George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Maybe he reacts that way because everyone will make a big deal of THAT situation and still completely forget about him and all he's been through! ;)

I too remember there was supposed to be a storyline that involved a lot of Rick/Nick and I thought it mentioned Nick helping Warrick through something...we all speculated divorce.
someone told me that they read somwhere that nick was supposed to get a girlfriend and he would have to choose between her and the job...season is almost over and we have seen nothing like that...guess my friends was very very wrong....which makes me happy..i wouldnt want him to leave his job ...
I read some fan fic on the weekend of how Nick dealt with being buried alive. I liked it. It had a bit of everything we wanted tptb to do. I think they should be hired as writers for the show so we could see their idea put on the screen :) If anyone is wanting the link let me know and I'll pm it to you. It was good :)
Yup...gotta love the fanfiction. Some of those writers come up with THE best storylines for our boy. I too find myself wishing tptb would 'borrow' some of them! I can't even begin to tell you how worried I am about the show and our Nicky! It seems every time I really get into a show...they end it! :eek:

One thing that had me yelling at the screen the other night...the interaction between Grissom and Greg. Well done, but when I saw how 'tender' and caring he was with Greg, and how willing he was to talk to him about what was going on with him, all I kept thinking was "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS WITH GREG AND NOT WITH NICK!!!" Why is he so special and not Nick!

I think now is the time that the team gets changed up a bit, almost like they did right before Grave Danger. Don't throw things at me and stick pins in my voodoo doll, but I really hope Sara gets bumped and we get back to a tighter team dynamic. I kinda hope Greg goes back to the lab as well...after all, that IS his expertise. We need to see more of Warrick, Nick and Cath working again as well. Heck, we need to see better plots too!
Yup McStokes I agree with you on the Sara idea. Don't get me wrong Sara fans I like Jorga Fox but I'm getting tired of the Drama Queen. If I wanted a soap in CSI I would watch Miami. Oh yea I do watch Miami and I have a tendency to fall asleep through it. I watch Miami to see how ridiculous it is.

I also think that Greg has done his best work in the lab. He is too much of a science geek to be out in the field.

That being said bring on more Nick :)
McStokes said:
I think now is the time that the team gets changed up a bit, almost like they did right before Grave Danger. Don't throw things at me and stick pins in my voodoo doll, but I really hope Sara gets bumped and we get back to a tighter team dynamic. I kinda hope Greg goes back to the lab as well...after all, that IS his expertise. We need to see more of Warrick, Nick and Cath working again as well. Heck, we need to see better plots too!

I agree with everything you said. Tighter team dynamic is good. I wouldn't mind if Greg would go back to lab, but if he stays a CSI then that's fine with me too. And better plots are always nice.
To me, Sara has been this annoying little sister who spends her shifts trying to find ways to rat on her co-workers, get them in trouble, show them up and steal their thunder...all in an attempt to win Grissom's favor. She has no problems pointing out others' mistakes or that they are 'not following procedure' yet she consistently runs renegade through cases. We've seen her do it to every single character, starting with Warrick in season 1.

Then there is our boy: tries to follow direction, follow examples, learn from his mistakes and learn from the experience of others, toe the line, be a team player...all while overcoming huge odds and traumatic experiences...only to be beat up each time! Oh...and he's never really blown up at any co-workers either, unlike Sara's rant to Catherine.

Man, I'm on a roll! Can you tell I've had some frustrating shifts?!? :lol:
Wow, McStokes, you really don't like Sara, do you? :lol: She's not my fave character either, since I agree just a bit with you now, the setting up co-workers thing, it's kinda mean, but I don't really pay attention to the scenes she is in (except when nick is in, ofcourse.. :lol:), that way I can't see the things I think she did wrong. Now Sara-likers, don't hate me, don't shoot me (please? :D), it's just my opinion. I also think she did some things good, but still.
Yeah, sorry...she's been getting to me for a while now, and I guess I just finally cracked! I never really noticed her behavior until I started watching (and re-watching, and re-watching!) the re-runs on Spike. Then a pattern began to emerge.

So...back to Nick. I want to see him square his shoulders, lift his lovely chiseled chin, and take charge of the next case that comes along, and save the day as usual!
Well said McStokes. I guess taking you frustrations out on Sara is better than taking them out on the fine citizens of New York :). I hope we get to see a good blow up of Nick's frustrations this year, yea I know wishful thinking, as well as more Nick saves the day with the clues that breaks the cases :)
LOL...yes, Jacquie it's a much better thing to have me rant in here than take it out on the lovely citizens. Too much chance of a real backlash there!

I think I get so frustrated with the Nick thing because I can sorta relate...always trying to do the right thing, the honorable thing, follow the rules and not ruffle feathers...Do my job to the best of my abilities, yet somehow things go awry! I'm sure everyone can relate no matter what their line of work...there is always one person who never gives the extra inch, only takes. Finds ways to bend the rules to suit them, yet never gets caught. Or the person who consistently takes credit for your hard work and dedication, but is the first person to bail should the you-know-what hit the fan! *cough..Sara*

That last thing I mentioned...I remember seeing Sara pull that in "A Little Murder" when Nick is the one who figures out how the guy was hung, yet when the scene cuts to Sara and Nick going to find Grissom, SHE is the one that tells him "WE know how he did it..." Not "NICK figured it out," but, ok...way to take credit there, girl!
:lol: Wow McStokes calm down girl, but yeah I agree with everything your saying but I think thats what is sooo great about Nicky even though Sara's there taking credit for HIS work he doesn't then spin round and yell 'ARGH ATTACK' as I personally feal that he should :) He just shurgs and gets on with it :D He's so great.

Also the Warrick thing, it's like WHO'S WARRICK he's never there anymore, I mean he's there but no storylines, no real substance nothing Poof and he went :eek: where did warrick go?

The only thing I don't agree with you on is the Greg thing *gets out my I heart Greggo flag and waves it around :lol:* But saying that I also do see where you are coming from but I think the fault lies with the writters etc. (warning ppl when i start typing I find it hard to stop so this is going to be a LONG post sorry in advance I just can't help it when it comes to Nicky and Greggo)

In the begging of the show Greg was the goof ball who annoyed Grissom by playing his music to loud and dancing round the lab wearing evidence etc wearas Nick was super CSI, he was Grissom's wonder boy who could do no wrong. Then as the years went on Greg grew up and after the lab explosion a fatherly side of Grissom apperes and especially as Greg trains to be a CSI he's like a father figure, which is great but for some reason it completley dissaperes with Nick !!! Why I have no idea, I mean does Grissom only have enough room in his stoic heart for one underling at a time :confused: And during Grave Danger it was so obious how much it was effecting Grissom and how much he does care yet after wards he never says a thing and the whole thing with 'You never let me down' SO THEN WHY AFTER THEY GET HIM BACK DOES GRISSOM NOT TURN OVER A NEW LEAF AND START MAKING SURE NICK IS OKAY :mad:

With Greg I still think there are times when Grissom is mean to him and billitels him coz he's the youngest (and coz Greg wont yell back) but at least afterwards he'll apologise (well Grissom's version of an apology). It's got to the point now that with Nick he just sort of ignores him. Whyyyyyyy, whyyyyy I ask you?

So yeah,that what I think, its not that Greg is better than Nick its the writters they're amazing talent for screwing things up, oh and also blame them for a lack of Great storylines in a while :rolleyes:

Esk that was a long post, sorry bout that :lol:
Hm...maybe I should handcuff myself to a Texan to calm myself. :lol: Sorry if I's not often I go off, but sometimes ya just gotta do it.

I think Greg was great in the lab. He and Hodges lit up that whole aspect of the job.
I miss the old Greg - but t.v. shows often do that - bring in "new blood" to change the mix of things.

I like the way Nick has developed over the years, I just wish they would take better advantage of that. I think they just don't know how to let the Nick character be a "leader" (which is definitely where that character is going....) because it's already pretty heavy at the top (Gris, Cath). I had been watching for years and admiring GE as a very good-looking guy but didn't really become a Nick fangirl until Gum Drops - which is really a turning point for the character -- if only they'd let it happen....
It's nice to see that we are all sort of on the same wave length here. In the fan fic I read this weekend the authors had Nick dealing with ptsd. I think us Nick fans are going through that with the not dealing with Nick issues.
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