George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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McStokes said:
Nikky I'll relinquish my title to you! Want the tiara to go with? :D

:D Thanks I guess I should add that to my list of off the wall crazy nick names too :lol:

You guys like my new name? It came from my favoritest country song by Dierks Bentley :lol: one of the things that I crave the most now that I got a little one on the way :rolleyes:. Oh and George of course ;)
:D Thanks Jacquie. :lol: McStokes, how did you lose a squad car? Reminds me of one of my favorite That 70 Show Episodes :D.

It's funny, I used to hate country music when I was a kid, I used to listen to stuff like Led Zeppelin and The Who and other older stuff like that, but when Dierks Bentley came out with the song What Was I Thinkin' I fell in love with all country music *Except for Toby Keith* But that's a different story. :lol:

Watching Season 5 on DVD is fun :D And as soon as I'm done with that, I'm watching the episodes on SpikeTv :lol:

As I said in the Ward, all my friends have told me that my hubbie looks like Dierks Bentley, a country music singer, I personally don't see it :rolleyes:

Me and Jon in Highschool :p And I know I look like a midget sitting besides him :D Dierks :lol: I still don't see it :D But my friens swear they look alike.

Speaking of look a likes, is this George Eads? Or is there a movie with George I haven't seen yet?
yeah! i want to know the story behing the losing the squad car thing... McStokes i dont know how you can do that...but i have flushed my whole set of keys down the toilet on my first day in a new school so anything is possible right?
Maryse said:
yeah! i want to know the story behing the losing the squad car thing... McStokes i dont know how you can do that...but i have flushed my whole set of keys down the toilet on my first day in a new school so anything is possible right?

:lol: I once flushed my cellphone down the toilet. I put it on the top and when I grabbed it ready to leave, it fell in the toilet when it was flushing :rolleyes:

But I agree McStokes...Do Tell :D
i had a pile co photocopies on the toilet paper distributor and my keys on top...about 15 keys on that chain....the paper was about to fall so i got up and the keys fell in the toilet...this toilet had a magic it flushes as soon as you get up....i didnt even have time to bend sown to get the keys.......and with all the running around i had to do because of it..i ended up never going to the batroom all day...was a long day... :lol:
Ok...I'll spill. And Sarge was looking over my shoulder when I wrote that, so of course I had to 'splain myself to all the guys here as well! I just know this one will come back to haunt me with these guys!

So...the story involves me, my then partner Ryan (back in the good 'ol NYPD days), a drug dealing double amputee in a wheelchair, and a "foot" pursuit! *cough*

We'd been looking for this guy who seemed to have the amazing ability to allude us, even in a wheelchair. He happened to "roll" by us while we were getting coffee (insert cop joke here re: coffee and donuts) Ryan decides he has had it with this guy, so he starts running after him...leaving me to deal with the squad car!

So...I get behind the wheel and proceed to try and find them as I am not supposed to leave my partner alone in a pusuit...I am amazed that I seem to have lost them, when I come across them on a dead end alley near the river and see Ry with his GUN out on the guy...proceed to freak and jump out of the car thinking he has lost his mind (the guy has no legs after all!) so I go running down the street and alley...and when I finally catch up to them, I realize something's not quite right...then it hits me the "amputee" is standing there, yes, standing...

so...long story short, we find out the guy is an under cover anti-crime officer (they handle narcotics and gang-related stuff), we all laugh hysterically (not really), shake hands, and Ry and I start back to where I left the squad car...but, there is no squad's just...gone. Then we hear a lot of horns blowing somewhere near the intersection...'s seems that in my haste to get out of the car and run to cover my partner, I forgot to put the car in PARK, and it ROLLED down the street until it came to rest quite nicely in the MIDDLE of the INTERSECTION where it sat, blocking traffic! :eek:

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...I felt so stupid! So, instead I made Ryan fetch the car so everyone yelled at HIM! :D

Thank God there weren't any other officers or personnel around, cuz I would have been in HUGE amounts of trouble! My Lieu and Sarge never knew a thing about it until my going-away party when I left the job! :lol:
You didn't actually loose it McStokes. You just temporarily misplaced it. Good quick thinking, though, for making your partner get it. :lol:

McStokes thanks for sharing your story. I hope your fellow officers don't 'hide' your car before your shift starts :) At least you made your partner get the car after all it was his fault you were in this situation :) Now I wonder what GE may have lost or misplaced. We all done that at some point in our lives. I on a regular basis misplace my tea or pop that I'm drinking while I'm in the store. I also have a tendency to misplace my box cutting knife. I sometimes think that if my head weren't attached I would lose it on a regular bases
You know Baba, I think Reno 911 might have room for our very own McStokes!! I'm sure she would give them a run for their money with or without the squad car!!!

:::::Hugs McStokes:::::: You know we love you!!! We all have done things in our jobs that have caused us major embarassment! Either we can't think of something that has rankability with yours or we have that 'oh the brightness of George's smile was in my eyes' excuse!

I'm not dealing with this solitary confinment thing. I'm running through the rainbow of emotions and fighting with insurance companies who haven't been doing their job and leaving it up to me to do it for them. So after getting my last check....and finding out the insurance co wasn't doing anything even after I gave my okey dokey for medical info to be released. Feels sort of like I've been stuck to the bottom of Ecklie's shoe and he can't seem to scrape me off!

Go back to the doc tomorrow. I'm ready to have him write me a release so I can go back to work and cross the crime scene tape, throwing caution to the wind!

Is it normal to have a conversation with your cat about Nick Stokes and how munchable he looks in LVPD vest? That has been happening quite a bit lately. Bear Cat has been pretty supportive of my issues, even though he would rather sprawl out on my bed and sleep.

Time to start on season 5...or is it 4 of CSI? Don't think it would hurt to watch something over again!!!
I's sad! But there were so many stupid things that happened on a daily basis when I was working in the city! You'd think the people we were arresting were the dorks, but was the cops! (Like the time one of my fellow officers went to draw his weapon, lost his grip on it, and ended up tossing it at the suspect...who caught it! You'd think it would turn ugly at that moment, but no...the perp was so scared he TOSSED IT BACK at the cop!! Thank God!!) That caused a lot of laughing!

I think GE has misplaced his alarm clock, no? :D Bet he'll never do that again!
I'm sure after the alarm clock problem of 3 years ago, GE has more than 1 alarm clock to wake him up :)
I think he needs his Ward Girls to move in with him and make sure he's awake, fed, off to work on time...what do ya say?! :D
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