George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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If you want to see some nice wallpapers that are up for voting, go here . Stay on the page that the link is on to see all the entrants. There are some very nice Nick and George ones :)
How do you know someone should get an Emmy for something that hasn't been seen yet? Am I missing something here? Just one of those questions I just had to ask!

Before Grave Danger aired...I don't remember hearing anything about how George should get an Emmy for his performance. Did I miss something? I sometimes wonder where I am and what is going on most of the time! :lol:

Some of those wallpapers are cool! I have no artisic in me what so ever and I color outside of the lines! :)

Ah....the Ward Menu. Now we are talking! Hmmm....those gummy bears are sounding awful yummy! I did have some at work late last night/early this morning.

*suddenly has urge to run amuck around the Ward and yell for George*
markiesanders I think the epi you are talking about is 'Poppin' Tags' from season 6.

Yeah, someone is already convinced the Jorja should get an emmy for the UPCOMING episode! I really wanted to respond to them, but walked away from the computer as I was cranky to begin with and figured I might just start a fight!
Jacquie i think also ;) but let us going on with the menue :D

Falling Idols: *hmmm* Steak i like so steak very nice with onions and mushrooms *omg* i died for this :lol: and after this nice vanilla with hot chocolate "Eads" :devil: are you like them too? and after this Handcuffs from McStokes :lol: give us the cuffs ..... please

btw. the pillow fight oh i miss *grabs a big GE Pillow and smacks SparkyGirl for sooo soft sleeping ;)

nigth you´ll sleep well
Hello ward girls, I'm sorry I haven't visited the ward in aggges, had a hectic life which I won't bore you with, but I do have the biggest announcments for any english gals in here!

On Thursday, Five are treating us to 2 hours of George-a-licious goodness and are broadcasting 'Evel' from 3:30 to 5:30. Here's the description:

Fans of George Eads-Nick Stokes in CSI:Crime Scene Investigation-will relish the site of him clad in leather astride a motorbike in this biopic of fearless stuntman Evel Knievel, who spent the Sixties and Seventies either leaping over rows of buses or waiting for his shattered bones to heal. It's a frustratingly superficial portrait or the miner turned all-American hero, and far inferior to the 1971 movie starring George Hamilton, but it should entertain speed freaks. Also stars Beau Bridges. (TVM, US 2004, Dir John Badham, 120 mins) **

*squee*!!! So, whatever you do, you have to catch this! And, with that, I leave you with some of the sentences that happaned to catch my eye!

'...clad in leather astride a motorbike...'-yummy! :devil:
'...frustratingly superficial portrait...'-yes, but it has George Eads clad in leather astride a motorbike!
'...**'-:eek: George. Eads. Clad. In. Leather. Astride. A. Motorbike. Sheesh, you can tell a bloke wrote this! :lol:

CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
On Thursday, Five are treating us to 2 hours of George-a-licious goodness and are broadcasting 'Evel' from 3:30 to 5:30. Here's the description:

No way :eek: I cannot believe it! :lol: Brilliant, this is why I love Five... Is is wrong to take the afternoon off work just to watch George Eads in leather?

Actually, I have already seen it, but Jemma if you haven't then I would definately suggest setting your video recorder for this treat. :D
I think you people in England should have a George Eads flu day on Thursday. What better way to be 'sick' than to curl up in front of the tv and watch Evel :) I've seen the movie and although the script is so-so George did a great job in acting :) Enjoy the very george-a-licious show. New word for a ward dictionary :)
Ah....stoky, you just know what I need! Nothing like getting smacked with a big GE pillow! That certainly stopped me from running around the Ward yelling for George! :D Sometimes you just gotta stop me in my tracks!! ;)

McStokes you did the right thing! I'm surprised you didn't handcuff everyone in that room! It takes a better person to walk away than to cause problems. Cranky makes things happen. *sends mammoth GE pillow to McStokes for comfort*

Things that make me go.....wha???????

I sometimes wish I could get a buzz cut and be done with messing with my hair. I got it cut up this morning and hated it. It is still long...for me. I usually keep it short enough just to wrap a curiling iron around it. Almost cut it this morining...but didn't. This humidity is making the ends curl and it is driving me insane. These are the times I envy George's hair. Imagine the time he saves! But he looks oh....soo......gooooood! *sigh*

Wanted: Fresh George Eads. Call 1-800-The Ward. Leave a message...leave a pic...just leave something!

Okay....gotta work tonight. Hey...bought a 6lb bag of gummy bears. It is gonna be a beary good time! :lol:
SparkyGirl sais
I sometimes wish I could get a buzz cut and be done with messing with my hair.
:lol: yes you´ve right, i have buzz cut is funny and easy to get ready for the day, need this short for sport :lol: and you´ve a 6lb gummy bears *damn* give me :lol: my gummy bears now empty eat them all last days *sigh* and ice also and now? what can i do? look the pics of George here, and think it´s a giant Gummy Bear *rrrrr* :devil:
*rescues thread from near oblivion...*

SparkyGirl I feel your pain...I have curly hair, and there are days when I too would love to pull a GE and buzz it all off!

Cannot wait for this Thursday. I have to work, but MUST remember to tape the new epi! I want to see some new, take-charge Nicky!
Seriously, McStokes - it's been quiet here. I wasn't able to get on for 3 days (how is it that a computer can work fine one minute and the next nothing will load -- I spent all afternoon yesterday reloading software....) and there were only a few new posts. I suspect that the discussion will pick up after Thursday when we finally have some new Nick to discuss (or lack of new Nick, if the eppy is really as Sara-focused as it sounds....).
*bleck* that's a storyline I am NOT interested in! (sorry Sara fans).

Aren't computers fun? :D Did you by any chance switch to Internet Explorer 7? That may be the culprit.
You know, I've been hearing a bunch of not so good things about IE 7 - but unfortunately, that's not my problem. I seriously don't know what happens. Literally, it was working and then I came back later and it wasn't.

The eppy is definitely Sara-centric. Although, based only on the preview, there is some Nick....
I have heard we will get new Nick this Thursday but other than reading the tv listings I don't know or want to know about the episode. I think I've done very well this year with not looking at spoilers. It's fun to not know what the episode is about.

So instead of a chocolate coated Nick what do you think of a caramel coated Nick? Still nice and sweet and sticky. Very nice to lick :devil:
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