George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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*busts in real quick to throw pillows at all of you...*

Pa-lease!! Do I even need to GIVE you examples from my job?!? I think I win the bad day contest HANDS DOWN!! :D :D

I think we all need a big 'ol vacation on Georgeland! We all work too hard!
yeah a vacation sounds good, but in Georgeland sounds even better.

*likes to bug people when she is super tired...throws pillow back at McStokes *
*Munches on pickle*

What a time it's been for me not watching Nick on Thursdays :D I've been in such a mood that I watched Evel three times last Thursday :lol: You girls know a good way to pass the time :D Watched Crowned and Dangerous again last night too, something about him in that yellow sweater :D
Pickles?! Pickles?! Okay Nikky, better be sharing those pickles!! Oh such a weakness for pickles!! Ah...such as the weakness for George!! :)

Yes! Vacation to Georgeland!!! Who is driving? If it is McStokes, I get to play with the siren!! :lol: We all deserve it!!!

MRI revealed a protrusion between the L4 and L5. Not like they are going to go into detail over the phone as to how bad. I will find out Friday how bad and what the next step is. I'm a wanna know now kinda person. I hate to wait! Impatient....yep! Forarmed is forwarned.

Amazing what kind of things have travel distance....especially when I'm aiming for the trash can. I wasn't a basketball player in my past life that is for sure!

Wonder what George is doing this summer? Hmmm....makes me think of that book...where is Waldo. The Ward's would be titled 'Where is George' and we aren't talking about the monkey!! :lol:

I'm off to create more havoc and destruction. Easy to do with too much time on your hands!!!
waaa!! im jealous of your ability to watch crowned and dangerous :( they never put that one on video. that and the dog walker. not sure why they wont release those, i know us crazy fangirls would give them good sales! :lol:

speaking of vacations, i should probably let you all know nick will be joining me in florida next month. 10 days on the beach, i shall need my lotion boy :devil:
Jacquie we have to do this outside of school because there are so many students and it's a long route and the teachers just can't check on every student. We had a week to do the run and I had to do so much other stuff, that I just picked Sunday.

McStokes. You are the the empress. Bad day empress. *bown down* Maryse is queen of beingannoyedness. *bows down* Boy, what am I?

I watched Invisible Evidence. Woo-hoo! Good episode! :D
Marns said: McStokes. You are the the empress. Bad day empress. *bown down* Maryse is queen of beingannoyedness. *bows down* Boy, what am I?
A person with a backache? :p
hey now, that is a title i dont nesseceraly want i had a bad day...must be hormones starting to get to me... :lol:
Destiny said:
Marns said: McStokes. You are the the empress. Bad day empress. *bown down* Maryse is queen of beingannoyedness. *bows down* Boy, what am I?
A person with a backache? :p

Oh Destiny I'll have to call you the one liner lady. That is priceless :)

So how are we all planning on getting to Georgeland. I would think that with the high that we're usually on in the ward we could probably fly ourselves there quite easy :lol:
i dont know how we are planning on getting there but waht ever we have to do i am IN. i am so in need of some GE time... :lol:
Marns said: McStokes. You are the the empress. Bad day empress. *bown down* Maryse is queen of beingannoyedness. *bows down* Boy, what am I?

A person with a backache?

:lol: :lol: :lol: sorry folks it´s not correct english but i can not more i break together Destiny that makes me laughing :lol: and please dont hard or mad with me
oh Destiney that is funny!!

let's see I work in my family's restourant/bakery from 5:00 am till 6:00 pm at night, i'm so tired right now.... oh but George, George makes it all better :D
I think I prefer the title "Supreme Commander!" :lol:

I told the guys one day that I demanded to be called that...they had started calling me Princess because of ONE MEASLY TIME that I refused to do something they asked of thing I know a tiara lands on my desk, and they are calling me Princess!

It's fun working with men!
Marns said:
McStokes. You are the the empress. Bad day empress. *bown down* Maryse is queen of beingannoyedness. *bows down* Boy, what am I?

so i guess i had a good reason to be kinda moody....just found out...i'm going to be a mommy...cant tell anyone because i could loose my job so i am telling you guys...dont quite know how i feel about it just yet...
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