George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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McStokes sounds like a good idea to me but in all honesty do you think GE would get any sleep with all the ward girls over :devil: I think he'd need to go to work to get some sleep :D
He can sleep on the set! When we're around, we demand FULL attention! Course, he'd then get fired for sleeping on the set, and we wouldn't get to see him on Thursdays...oh, nevermind. Maybe we should leave he him alone! :lol:
leave him alone? leave him alone??? youre kidding right? :p :lol:

he can sleep while we are around. we just have to be very careful not to disturb him as we *ahem* should probably stop there. ;)
right, will probably need those to strap nicky to my headbo... um, i mean. yeah, i mean headboard :devil: thank you McStokes, would have been difficult without those handcuffs!

now if youll excuse me, i have a hot texan to lock up and Destiny to run away from :p
Evening ma'ams...
South of the border desperate fan living on S3 re-runs begs your help:
According to your expertise, and keeping in mind that I can only download 10 eps or so (Tube won't work outside the US), which would you say are the essential Stokes eps?
Thanks for your help!
Hello foxdvdgh the essential Stokes episode are all that GE is in :D but seriously

Grave Danger
Gum Drops
Poppin' Tags

Just to name a few
Redrum.. that reminds me.. I still haven't seen that. And that's my friends fault! :lol:

McStokes, your story reminds me of what my sister did yesterday.. Well my "stepmom" was going to get a chair out of our house and me, my sister and stepmom's daughter were in the car. So my sister had her feet on the handbrake, and somehow she pushed it down, so the car rolled back a few meters.. :lol: I'm so happy there wasn't a car near us! :eek:
Morning all!

foxdvdgh another good Nick epi is Overload. And welcome, by the way!

Yup, Marns...thankfully I have become a much more responsible person since those days :rolleyes: ! Pa-lease...I've done so many dumb things...including getting my big toe stuck in a moving vacuume cleaner not too long ago...! :lol:
Thanks Jacquie and McStokes both for the welcome and the suggestions. Now let's see if my beloved torrentz works as it should!

Now... since I'm not sure how many of you out hter ship for Nick and Sofia, perhaps the next question is a bit loaded... but what are good eppies for those two?

I coudl offer fanfic in return, but I only do Nick with Sofia and not exactly PG-13 stuff...
evening all

i can believe this thread just went on the second page, now now that is just wrong :lol:

Nick and Sophia...i dont know about that....anything's possible thougth :lol:
There's not a lot of Nick and Sofia episodes out there but Daddy's Little Girl and Room Service are two that come to mind.
They also share quite a few scenes in Built To Kill pt1 and 2. As a matter of fact I think there were a lot of episodes this season that had them working the same case.

McStokes - you crack me up. The car story is hilarious (it coulda come straight out of Reno 911!) and now you say you got your toe stuck in a vacuum cleaner!

I don't know about good Nick/Sofia eppys. They do seem to work well together - but whether that translates into a good ship, I don't know.
i know a lot of people didnt like toe tags, but nicks case in that episode was the best one (im not biased at all!) and sofia was the cop working with him. nick has chemistry with everyone, and as much as i like him working a case with brass sofia is a nice choice too :)

and Jacquie, how dare you make a list of must see nick-isodes and not include let the seller beware??!?! :p
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