George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I hope everyone is having a pleasant Sunday afternoon :) I just stopped by to leave a plate of freshly made chocolate chip cookies on the table :) Enjoy :) I hope you like them George :)
Oh...I've been on my CSI kick. I've been watching episodes off and on these last two days. *SIGH* I realized that if George dyed his hair hot pink, yellow and green, wore a clown suit, chewed gum really loud, danced around on the lab table and beat on his chest like Tarzan, I'd still like him no matter what. It has to be those eyes. Those eyes are like BAM, pulling you into whatever emotion/reaction that is going on, no matter what the character. It seems like I have to watch things many times because I'm too busy watching his eyes and facial expressions. I just get lost in those eyes. Not too many actors have that ability to pull you into whatever they are playing.

WOW! Think I need to see the Ward's mental doctor for an eval. :lol:

Ah...thanks McStokes for the cookies! :D Sundays are always quiet.....except for the voices in my head!! :lol:

I think the birds have it out for my truck! Do they have battle plans they make? Are the birds trying to out do each other? What have I ever done to them? Mom looked at my very dirty truck and laughingly said.."That wasn't a bird, that was a hawk." much I love my mom! So I'm at one of those places that you can wash your car and rinsing it off. Mom was sitting in the passenger seat with a smile of amusement. What can I say? I like a clean truck.

Enough of my rabbling! :D
SparkyGirl it was actually me that made the cookies and I'm glad you liked them :) And I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday :)

Thanks for the B-day wishes! I have to work tonight, but who says I can't have happy b-day thoughts while working?! I should get some crime scene tape and string it around the nurses station in hope that Nick Stokes will come and investigate!

I'm sorry Jacquie!! I have no idea why I'm getting you and McStokes all confused! Thanks for the cookies, Jacquie! ;)

Off for some Nick Stokes before work! :D
Morning all.
Wow...what a few days it's been. Between the weather and the VA Tech incident it's been really strange. I've been working doubles since Friday due to the storm...we had a lot of flooding and damage but we never lost power. Thankfully no deaths here as a result. But, even with the torrential rains and strong winds there were of course those a**holes who had to cause problems anyway! Lots of road rage incidents, a few assaults and lots 'o drunks. Oh, boy!

A few of the kids from the VA incident are former students of my friend who is a teacher in northern VA. She and her students are understandably upset. What a shock. What a mess.

McStokes oh your weather, and i´ve seen here so often in our TV news, men it´s terrible sorry this :( i thought me, that you have now a lot of work *big hug* and with the students oh yes, i can´t understand this why are people doing so horrible things :( and i can understand the shock they all have, sorry and my compassion for all these people.

HC_4_my_birthday hy and welcome here :) can we all see the show on youtoube or other side? and thanks for the tip
hey there

we have been having terrible weather as well...snow snow and more snow with winds and rain. the va tech thing is terrible, as a teacher it always affects me no matter where it happens....not to mention that this month is also the anniversary of a similar event in a similar school....

thank god i have the texan charm smile to cheer me up! :lol:

***CSI is my sanity***
Am gutted that I missed George on Paul O'Grady :(, never imagined that he would go on that sort of show, does this mean he is here in England? This may mean I have to ditch work and go do some stalking! :lol:
I think we all should check into the Ward's Mental Health Room. A room to go to after a trying day, the days events, work that drives us crazy and the weather that makes everyday just a bit more Crazy!

Our fearless leader, Nick Stokes, will be on hand to help us deal with the craziness that happens. Personally...I'm looking forward to the finger printing!! :D

:::::sends big Hugs to all in the Ward::::::::

Possibility of George in England? Hmm.... Lvodkadiet, I'd reccomend active watching! :lol: Really active watching!! ;)

Ah....Georgeland. A Country. George. McStokes is in charge of security, national security, local security and security in gengeral. *wonders if I could be in security... might not work...I'd accidently handcuff myself! :lol:*

Sigh...rerun week. Fresh George much needed!
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