George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I'm spoiler free this season, too, Jacquie -- I usually don't even watch the previews because I think that they are misleading. I hope it's not considered a spoiler to say the ep seems Sara-centric (the t.v. guide specifically refers to Sara's reaction to the case).

I am a big caramel fan but it is so sticky that it would take forever to lick it all off. Oh wait, why am I complaining about that....
OnlyTruth I don't think it's a spoiler to say the episode is Sara-centric since every tv listing has it.

And I think the slower the better for licking the caramel :devil:
Ya know, the thing with caramel is that it tends to spread a lot, and the more you try to lick it off, the stickier and more gooey it gets!! :devil: And, as it *ahem* hardens it tends to act like glue, so things may get stuck together!

*sidesteps the hose of Destiny!*
whew, that was a close one :p

when there was a stretch of episodes with like 5 minutes of nick i caved and read a few spoilers. im weak :lol: but we had some good ones before the march break so we probably wont see much of him for a few weeks :( oh well, cant win em all right?

oh, and i watched the preview because i wanted to see how much his hair came back :lol:
I'm very weak. I can't live without spoilers. When you go through several weeks without a new ep it's spoilers or go insane. :lol: Of course I treat it just like the promo at the end of an ep for the next ep - It never really tells you exactly what's going to happen! :rolleyes:

*waves to Destiny* :lol: I'll be a good girl now!
I glance at the spoilers, but tend to take everything with a grain of salt...a few times I got so hyped up about something, then when the episode aired, it was kinda of a let down.
Morning Destiny :) I'll behave myself :D

Last year I looked at the spoilers and I was disappointed in most of the episodes because the actual episode was different from the spoiler. This year I haven't been disappointed because I don't know what is happening. blackflag as a rule we don't get sneak peaks of next weeks shows here in Canada. There was a stretch for a few shows this year that we did get a sneak peak and the shows weren't different for the previews. I hope this is all making sense. I think I'm going thru Nick-withdrawal symptons. Is it Thursday yet :)
McStokes sais
Ya know, the thing with caramel is that it tends to spread a lot, and the more you try to lick it off, the stickier and more gooey it gets!! :devil: And, as it *ahem* hardens it tends to act like glue, so things may get stuck together!
Jacquie sais
And I think the slower the better for licking the caramel :devil:

:devil: heck yea, McStokes and Jacquie sit here, look at your commentarys and my eyes fall out of my head :lol: *wishes the sweat from the forehead* :lol: that´s really hot here.
Hey ya'll!

Well...the hair is much shorter! I think my head lost 10 1bs.
Sigh...I still envy George and his hair! :) I admire those who can grow their hair out.

stoky you know I will be more than happy to share my ton of gummy bears! No way I can eat all of them? I'm sure George will be happy to help! :D

McStokes and Jacquie....interesting thought. Never looked at it like that. Those mental pictures won't be leaving for awhile! I missed the 'look' from Destiny! I was wondering when she would make an appearance! Wonder what she is using for her hosings these days? Well...I will save my badness for another day! :lol:

Yehhhh....fresh Nick/George! Whhhohooooo! I must remember to record it! see those expressonable eyes...that gentle smile...ohhh.....I soooooo can't wait!

I really did a number on my lower back! Got no clue as to what I have done...but I'm sufferin majorly! I can say it had nothing to do with carmel or low swinging lamps or a certain other person! Getting into the truck is killing me as bad as bending over is! Then I pulled the muscle in my neck/shoulder. Guess it is time to get that body cast and heal myself! Know anyone that gives great back rubs?! :devil:

And on that note.........the thought stops here!
Stoky yup there's nothing better than having Nickflashes. Jumps into shower to cool down after thinking of caramel and ........ :devil:
Jacquie stop it :devil: :lol: that´s dangerous, think about the poor Nicky is here in my rooms. I´m a vamp..... huh, hush and quick away under the shower :lol:

SparkyGirl to late, Nicky is here :lol: and we are licking together the big caramel..... :devil:

ohhhps now i´m out :p
We were dangerously close to slipping to the second page. Can't have that for our hot Texan :)

SparkyGirl if you're still need to burrow Nick to massage :D those sore back muscles now would be a good time to grab him :).

And speaking of hair cuts I like to keep mine short much to the dislike of my hubby. He feels that all women should have long hair. Back in January I got it cut nice and short. I probably went from a Poppin' Tags look to a Fallen Idol look :) I've never been one to like to spend alot of time with my hair.
hey all
i am new to this place...big george/nick fan...i am very happy to have a place where i can talk about him. (this way, i wont annoy my husband

i think i am going to like this thread
Welcome to the thred Maryse grab a handfull of gummybears and make yourself at home :p

Hey guys just watched Evel Kineviel for the first time today and i have to say that even though his hair is a little crazy YUM :D
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