George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Gee, Sparky...sounds like you and I can have adjoining beds in the Ward, with plenty of pain killers and GE as our nurse! Now THAT I would stay in bed for! :devil:
oh yes we need to snag him for an online chat here! hes done at least two in other plces before and seems to have fun doing them. but i dont think any vegas actors have done one here, just new york or miami. wonder what thats about...
although wed have to be extra careful at behaving ourselves, so as not to scare the poor guy off! :lol:
Oh...yes, McStokes! We would have to share a room, even gummy bears and GE as our nurse! I'm sure he has a very incrediable bedside manner!! :devil: We would have pain meds that take away pain and not make us sleepy!!! How else we gonna know if GE has a great bedside manner?

*we interrupt this thought for an important message. Due to the amount of pain and the fact that hosing can happen, the thought was interrupted before it became un-Ward like, un-PG like oh...heck...just plain bad! We now return to the post at hand*

Wonder how GE looks in a nurse's uniform??

*beep...beep...beep.....the National Ward service has issued a :devil: warning...effective....immediately!!!! A hosing is possible. Stay tuned for further details*

Is it just me or are my thoughts being pre-empted? Hmmm... must be Destiny's firm looks and hosing abilities taking effect!!!
Allmaple the idea with the chat here yes :D i´ve proposed that for a long time here. Is it perhaps possible? And no panik, i think he is humorous enough for us crazy Ladys here :lol: especially when McStokes gives here commentary i think GE rolls on the floor laughing also Sparkys commentary. And Sparky that´s make me giggles :lol:
*beep...beep...beep.....the National Ward service has issued a warning...effective....immediately!!!! A hosing is possible. Stay tuned for further details*
SparkyGirl said:
Can you imagine a Q&A here?!? Destiny would have to have backup standing by!! :lol: I seriously think that the Ward would rock with a Q&A. We have our P's & Q's!!! Well.. unless you are doing the alphabet backwards... :lol: We have asked some really interesting questions and gave interesting answers. Okay...then there are those of us...who are silly! *that would be me standing in the back of the room unable to stand still*
Don't underestimate your moderators, besides lol We don't conduct them, they have others who handle those. But we did have and still do have a thread "If You Could Interview A Star Of LV", and you can give the questions (within the board rating system) you would like to know. I might bump that back up. It was started incase those who do interviews or chats wanted to know what the fans were wondering they could look at that.
:) hey Destiny thanks that looks good, :eek: but i´ve been a blind spot, why i have not seen this before? So good that you Mod this board *big hug* and when not real but good idea :)now i go off and in bed, to consider some nice Questions ;)
Ok wardgirls I'm joining you in the sick room. I don't have any ailments, yet but I just want to see GE in his nurses uniform. And aren't the patients suppose to make passes at the cute nurses :) And McStokes what have you been up to to put yourself in the sick room?
Stoky said:
:) hey Destiny thanks that looks good, :eek: but i´ve been a blind spot, why i have not seen this before? So good that you Mod this board *big hug* and when not real but good idea :)now i go off and in bed, to consider some nice Questions ;)
You're welcome, my goodness that is an old thread, I created that around a month after I became a moderator here, its just been floating several pages yonder lol. Lets see I joined in June 2004, became a mod in this forum in Oct 2004, and created that thread in Nov of 2004. Yup its an old thread, good to see some want to revive it again. I have so many lol. :D
Jacquie does being sick in the head count? :lol: No...just beyond exhausted from working too much, then trying to fit in "real life" chores such as replacing a fence in the yard that required hauling 8 foot sections of wood fence around....such fun I have on my time off!

I am so bruised right now from that, and from the tactical training the other can get pretty physical. Would be nice if GE had to join me in that! :devil:
George in a Nurse uniform? :lol: I can actually imagine that. It made me laugh sooo hard! Marns is sitting next to me and she was looking at me in a weird way.. :lol: I guess when she sees this post she'll know why I was laughing. :D
McStokes! :lol: That is too funny.

I think Marny is angry now. I wouldn't tell her what I was laughing about and now she won't talk to me anymore until I tell her.. :lol:
McStokes said:
Aw, be nice to Marns! Fill her in on the laughter! Don't make me handcuff you! :D

Thank you! Man, was I annoyed. :lol: She wouldn´t tell me what she was laughing about.. And I can´t stand that. I didn´t talk to her for like half an hour. :eek: Then I found out here. And I have to say she was right. George in an uniform IS an interesting thought.. :D But I would like to be the one taking care of HIM. Oh well, both would be nice. :)

I was looking for new pics and I found a really nice one! But it isn´t on photobucket yet and it´s on the computer downstairs, which my sister is now on, so I can´t show you. :( I´ll post it here as soon as I can.
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