George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Welcome Maryse :) There are a number of us here that have husbands so pull up a chair and enjoy the hottest Texan around :)
It's been over 11 hours so I don't think anyone will mind the double post :)

Nick was so georgous last night. He looked good from the top on down :) Even though it was a Sara based episode I think Nick had a good amount of screen time. There should be some good caps for the ward :) The shirt that Nick wore was oh soooo good looking. We got a little bit of little stoker mind you at an early scene it look like GE was trying very hard not to let him out.

I've always felt that Nick and Sara worked well and last night was no different. They should be paired together more often. At one time it looked like Nick wanted to give Sara a huge Ward Hug :)

I felt sorry for Greg because he got the same it's over treatment that Nick got in Daddy's Little Girl. But it's nice to see that the lawsuit wasn't dragged out the whole season. And did someone make Hodges's human :)
Jacquie, gotta agree with you on everything about Nick. Loved the shirt. He did look great last night from head to toe. :lol: He seemed to turn protective of Sara.

I have finally seen Rashomama yesterday and it was one of the best eps ever.

first there was Nick being all romantic, smelling the rose - which was beyond sweet, and then the stripteas, hm..., collecting evidence part. why cant there be more eps like that?
hey ladies!
i'm not that new anymore but posted more over on the speedle thread.
so ..... gummy bears, caramel, texan cheek .....
it's sooooo good to be here!

i was wandering does anyone know for how many seasons our dear george will play nick stokes??
Welcome carolina. Why can't we get more shirtless Nick? GE want's to be an actor, which he is and not a piece of fluff to look at on the screen. We all agree here that GE will never be able to hide his georgeous look but I for one enjoy the occasional glimpes we get of the his georgeous body. Oh don't get me started on what I could do with said body :devil: And I think CSI is the wrong show for continous shirtless scenes of said georgeous Texan Hunk.
Okay Ladies, I'm sure that I'm not the only one who watched Empty Eyes last night. And while we didn't get an alot of Nick, what we got was priceless. I thought that Empty Eyes was kind of like a Sara version of Gumdrops (not as good, mind you, but in the same vein) and I liked how he was concerned for Sara and checked on her and all. And, to be shallow for a minute, I loved when we was leaning against the car (when they were talking about going to the bar to look for the suspect) - man, he looked hot.

ETA: welcome to our newcomers - I haven't been here for a couple of days (I'm beginning to feel like Blackflag and Jacquie - computer problems again!) and so I have been delayed in my greeting! :)
OnlyTruth touch wood and April is a better month for our computers. And that car scene with him leaning against the front of the car :devil:. He looked so hot there :)
Morning all!
*takes a moment for official Ward Girl duties* Welcome to all are your official Ward Girl handcuffs! A little gift from the Ward to welcome you! Ask the "old timers" to explain...! :devil:

Taped last night's epi and can't wait to see it today since I had to work last night...grrr. Darn job...don't they know I had new Nick to watch last night?! :lol: On a fun side note, I re-qualified yesterday, so I can still have a gun! Yee ha! Actually, it was funny...I beat most of the guys!

And, as mentioned with the other tactical stuff...I ended up laughing hysterically at one point and had to take a break...I'm not sure they instructors were amused!
i needed my texan dose real bad last night and i was very happy to see him. was nice to see his protective side over sarad just like she did for him in gumdrop.

aww isnt he just georgous!! :lol:
McStokes - happy that you get to keep your gun :) As long as they never take your handcuffs.... ;)

Jacquie- April better be a good month for the computer. I'm "this close" to switching my internet service - this is the 3rd time in 6 months I've had to have my cable modem replaced. I asked the guy today whether there was something I could be doing (burning it out looking at hot pics of Nick, for example -- okay I didn't actually say that part) and he said it was just a "bad modem" -- hmm, the third one now, huh. They have one more chance and then I switch.
Oh, that's so true, Maryse! He is really gorgeous.

I haven't seen Empty Eyes yet, but now I hear you guys talking about it and it makes me so jealous! :lol:
OnlyTruth we use a DSL serivce from our phone company. It's a good service but the problem was on their end. There was a switching problem. I let my husband deal with them and oh boy you don't want to get him mad. For ethical reasons we don't want to give our cable company any more money than we have to so we won't use their internet service unless it's a last resort.

McStokes so glad to hear you beat some of the other guys. It just goes to show them that wardgirls rock :)
Howdy :)

McStokes yeah i know it your the best *i´m proud of you* and the epi yesterday?

was the epi with many Nicky in? i´m drool now :devil: but sorry must load first the base of this i´ve wrote in the Stokes thread ;) ok now i´m off, must look for my dog - look Nicky pics to help my mood and loading the epi.

See you´ll later and big hug in around also for all the Newbies here - very welcome ;)
Why can't we get more shirtless Nick? GE want's to be an actor, which he is and not a piece of fluff to look at on the screen.

although I definately dont mind shirtless GE (Im not blind after all) I was refering more to the smelling the rose part, showing Nicks sensitive side and also bringing little lightness into the depression that is usually a crime scene. and although he was beeing rather cheesy he pull it off perfectly and came out of it being totally lovable.
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