George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I was actually quite bored watching this episode, but the couple of Nick moments were good, so of course it kept me watching. :lol:
Hey ya'll,

Was gonna post this in the epi discussion forum, then noticed how ugly it was getting in there, so decided to come to our happy place instead!

I got home late last night (early this morning??) and couldn't wait to watch the new I did...and then I wished I had gone to bed instead! I couldn't even tell you what the storyline was as it seemed so disjointed, no clear start, middle, end...and most importantly...NO REAL NICK! Grrr...

One thing about this show, when it first started, was that I found myself drawn to the victims...wanted to know the "how" but more importantly the "why." The way the writing has been lately, I sometimes forget there are victims and cases that are being worked on. This time around it was all Greg that was center stage, and I couldn't even put together who the chick in the limo was.

But back to no Nick...his scene with 'Drops' was great, and all I gotta say is the man can wear himself some jeans! Oh to be denim! :D
McStokes glad you came to our 'happy place' :) I'm stilling trying to figure out how the connection was made between the two cases. And I agree Nick did look mighty fine in those jeans :D
Glad to hear it wasn't just me who couldn't quite make sense of the whole thing! Yes...In my next life I want to come back as GE's jeans.

*must go put aloe on the third degree burns I received while viewing other threads' discussions...*
McStokes said:
Glad to hear it wasn't just me who couldn't quite make sense of the whole thing! Yes...In my next life I want to come back as GE's jeans.

*must go put aloe on the third degree burns I received while viewing other threads' discussions...*
Glad to know it was not just me, too. I had trouble following this in the same way I did with Poppin Tags. But there was no way I was going over to the epi disc. thread - I'm not that brave.

The "between bad haircuts" comments - is that supposed to mean that his hair looked good? or bad? Last time he interacted with Drops (Poppin Tags) he had the long hair....
:lol: oh yes McStokes that´s sounds really good, next life as an GE jeans *too funny* The epi was good but unfortunately to few Nicky. I love the scene in the hearing room, Nicky´s facial expressions are priceless ;)
BabaOReilly said:
I was actually quite bored watching this episode, but the couple of Nick moments were good, so of course it kept me watching. :lol:

I'm with you. Lack of Nick, for me, means lack of good eppy.
Eric's scenes were quite good.

I'd give my right arm for another Grave Danger episode.
aw, i didnt mind the newest ep. but im with you McStokes, the episode discussions get too scary these days so i just dont bother.
i completely forgot method man saw nick with his fluffy hair last season, so the 'in between bad hair cuts' comment makes a lot more sense to me now :lol:
you know what ive noticed? i think nick is the best person to deal with people on the show. he is compassionate to victims and their families but also wont take crap from a suspect. i really liked his interaction with method man (whatever his name was in the episode, drops or something like that??)
allmaple Happy Birthday :)

hbsong.gif up body parts for some GE/Nick moments. Can we begin to even imagine that? I'd give up gummy bears, chocolate.....for a short time! I'd be happy to give up stress and all of those voices in my head! Admit it Baba and McStokes...for the short moments...they were sure worth it!! :D Especially when someone wants to come back as GE jeans in the next life!! :devil: :D

All in all they are so killing us with sneak peeks of Nick. Okay...those moments with Greg certainly didn't go unoticed by yours truly! :D

As for George and the Nurse thing. I'm so going to plead insanity to the fifth! I'm sure George has a great bedside manner, makes great soup, has the softest kleenex, has hot/cold pad and humor!

Funny thing least for me... there is no distinction anymore. I mean it all looks the same! The only thing that is different is the type of wound, how deep, ect. Not to mention the color! Grosser the better! What can I say? I always was the strange one in nursing school! :) Okay..I'm still the strange Nurse at work!

Hap-hap-happy Birthday allmaple!!! Relax with a George Eads marathon and happy wishes from us all!!!!

Okay....I'm going cold turkey! No pain meds. I so can't function! I can't remember what I was going to do or say!
I'm back!!!! :D

wow, it has been what, 3 weeks since I have last been in here?

I missed this place, it's fun, and George is so dammn cute!!!

so where I was for the last 3 weeks was.... I started working at a restourant, it's hard wrok but fun, and my hours are long so I have been to tired to come in here... but I'm here now!!

any way that's whats been going on with me :)

so... what about Georges hair!!! love it... I want him LOL

ok night for now :)

P.S. can some one PM me some pics of his cute new hair?
Howdy and Happy Easter you´ll. And first
Allmaple have nice and great day and 1000 GE dreams ;)

i´ve not seen the other discussions sorry, but i´m late and a bit in stress because my dog needs me. But here is a new Interview from Babs site (thanks for this Babs) i´ve linking here, it´s in Stokes Syndrom. New Interview with George it´s really interesting i can understand him very good and now he talks bit more of himself ;) yes and there are many thinks of his life looks similar. His life is not easy and i hope his mother is ok.
*Stay as you are and you´re more than an good actor ;)*

nicksarafan2 sorry and mea culpa ;) look at your PM
I've read the spoilers and it's quite scary.

On a silly note, my rabbit named Nicky after our Texan Charm (they're both cute and fluffy) chewed my daughter's homework. I came out and saw strewn across the floor and I yelled, " little bugger!" And he hopped away before I could catch him.

I managed to tape it back together, I'll have to write a note to the teacher to apoligize for the mishap.

I think the writers have forgotten about Warrick and Nick and you know even if they said that next season would be centred around Nick and Warrick, I'd be skeptical.
Huh. I haven't noticed the lack of Nick storyline unless McStokes pointed it out... I'm always happy to see him, and not enough Nick makes a boring episode, in my book at least :D The whole GSR thing really disturbs me, but I'm not going into that right now :lol:
I remember reading when the season started, that there would be a lot of Nick/Warrick interaction, and even that Warrick would have a lot of screen time. Erm, when will this happen? On LiveJournal, a lot of people are disappointed with the fact that the Greg "Fannysmackin" story is continued throughout the whole season, while Nick's story has been neglected...What do you think about that?
And I also read that
Nick is going to have a nervous break down at the end of the season, because Sara is kidnapped. I doubt this will happen....]
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