Ok...I'll spill. And Sarge was looking over my shoulder when I wrote that, so of course I had to 'splain myself to all the guys here as well! I just know this one will come back to haunt me with these guys!
So...the story involves me, my then partner Ryan (back in the good 'ol NYPD days), a drug dealing double amputee in a wheelchair, and a "foot" pursuit! *cough*
We'd been looking for this guy who seemed to have the amazing ability to allude us, even in a wheelchair. He happened to "roll" by us while we were getting coffee (insert cop joke here re: coffee and donuts) Ryan decides he has had it with this guy, so he starts running after him...leaving me to deal with the squad car!
So...I get behind the wheel and proceed to try and find them as I am not supposed to leave my partner alone in a pusuit...I am amazed that I seem to have lost them, when I come across them on a dead end alley near the river and see Ry with his GUN out on the guy...proceed to freak and jump out of the car thinking he has lost his mind (the guy has no legs after all!) so I go running down the street and alley...and when I finally catch up to them, I realize something's not quite right...then it hits me the "amputee" is standing there, yes, standing...
so...long story short, we find out the guy is an under cover anti-crime officer (they handle narcotics and gang-related stuff), we all laugh hysterically (not really), shake hands, and Ry and I start back to where I left the squad car...but, there is no squad car...it's just...gone. Then we hear a lot of horns blowing somewhere near the intersection...
Um...it's seems that in my haste to get out of the car and run to cover my partner, I forgot to put the car in PARK, and it ROLLED down the street until it came to rest quite nicely in the MIDDLE of the INTERSECTION where it sat, blocking traffic!
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...I felt so stupid! So, instead I made Ryan fetch the car so everyone yelled at HIM!
Thank God there weren't any other officers or personnel around, cuz I would have been in HUGE amounts of trouble! My Lieu and Sarge never knew a thing about it until my going-away party when I left the job! :lol: