George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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You're right about Nick in Roshomama,carolina- GE managed the "hopeless romantic" stuff with making you want to gag. And the humor was right on the mark - for Nick and, especially, for Greg (I know, I know, take to a Greg/Eric forum, OT :lol:).
Rashamona *sigh* it´s so nice ;) i love it. and speciall greetings to lw67 look your pm ;)

night you´ll have nice dreams :)
Ahhhh....Jacquie, Nick leaning on that police car was sooooo.....ahhhhh! It was good to see Nick all laid back and relaxed! Granted there were few Nick moments, but they were oh so wonderful! That look Nick gave Greg when Nick was at the top of the stairs....priceless. Oh..I was going all gooey and such! And it wasn't from the overdose of gummy bears I can assure you! :)

Welcome Maryse! Make sure McStokes gives you the keys to the handcuffs. You just never know what will happen in the Ward!

Ahhhl....George's hair is growing out! Can't remember what number that was on my list of things for developments. I think I was getting way too lost in those Nick moments of the look in his eyes. George really knows how to act with those soft brown eyes and say a million things with just the looks of his eyes! So in this case...those soft, quiet, all telling brown eyes had my full attention! :) Does George realize just how much feeling/emotion he projects with those baby browns of his????

Finally had to go to the Doctor about the back. The Doc seems to think it is a slipped disk. The pain is very limited to the center as is the swelling. order of steroids and pain meds and no work until after the 3rd of April. The pain meds make me all drowsy and hasn't really helped with the pain. Doing anything is painful. Getting up from a seated position is quite a chore. We won't mention that any slight movement causes an unexpected yelp. *bangs head on wall* Have no idea what I did. So...I will need Nick for an unspecified amount of time! :D

Ahh......I'm so glad we have some fresh Nick!!! Ahhhh!!!!
welcome here Maryse ;) and soo good to see you here SparkyGirl fresh forever :D yes i´m seeing the new epi too George so cute and also i like this scene at the police car and at the stairs with Nick and Greg *hmm* it was so harmonic i found. Nicky is a littlebit like the old Nick, the scene how he looks to Sarah with the nice grinning o yeah that´s our so good Nicky. But i found also he looks already again a bit tired or is it only my meaning?

And wahh what is with you Lady? slipped disk? hope you´re healthy soon better *big hug from me* :) and you get Nicky sure for long time decreed from me, take 3 times at the Day a giant George Eads pill... ;) *smacks a giant Eads pillow and hit you soooo soft* :lol:

eta: oh btw, it´s my last post here in Texan-Charme, rants are here undesired i´ve read this on a LJ
I know I don't post much but I do read. With all the talk of gummy bears lately, I actually went out and bought some.

I agree with all ya'll are saying about "Empty Eyes” Was it not George Eads that said that his worst fear was "passing alone" When "Nick" said that it brought that comment to mind. I think I read that somewhere (I can't remember where).
He he guys I'm so stupid :lol: I really have been watching much to much CSI, I was out walking my dog late last night and i was in this field right, when I hear this noise behind me like footsteps but its dark so I can't see so I just carry on walking but all i can think about is all the CSI episodes that have started something like that and then someone just grabs me and i screemed so load and start hitting whoever it is and i'm remebering all the things that Nick says in CSI like 'the vic fought back so there was DNA of the attacker under they're nails' and stuff like that so I'm like thrying to run away and i manage to floor the guy when I realise to my horror ... its my friend, he'd seen me and just wanted to say hi :eek:. I was sooooo embarassed but i thought they were attacking me and yeah :( i needed Nicky really badly :lol:
Yes Amy I've had some gummy bears moments myself. I haven't bought any yet, as I don't need them :), but I've thought of it a couple of times :)

Swami I haven't had an experince like that but back in the middle of March when we had snow on the ground I was watching the foot prints in the snow and thinking how do they manage to tell the size of the shoe and what prints would make better impressions :)

One of the things that pops to mind about Empty Eyes have you noticed that Sara usally deals with women being victims and that Nick usually gets the children. I'm still seeing visions of Nick and those lovely eyes being concerned about Sara. It was interesting because Nick was there more than Grissom.
hy you´ll and thanks Jacquie ;) sure, not my last post you see :lol:

Amy777 welcome back, long time you not here you sais
I agree with all ya'll are saying about "Empty Eyes” Was it not George Eads that said that his worst fear was "passing alone" When "Nick" said that it brought that comment to mind. I think I read that somewhere (I can't remember where).
yes it´s an old interview i´ve seen it also last times in the beginning from these Board ;) that is his worst fear.

Swami :lol: yes indeed really exciting me also some night´s when awake my dog :lol: it´s so dark and all noises are weird. But do you have not flashlight close to you? Good CSI-ler have it. We send Nicky to you, to protect you and also McStokes she comes ;) i swear :lol:

And indeed i´ll agree with you Jacquie Nicky is so thoughtful and it seems he will protect the feelings of Sarah.
Thanks Stokey for the welcome back. I was out of town taking an EMT class. I just got my official license in the mail today. I am so excited! I am now an EMT and looking for a job. I still have my old job so I am not too worried. But job hunting does take time.

I did take my stint in the quarantine box just like the rest of you but I am better now.

I found the interview, which GE said his worst fear was, it was a "yahoo chat". You can find it
Yahoo chat

It is kind of an interesting read. It kind of exemplifies one of the reasons I like GE so much, he actually sounds intelligent (even if he does not have a script). He sounds so down to earth.
uh oh, he likes a-1 steak sauce. im an hp kind of girl... im sure we could still make it work :lol:
thanks for the link Amy and glad to see you around again! george gives really good interviews, he should do more.
Amy thanks, jep, this is this interview i´ve read this for a time, and his interviews are each time so excellent. I wish can more have of these :) He gives mostly short and fast answers and sometimes so funny :lol: i love it. and this
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years? A: Flip-flops.
this makes me laughing really that´s so funny. That´s George. Allmaple ;) a-1 Steak sauce is it spicy, than i like them tooo and btw. i´m also a Steak guy *yummi* not is better than that. And i´m happy to see you here Allmaple do you have now a bit more of time? ;)
Thanks for the link Amy. It's nice to read some more stuff about George. I wish he would do a question and answer session here :)
Flip flops :lol: thats a brill interview thanks Amy

And yeah Jacquie and Stoky thanks for the kind words it was quite an experience, I deffinatlye needed a flash light and Nick and McStokes :eek: wow they'd be like the ultimate crime fighting team wouldn't they :lol: i'm just worried that I hurt my friend opps :lol: All us ward girls we'll protect each other from evil people who scare us in dark fields :D
:lol: SwamiCSIaholic yes that´s too funny really. And Jacquie we need new stuff really :) hope i can find in next day news.
Can you imagine a Q&A here?!? Destiny would have to have backup standing by!! :lol: I seriously think that the Ward would rock with a Q&A. We have our P's & Q's!!! Well.. unless you are doing the alphabet backwards... :lol: We have asked some really interesting questions and gave interesting answers. Okay...then there are those of us...who are silly! *that would be me standing in the back of the room unable to stand still*

I'm still dealing with my back. Steroids ain't doing much and pain meds just make me sleepy. AAArrgghhh! Gonna place a call with the doc. This doesn't feel like a muscle pull. I usually get those swinging off of the hanging lamps! :devil: Who says I have to have someone to do that?!? :D

I will take all of the GE pillows you can give, stoky! Sleeping.....not getting much of that lately!
Hurts to lay on back, side, stomach, hurts to stand, sit, move. Some one whack me with a bag of gummy bears and call GE!! I need a distraction!!! Oh...wait...McStokes and Jacquie's carmel talk is a nice distraction. GE any way! The more the merrier!!!!

*slaps self with hand* Testing of Tornado sirens....always makes my vital signs race!
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