George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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:lol: woah Only need a cold shower now but he looks in that sure very hot yea think about the delivery and the handcuffs - ouhhh not more it´s dangerous :lol:

and btw. McStokes poor *big hug* hope you comes sooon in here we missing you *waves to you* ;)
OnlyTruth your idea about the black leather and x-men type outfits had me drooling at the mouth, George as Wolverine would be a fantasy worth exploring!

Superman would be a cool one too, although not sure about the blue and red tights/pants outside your trousers combo. Like the idea of GE as a mild mannered reporter during the day (with his good looks he would charm the pants off everyone) and then a superhero at night (when he could charm the pants off me! :devil:)
I think GE would be good in any type of movie :) I'm sure if he did sign to do a movie it would have to be a good script for him and not one that focuses on his looks. I'm sorry George but your looks are so damm good :) It might be interesting to see him in a western :) How about a remake of some of John Wayne's movies. Those legs in chaps :D I think I would go and see him in any type of movie :)
Jacquie sais
How about a remake of some of John Wayne's movies. Those legs in chaps I think I would go and see him in any type of movie
yes that´s i think is very nice. He talk in an interview about this, was an old interview. He like John Wayne, and when he have the possiblity to met some of the unliving actors GE sais, he want to met John Wayne.
If it were a western, I think the Clint Eastwood style western would fit well. Can't you hear "go ahead, make my day" coming from a stern/angry GE character?
:lol: yes Only i can hear that and also the row voice and texan slang *ouh* how cute :devil: and don´t forget, in western they used so often handcuffs :devil:
He was good as Captain Atom on Justice League Unlimited. His character even sort of resembled him, so it was very fitting. :)
George would do amazing in just about any type of movie! He is great being dramatic, funny, serious.....I could go on but we all know that!! :) Whatever type of movie he does he will be excellent! And I have to agree with Jacquie....."your looks are so damn good."

Now....he would really be at home playing a cowboy in the old west. And...he passed the chaps audition with flying colors! Monte Walsh was not only watched for George you know!! :D

Hmm....seems we need to have a Ward menu of the various things that we seem to have gotten addicted to. On the cover of the menu would be a pic of George. It would have to be a variety of pics because the Ward's many likes/styles of George would have to be represented. The way this sounds... this menu might be a thick one! :lol:

How is everyone doing!?!? I hope all is well with everyone!
I sometimes can't tell if I'm coming or going or gone and went. There are times when I'm not sure and just have this completly stupid/dumbstruck/questionable look on my face. This look is more and more common!! :lol:

Sometimes I wish I had a taser......... :D But knowing me....I'd taser myself!! I always did like a shocking good time!! :lol:
SparkyGirl I like the idea of a ward menu :) I can just imagine the section entitled Death by Chocolate

-Devil's Food Cake covered in chocolate sauce
-Double Chocolate Texan Delight
-Chocolate Fondue with your fruit of choice

All the above come on their own individual plate that resemlbes a certain Texan and that plate is also edible :devil:
Ohhhh....Jaquie!!! Now you are talkin'! Would said edible plate come in different...ah....styles? I'm sure the styles would be....err....extremely different! :devil:

*Wonders if Destiny has a fave dish*

Hmmm....there would have to be an ice cream section.

-Grave Danger...the perfect mint ice cream with edible chocolate covered carmel ants...with or without oreos!

-Darling Double Dutch....the perfect half/half ice cream of your choice. Great for going dutch with Nick!

-Peanutbutter Door Handle....for those who love the taste of peanut butter. Chocolate covered peanut butter ice cream with peanut butter filling shapped as a door handle. Who says you can't enjoy peanut butter......door handle!?

I'm so so so sad! I really need help!!
Jacquie :lol: Ward menue sounds good

SparkyGirl heck yeah, i think so many different ice cream species we can listing here, and all of them apply to GE :lol: for few minutes i´ve eat a very tasty cherry/vanilla ice with big pieces of choclate, damn i tougth by me, that´s real George *hmmm* :devil:

i love your idea epi + icecream sort :lol:

-Fallin Idols is now the cherry/vanilla with chocolate
-Grave Danger is Vanilla pure with hot chocolate sauce *omg*
-Gum Drops is Strawberry and over them some Gummi Bears

i´m not a friend of peanut butter unless George put his finger in it an than in my mouth and be happy :lol: *mum.. mum.. mumble*
Ugh...maybe it's my mood today, but in the other 'Empty Eyes' thread someone commented that Jorja Fox should get an emmy for this upcoming episode...please, all I gotta say is, if she gets one, then they need to REWIND and give a REALLY big one to GE for Grave Danger!!

Sorry, I'm crabby!
McStokes i´ve not reading the spoiler, but i´ll doing. And i´ll agree with you when you sai George earned an emmy, my meaning. I´m angry, and can´t understand the people that they not give him an Award *damn* what´s the matter with these people. George is an really good Actor, and i know many of us thinks alike.

i can understand your crabby ;)
I think all of us wardgirls are allowed to be a little crabby when GE doesn't get the recognization he deserves. George just keep up the good work and all your wardgirls appreciate your work :)
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