George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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i agree with what you said...and might i add that he looked very fine tonight...even if we have only seen him for 5
Well I wasn't expecting a lot of Nick last night, so I can't say I was disappointed in the episode. What we got was good and I think he had more screen time than Warrick. I did glimpse little stoker when Nick was in the lab with Hodges. And oh have I ever said how annoying I find Hodges. Just a total .... kisser.
I haven't been on here for a long time.
Last nights episode was, OK, I wasn't expecting to see Nick what so ever, and nearly didn't cus I had to get the phone when my friend rang me, but I got to see the rather small scene with Warrick, and the hodges scene.
If I'm right didn't Greg work a solo.
I wasn't expecting really any of Nick last night and was surprised at how much we did get. Yes Jacquie, did see the little stoker while he was talking to Hodges. And yes Hodges is a total kiss-up. There aren't going to be many screencaps that I'm going the snag from this one. I did love the handing out of assignments. Except for "Viva Las Vegas" and "Grave Danger" they don't seem to do it any more.

The flashbacks to the previous miniature killer episodes had me reading my book more than watching. I think I looked up when Nick was with Hodges and then didn't watch again. Can't really tell what happened in most of it.

Loved the part with Doc Robbins, Grissom, and the rat in the beginning. Felt guilty for laughing so hard at Doc Robbins. Don't really care for rats myself. :lol:

McStokes said:
Hm...maybe I should handcuff myself to a Texan to calm myself. :lol: Sorry if I's not often I go off, but sometimes ya just gotta do it.

No no no you didn't offend soz if i made it sound that way :( No no never offend you're not the offending sort of person I get the feeling . And yeah I think especially with a stressful job like yours sometimes its great to have a rant, I have many a rant at my computer when it doesn't work aka ALL THE TIME :)

:lol: and yeah I love the way we're all on the same wavelenght too Jauqie we nick fan allways are looking our for his wellbeing. No one messes with out Nicky :) I can just see us all now trying to jump into the TV to protect him :lol:
I started my chuckle last night when I heard what case Nick and Rick erotic athlete? Hm??? :lol: The "Tight ends in g-strings..." comment and Nick's rubbing of his hands together in anticipation had me laughing.

Then of course there was the dialogue with Hodges. The "Lucky Lube..." whatever line he had had me laughing as well. The writers seem to love torturing GE and making him say all the "nasty, squidgy" words! Then there was the whole wierd chat with Hodges re: the conference in Iowa. I started panicking thinking "he's...omg...he's not flirting with Hodges is he??? Is he asking him OUT???!!! Argh, no!"

I know, I know...probably not at all the way I interpreted it, but come was a weird conversation, right? :lol:

ETA: Swami...thanks! No, it wasn't your comment that set me off...I came across some comments on another users' LiveJournal page that kind of set my teeth on edge. No worries!
McStokes, I took it as he was trying to get out of going to Iowa by having Hodges go instead. He was trying to convince him that he was a lot better suited for giving the speach than he himself was and that Hodges should go while he stays in Vegas.

That's what it sounded like to me anyways.

I also think Nick was in shock. You know how Hodges always has some witty (or not) :lol: comment to say every time one of the CSI go in there. All he was interested in this time was getting rid of Nick. :lol:

Ah. Good point! The end of that scene seemed a little ad-libbed almost. As if GE was making up his lines as he went. Poor people in Iowa...his "It's in Iowa...which is about as much fun as you can make it" comment gave me a chuckle. I have a friend who moved there from DC, and she insists it's not as bad as everyone thinks!
:lol: oh men so many writed here and makes me laughing, i can not so good give answers sorry these but i can read and understand so much. The last Epi i´ve not seen until now, look later and i´m so happy when funny parts in it, primarily from Nicky. Swami on your Computer are rants :lol: than i sai my life mostly consists partly of rants :lol:
Nick flirting with Hodges... McStokes honestly I thought the same! I was like "Hey, wait a minute, what if Greg finds out" but that's probably because I read too much fanfic :lol:
Nick was so cute and adorable in that scene. I do think he has a soft spot for Hodges, even if this sounds weird. Nobody but Nick would ask Hodges to go to a conference because he's so good at the things he does. And was it in "Redrum"? When Nick was in the lab and got the results on his own, and Hodges came in? The little banter they had before Nick took the sheet out of the printer, winked and left, and HOdges just printed it out again? I just love the chemistry between them, that's all, not implying things :)
Some of the banter could be just 2 good old boys from Texas getting together. We all know that GE and Nick are from Texas. Wallace Langham was born in Fort Worth. Same city as GE :) I don't know were Hodges is from. Wallace Langham seems to have lost his accent were GE's seems to be getting more pronounced :)
Really? He's from Texas too??? Wow. Never would have guessed it. He sounds so New England to me...say, Connecticut.

I like when Bobby and Nick are in scenes together...seems like their accents do this weird, southern bonding thing and all of a sudden get thicker! *sigh* I love Texans!
The Bible of Nick Stokes:
On the fifth day we had shirtless Nick :) - Jacquie

On the sixth day we were mesmerized by lil' Stoker...we still are! :D

On the seventh day.....we need big portion of gummy bears and a very very big couch :lol: - Stoky

On the eigth day the Ward became the place of enjoyment for the actor George Eads. Which has been filled with many, many.....everything! :D :devil: :lol:

I have to agree with Jacquie on McStokes' comment on GE. Wow! Wish I could be as prolific as you McStokes!

Let me rejoice in the brief, and I do mean brief moment of Nick and Warrick last night! Oh....I was just crowing! Think Nick was looking for something to do? :devil: He really made me believe if for a moment, the before Grave Danger Nick had returned. Made my heart leap for joy! Kinda warm and fuzzy feeling! :D

Now..the rat, Gris and Doc had me rolling on the bed laughing! I was howling! unexpected but so much needed! :lol: Kinda wonders how Nick would have reacted if he were in Gris's shoes? Oh....more laughing no doubt!

Epi wasn't bad for the lack of Nick. But gotta like the interaction with Nick and Hodges. I get this feeling that Nick is comfortable with Hodges. It seems that since Grave Danger, Hodges never really treated Nick differently, treated him with the same Hodges' snarkiness and sharp wit.
But you have to love Nick trying to talk Hodges in going to Iowa! With that cute, adorable Nick look, I'd go to Iowa too! :)

Hmmm....looks like I will have to make use of the Ward's infirmary. I'm going to be going there soon. Not because of my back...because I keep referring to our youngest cat - Mr. Bob - as sausage boy. The cat has short legs and a big body. My mom is about to create a crime scene and I'm the victim. But...she has called him sausage boy too! :lol:

Ohio....snow, warm, rain, snow, cold, warm.....
oh i love this comments all :lol: so funny and nice.

btw. we forgot at the GE Bible the first, second and the third day Sparky

the first: Georgy awake and a big yawn, oh men where all the Wardladys are? :D
the second: i felt a bit weired, without my handcuffs :devil:
the third: and one Person must protect me for all the Wardladys McStokes :lol: help me
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