who see the gold that's in their hands as a mere lump of coal: the Hispanics have that hilarious TV ad, we've the searingly popular ET kiss... and TPTB go for ... well. :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

no i haven't seen the ad....which thread is it posted at? is there a translated version? cuz being chinese the only western language i know is english :lol:

"TPTB are the only ones who see the gold that's in their hands as a mere lump of coal"

that's just so true! some actors may try but can never produce enough chemistry but the GC sparks are just there and they choose to ignore it :mad: i just don't get it

the other thing i've been thinking about is......though billy is one of the producers, he may not have as much say as we hope he has (since he's seemingly pro GC) or maybe he just stopped fighting like he stated in one of his earlier interviews.....he does have a life and i understand that he has other more important things he has to deal with

i guess that means we'll have to go on find ourselves our little GC heaven.....or rather in this case we need to maintain it and not let TPTB do what they are trying to do to us! ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ For me, PureJoy is always there. Always has been, always will be (sounds familiar? Yeah they use this line a lot in fics to describe their love). :D Basically, I don't really care whether my ship happens on the show or not. I ship them and I see and feel the chemistry between them and that's all that matters. TPTB may not share my view, it's their loss, hehe. :D

One more reason...

12. Because "what would he do without her".

And you know well where that came from. It was season 6's Still Life. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Welcome rebec! :D Well you're already registered on our Cozy Corner, the funky Hispanic TV ad of CSI is on the Cozy Corner, Multimedia Forum.. its called CSI:Ay Ay. Don't worry it has English subtitles, go and check it out.
Ah I hope those idiots will finally realize their mistakes and I'll wait for the day they'll come crawling back to GC land. But for now, I'm not so optimistic about the GC scenes for Season 7. I bet we will have very few if any at all.

Oh another reason:
GC are not boring because..

13. They do marathon trainings together.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

rebec said:
no i haven't seen the ad....which thread is it posted at? is there a translated version? cuz being chinese the only western language i know is english :lol:

It's under Multimedia > CSI: Ay! Ay! Can't miss it. You'll love it, I promise, and you'll have absolutely no trouble understanding it.

Well, if it is any consolation, it appears that 1/2 of TPTB were against the direction the show was going and the discussions were heated. So maybe WP was among those who protested. Given the lack of enthusiasm that we saw in his performance towards the end, it may not be too far-fetched an idea. Then again, you're right. At some point, it must seem pointless to fight, there being far more important things in life to fight for...

BUT, he and Marg Helgenberger have given us 4 great seasons ... and then some - think Formalities, King Baby, No Humans Involved - OK the scene was itsy-bitsy, and the tarred corpses ep, whatever it's called now, and in S6, there was Shooting Stars, Secrets and Flies, Werewolves, and a few others too where they brilliantly made their couple of seconds together count hugely, as only the two of them can.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

thanks Hottie and ren! I can't see that post....ain't got 30 posts yet :( but I will work on it! it's only a matter of time ;)

Erica, really admire you for being able to be so easy about things. :) I was really crushed when i knew about the s6 finale.....but i came on this thread and I healed :) I'm still hoping that GC will happen somehow or other but as you say, TPTB doesn't seem to share our view

Ren you're right! we'll always have s1 to s4 to fall back on :) sad thing is I don't have the dvds, they're too expensive over here :( but if I'm lucky, I may get them in the near future cuz a relative of mine is staying at washington (I think) and has offered to buy and send them over to me! :D so wish me luck!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

My reasons why GC aren't boring:

14. They make time breakfast dates with each other.
15. Cath looks out for new species of bugs just so Gil can get all excited - and keeps them alive for him ($35K O.B.O.)
16. She inspires the poet in him (Grasshopper & Master)

*Making up for lost time* :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Glad to see you back around, ren. You've been missed here. :D

Hottie, how about "they do marathon training together"? :devil:

rebec...oh well, don't let people who don't share your view under your skin. The best thing you can do when they try to piss you off is to stay calm and keep enjoying things you love and you won't end up being the one pissed. Hehe. And remember, we don't know what will happen in the future. It isn't the end until it really ends. :)

17. They get territorial around each other.

See the scene with Disco from season 1's Anonymous and the scene with the stripper from season 4's Assume Nothing. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Squee! ren you're on a roll!

GC aren't boring because...
18. She (and Lindsey) brings out the parent *coughs* Daddy in him.

Well I thought of that reason since we're now in 5x03 Harvest.. (right?) :lol: Love love love this conversation between them..

(Grissom sits in the hallway, his forehead resting on the hand holding his glasses. A door opens and closes.)
(Catherine walks up to him.)
CATHERINE: Have you been to bed?
(Grissom looks up.)
(Catherine sits down next to him.)
CATHERINE: Did you sleep?
(He doesn't answer her.) --->Awww Gil *coughs* dad can't sleep.
CATHERINE: Me neither. She was the same age as Lindsay. She was trying to hitchhike.
GRISSOM: Where was she going? --->curious much? I wonder why?
CATHERINE: Fremont Street.
GRISSOM: Was she buying drugs?
CATHERINE: (appalled) No! She's twelve. (She sighs.) She's ... just so angry. She doesn't talk to me.
GRISSOM: Well, if enough people knew what was out there hunting them, they'd never leave their house. I think you need to sit her down.
CATHERINE: Well, I don't want to scare her. I don't want my daughter to be this ... frightened, paranoid kid who's always looking over her shoulder.
GRISSOM: Catherine, there's a big difference between scaring her and preparing her. And all the reasons why you should are in that room.
(Catherine thinks about it.)

And E, will edit. coolcatz somebody asked you a question about your fanfic in the Fan Fiction forum.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Harvest already? :lol: I'm sure kaylyne has something to say about Down the Drain haha, I think I'll wait for her detailed report. :D Besides, coolc promised she'd get her NMB update tonight. ;) I really loved the scene you mentioned, though, Hottie. That was such a great moment. Definitely one of the best C/G encounters in season 5. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

ren28 said:
16. She inspires the poet in him (Grasshopper & Master):D
Not just Master/Grasshopper - but remember (damn! which epi was that?) the eyeball in the tree:
"We're up a tree, and you're quoting Poe. Give me something."

Geez you guys - I'm gone for a few hours and you've gone through an entire page here! :lol: Anyway - I love all of the discussions.

WELCOME Rebec--Glad to have you on board!

Hey wait a minute!!! Harvest already?!?! I still gotta get back to you on DTD. Anyone else have comments on the last few epi's prior to this? We've been going kind of fast here the last few days.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ Hehe the eyeball in the tree was from season 3's Got Murder? Another interesting episode. Evan Rachel (sp?) Wood did a wonderful job. Oh and Cath was wearing a hat again. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Yeah Im gonna wait for kaylyne's Down the Drain review later. Don't ask me about Down the Drain cuz ... never mind. :lol: And then oh dear me I forgot about the cupboard scene in VLV so I watched the ep again. Thanks to kaylyne's review.
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