Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Lynny, you don't even have to ask. Take care of them ASAP! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

csigrillow said:
Lynny, you don't even have to ask. Take care of them ASAP! :lol:

*locks them in a basement*

Dear Writers,

I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have just been LOCKED Up. Welcome to the show, "Lynny says" Basically means, Whatever I say. Goes. You'll notice random letters from fans, (and me) Telling you what to do. To bad this is a pg13 board, or it might get a little hot.

Enjoy your stay!


Dear Catherine and Grissom,

I regret, -- not really -- To inform you that you are now locked in a closet and have to resolve some issues, that cannot be listed, out.

There are cameras all around you, We shall see! Welcome to the Lynny Says!

Enjoy your stay,
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Oh, you put cameras in the closet. That could be good :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

oh, lynny, i am so taking over the closet with gil and cath, and just because it was your brilliant idea i'm going to make it nice and hot and smutty and very very angsty.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

coolcatz said:
oh, lynny, i am so taking over the closet with gil and cath, and just because it was your brilliant idea i'm going to make it nice and hot and smutty and very very angsty.

-gasps- She called me Lynny... Fine, you can take over it, but its still called Lynny Says. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

I'm hoping that closet is like the one in Lois O'Neill's bedroom - plenty of floor space, and a feather boa included too.

And, just for good measure - a little bit of new PureJoy:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

lynny says it is.

and kaylene i love it. i try to comment on your lj but it always shuts down on me, weird i know.

oh and we know why she's look at him. (cuz he was look at them)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

^ ROFLMAO good one, coolc. :D

Any more talk on Dead Ringer is welcome, meanwhile I think we could move to the next episode. Wait...Turn of the Screws? I don't think you ladies are about No More Bets? Angst, baby!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Quick thoughts on "turn of the screws":
The case that Cath & Warrick are working on - the mother who killed her daughter because she thought the daughter was trying to steal her boyfriend - so heartbreaking. Love the convo at the end:
RAINA PRESS: Justin was the best thing in my life.
CATHERINE: No. Your daughter was the best thing in your life.
RAINA PRESS: You didn't know her.
CATHERINE: I know she was thirteen years old. A child.

Now - No More Bets
* ---"off the case"---
CATH: I found some tire treads. I think the vehicle was making a three-point turn.
GIL: And it seems that robbery may be a motive after all.
(shows Cath the casino receipts)
CATH: "Rampart." Guess I'll go check that out.
GIL: You can't. We found the body under the WHISKEY TOWN sign and the guy just cleaned out the Rampart Casino.
CATH: Coincidence.
GIL: Even if it is, they're still Sam Braun's casinos.
CATH: Why is that a problem?
GI: He's your father. You can't be on this case.
CATH: Gil ...
GIL: Catherine, you have to go home.

Just the way that Gil says "he's your father" in this scene makes me go "Awwwwww". You are able to see just how much more aware Gil is about the personal things with Catherine - compared to the way he is with others.

* ---Sam vs Gil---
GIL: Five point two six percent. Albert Einstein had a theory about roulette. He said the only way to win at roulette is to steal the money from the table when the croupier isn't looking.
SAM: There's always someone looking.
GIL: Well, maybe it was an inside job, Sam. Maybe somebody bought off one of your guys.
SAM: I'm curious. What bothers you more? The fact that you couldn't pin a murder on me or that Catherine cashed my check?
SAM: There were no strings on that money.
GIL: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.
SAM: Believe whatever you like. That kid walked out of here
with my money. If you figure out how he ripped me off, would you let me know?

You know, as much as I love the Gil/Sam angst - because I know they're both 'fighting' over Catherine - I'd love to see them just kick back and have a pleasant conversation with no innuendos, no 'sour grapes'.

* ---window shopping---
Cath/Chris window shopping before Sam arrives. - Even then Chris seems so fake. His eyes light up and see $$ when he meets Sam, thinking he's just made a great business move.

* ---Sam arrives/Cath stands her ground---
SAM: You going to introduce him?
CHRIS: Mr. Braun. Chris Bezich. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your hosts, they-they send a lot of your whales to my club, Acid Drop.
SAM: That's great.
CATH: Uh-uh. Just give us a minute.
CHRIS: Okay.
CATH: What do you want?
SAM: Mugs, I heard you had some time off because of me.
CATH: I could get fired for even having this conversation.
SAM: Relax. Vegas is a small town. I'm always running into people I know.
CATH: Just cut to the chase, Sam.
SAM: Some people in this town think I'm a murderer.
CATH: Some people in this town know you're a murderer.
SAM: I did not kill those kids. I did not!
CATH: Kids? How do you know there's more than one?
CHRIS: Cath ...
CATH: I'm fine.
SAM: (to Chris) You're not impressing her. (to Cath) I'll be in touch.

I just melt everytime he calls her "Mugs". I love how Sam just brushes Chris off like he's not even there.

* ---After Sam leaves---
CHRIS: So. You and Sam Braun ...
CATH: He slept with my mother.

I wonder if he inferred what Cath was really saying.

* ---above reproach---
CATH: What are you doing?
GIL: I'm testing my podiatric dexterity. What are you doing?
CATH: Uh, you know those tracks that we found at the neon graveyard?
GIL: The ones from the case you're not working on?
CATH: Yeah, those. Sam ... used to be a caddy man. He would drive a new one every year. These days, he's being driven.
GIL: And you know this because ... ?
CATH: I saw him. He came to me.
GIL: And you walked away, I hope.
CATH: I made him walk away from me. Right into a stretch limo with a big turning radius.
GIL: That doesn't prove anything. Besides, any evidence that comes from you is tainted.
CATH: Then have it come from you. Warrant shouldn't be hard to get. Especially if the call comes from someone whose character is above reproach.

Oh, "the look" -- MEOW! Gotta love the PureJoy angst

* ---buy you dinner?---
CATH: Sam. Could I buy you some dinner?
SAM: Feeling a little guilty?
SETH LANDERS: Hey, Sam. Where's the ice?
SAM: Next to the tv, kid. You want to catch a cheater -- hire one.
CATH: Right. He gets to work off his debt.
SAM: On way or another, I always get my money's worth.

Uh-Oh! Looks like Gil was right, huh? Even though you can't see them, the strings are still there.

The one thing missing in this episode is the CG make-up scene at the end. They left our PureJoy in angst - GRRRRR!

OK, sorry this was a long one, but there was just so much that made me intrigued in this episode. Then again, I always LOVE the Sam episodes.

Forgive me, but I decided to be really weird :devil: and put some of my PureJoy icons together for a WP:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Sam episodes are always good and usually have some form of GC in them (the hug, jackpot,etc) and hey, i think by now i think the writers have figured out that they can't talk about Catherine's life without involving either Sam, Gil, or Lindsey. Its impossible. just look at the evidence here...
1 Spellbound: cath goes on vaca with lindsey and the folks and tells gil about it
2 The cheque in jackpot and when she tells gil about it in early rollout
3 too tough to die, gil knows about the mortgage and rips ed off of her

I have a lot more evidence and i could go on for days, but i will just say this: TPTB need to follow the evidence and return to the flirting, fun, Grissom and Catherine of the earlier seasons. It was just sooo...right
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

No More that's just my type of episode, you know? That and Nesting Dolls. (sigh). It's Angst Party Time, and I love it. :lol: I don't know what it is about angst that makes me giddy. (shakes head)

But love all the scenes you've listed there face is hurting from all the grinning I'm doing. :lol: Oh GC.

Erica, since you mention the tension over here...(sigh). Seoul came near to flooding and the missile's creating a buzz, that's for sure. Oh well. I'm safe, aren't I? :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Cool. Glad to know that you're safe, Gravy. Take care, hon! <3

Hey ya 27dayz, welcome to our little PureJoy haven! Have fun with us here, we don't bite...hard. :lol: Here, is your welcome basket:


BTW guys, is there a season 1/2 episode that you'd like me to cap? I don't have to work this Saturday. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Great epi ! I do love angst too ; even if they can't stay angry with each other for too long ! I've always loved Sam (love the bad guys) . The Cath/Sam or Gil/Sam's scenes are always great moments .

@Kaylyne: Love your PureJoy WP :)

@Tushie or Coolc: I miss your polls guys !!!

@Erica : trust you to cap a great C/G epi ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he

Yeah. I almost forgot about Sam. I mean..the fact that Sam "got away" with a murder that they couldn't that why Gil's so hostile towards him? Gil isn't one to make judgements and I've always sensed a huge amount of tension between them, and have always been confused as to the reason for it. :p I'm hoping it has something to do with Catherine ;)

Edit: Just wrote practically an essay for that article on the Chicago Tribune. I'm just hoping I made some sense. :p
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