George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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:lol: I know it's not a funny issue (first hand experience...thank you 9/11), but I like your answer Jacquie! I wonder if GE knows how his Ward Girls have suffered for him! And the angst we feel! *hand to forehead in mock Scarlett O'Hara faint* :D
:)McStokes it sounds like a group hug is need here for you and for all of us
I know you didn't say what you said to get a hug but every once in a while we all need a little hugging :)

I need to snag me one of those large hugs next time some one posts one Hint Hint :)
Maybe I am in the wrong forum, but has anyone seen the pics with George and Monica from the 300 premiere. Are they back together? If I need to be redirected to another forum, please let me know.
Jacquie here's a hug right back at ya! (Sorry, I don't have the little huggy icon!). No, I didn't say what I said to get a hug, but it's still nice to get one! I generally don't talk about that lovely day at all.

So, are you having a tough day too?
McStokes you are rollin'!!! Wow!! Haven't see that much key action'm gonna leave it at that!! :D The trouble that can ensue... :devil:

I will agree with the fanfiction stuff! There have been some stories out there that are totally awesome!!! I mean rockin'!!! If TPTB won't deal with Grave Danger's aftermath, some of these writers have!! Deal with not only Nick's emotional state but the others as well. This affected the whole team! As Jacquie had mentioned, we fans are trying to deal with the lack of Nick dealing with it. Save for a few...and I do mean...few scenes of a bug walking on Nick's arm, going into an underground bunker.

Now McStokes, you realize you wouldn't be the only one handcuffed to a certain Texan. The WHOLE WARD would be handcuffed to that certain Texan as well. Who says group therapy doesn't work? It would be a deep conversation dealing with the way TPTB have kicked dirt on Nick's traumatic experience, how Nick fans are still dealing with it, how the Ward Girls have those days where they just need a hug, some chocolate, gummy bears and cookies. Not too demanding are we???

If I were buried alive, I'm sure I would be in therapy for a while. It would be something that one couldn't "deal" within a few weeks. It would be a lifetime of dealing and living with it.

Just a slight out there....The tornado that went through here in '74, left a bit of a imprint in my mind, I was 13 days shy of my fifth b-day. It didn't hit where I lived but it was the aftermath. My mom was in it. Everytime a thunderstorm would come, I would stand out in the yard and scream bloody murder. I was scared of the dark and always thought that a tornado was going to get me. If I walked into a dark room, I would see huge evil eyes in a tornado looking at me. It wasn't until I was 15 that most of my irrational fears went away. Granted..I still get a bit "nervous" when bad weather moves in and I become hyper-aware. Guess it is my form of "Grave Danger". to the shrink for some help! :lol:
T_bear said:
Maybe I am in the wrong forum, but has anyone seen the pics with George and Monica from the 300 premiere. Are they back together? If I need to be redirected to another forum, please let me know.

Welcome T_bear No one here has said anything about them being together or being separate. We respect GE private life and we leave it at that :)

McStokes let me see how my day went. I woke up with a migraine ( I seem to be getting them as I get older :mad:), had internet problems most of the day :mad: and found out more pet food has been recalled :mad: When the internet finally behaved itself the best part was coming on here and being among friends in the ward. Oh yea I went to yoga tonight and had a very relaxing 1 hour session :) So how was your day :)

You know looking at pics of GE/Nick and talking about him seem to a very soothing effect. It's like soaking in a nice bubble bath :)
Wow...Jacquie...what a day! I feel your pain about the food recall. We've been stressing about that with our dog. Every time we find something to feed her we find out it's been recalled as well! Very frustrating. Guess I'm gonna have to cook steaks for her! :D

Sparkygirl I was certainly on a roll! I try to keep my comments low key in an attempt to not annoy anyone (as apparently I have done in the past, but did not know until I accidently saw things on people's live journals), but I just had to get the Sara rant out. Every time she does that smug little pursing of her lips over her gap, I just want to belt her!

Yup...I think I have finally reached the point where the sound of low flying jet airliners doesn't quite have the same panicky effect as it once did...*sigh* However, there is a reason I no longer work for the NYPD!
oh men, a lot of new post´s i´ve missed the connection "mea culpa" :eek: But i´ll agree with most of you, Nick and Rick, yes, where are these Epis? hmm i´m look for the next or i sai better the rest?

McStokes big hug from me :) and i love your comments, they all great ;)
Ah...McStokes sometimes we have to get it out. If it makes you feel better, I was not annoyed. I was muffling my laughs! Okay...a few did escape but most were quiet. Besides you said things that some of us only think about. There fore I plead the fifth on the bible of Nick Stokes. :)

The Bible of Nick Stokes. Now there is something. I wonder if it would start out....

On the first day, TPTB created Nick Stokes and he was good. On the second day, George Eads was chosen to play the character of Nick Stokes and it was wonderful.
On the third day, TPTB realized just how much life was given to the character of Nick Stokes by actor George Eads. They were happy.
On the fourth day, actor George Eads realized the true potential for the character of Nick Stokes and began fighting for the integrity of the character. The fans were estatic!

Okay...I so have to get dressed for work! I'll work more on the bible....between doing vital signs!! :lol:
hmmm that sound good Sparky bible of Nick Stokes, phantasie are looking know :lol:

but what do you think about GE like Girls who look like asian Girls? i´ve read this in an interview? I mean he have lot of weared shirts and someone (comment was awhile some post´s) with asian script signs? So many asks :lol: oh George you are an Mysterium. And love he capacious or minor womean? that´s all so interesting, and also my quest, please George, when did you born, i mean the birth time clock ;) - sorry i´ll not
be flashy but it´s really interesting ;)

*smacks a big GE pillow and smacks McStokes to have a nice Night with Nicky* ;)
McStokes I don't think anyone here would bite your head off for your rants. We've all ranted a little and we are here for all things Nick and George. So we eliminate a character or two that just means more screen time for Nick :) If you need some suggestions on dog food let me know and I will pm you some.

Sparky I love your Bible. On the fifth day we had shirtless Nick :)
Jacquie on the sixth day we need the Handcuffs :lol: that´t phantastic Jacquie
and no McStokes a little rants are allways ok, we all are humans or not, nobody bite here somewehre i think ;)

btw. on the seventh day.....we need big portion of gummy bears and a very very big couch :lol:
You know what really ticks me off. I think GE is the best actor on the show, but the writers have rarely given him a chance to show it.

Grave Danger really gave him some meat to sink his teeth into and now the show is the 'Sara and Grissom Love Fest' and I'm really fed up with it.

I'm writing a fanfic too that's a bit AU, but it's my CSI world and I'll do what I want with it.
Hello everyone! Greetings from a freezing cold, rainy (thank the lord we did not get the snow they predicted!) New York State. Thanks for letting me rant...I have a LOT more to say on the whole GSR matter, however I will refrain (Restrain? :D) myself!

I think that out of all the characters/actors on the show, Nick is the one we've seen the most development of...the other actors seem to have found a niche for their characters and have remained static in their personalities, appearances, the way they deliver their lines even. GE is the only one that I can see has actually taken the character to a new and different level in pretty much EVERY EPISODE he's in, not just changing from season to season.

Warrick (mind you I love him too) has remained the same sly, cool, squinty eyed character from day one. Cath is the same as she's ever been; the one time we see her really 'getting out of character' was the whole Keppler incident. Sara has remained the same from day one: career driven/obsessed, same attitude, same clothes even! Griss...well, that character pretty much can only STAY static cuz that's the characters' nature.

But Nick...He's gone from an eager, naive boy, seeker of approval and favor from Grissom, to a more confident, aggressive and self-assured professional. From someone eager to please and always trying to do just the right thing, to someone no longer afraid to take risks, fight for what he believes in, and even show a little aggression/anger toward people. He's not afraid to make mistakes anymore...just knows he'll learn something from them and won't do the same thing again. Someone once said GE was a chameleon, and that's really what he is. He has learned to, as a wise old Marine once said to me "improvise, adapt and overcome" with each and every experience.

*whew! I need chocolate now!*
Wow McStokes I think you hit the nail on the head there. It seems like GE is the only actor that is willing to fight for the integrity of his character. It's nice to see the change of Nick over the years. Nick has matured as GE has matured. They've both aged gracefully and are like fine wine :) They get better as they age :)
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