George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Yeah, ofcourse they are people. I'd be so annoyed if everything I did would be looked at by people who read those tabloid-thingies.

Ofcourse George is our No1 bachelor in GEORGEland. :lol: Would be weird if we named Georgeland after someone we didn't like. :lol: ;)
One of the things I admire about GE is that he's been able to keep himself out of the headlines. Other than the 'firing' 3 years ago we've seen very little of him in the news. I think the fact that GE was an adult when he went to LA may play a factor in this. Wanting to keep out of the tabloids may be a reason why he doesn't like the red carpet. The questions that the celebrities get asked there are stupid.
I think it has something to do with his upbringing, and who his Dad is. He learned early on to be careful what you do/say and how you behave. Lord knows it's a lot of pressure having a parent or being involved with someone who is "high profile" but you learn real quick to not rock the boat and make trouble for the family, so to speak.

But still, just one new picture, preferably shirtless, every once in a while would be nice!
It would be nice if there was one magazine out there that GE would trust enough to do a nice tasteful photo spread that would have at least one shirtless pic :p :devil: with an article to go with it.

And McStokes I think mom and dad did a find job of raising George. They must be proud when they look in papers and not see him splashed all over them.
I think It's been a while since there's been a really good story on him in any magazine. These days he seems to be under the radar for most magazines as compared to when CSI first started.

At this point he seems to trust Entertainment Tonight as much as anybody. I think they got the same people on there as when I was back in 7th & 8th grade! :lol:

I think his mom and dad did a great job raising him when you consider just about everybody in Hollywood seems to end up in the tabloids for some reason or another.

i like George not being in tabloids too, it makes me happy, it also shows he never does anyhting "worthy" of tabloids, which in celebrty land is bad.

but our George is a good boy , and don't get in any trouble :D

but I would love to see more stuff on him, good stuff, I like him, he's a sweety, and there should be more like him.

off topic: can some one please get me a new Icon? I need to update from my Xmas one :lol:

ok well I'll post some more if some one posts after me :D
::::::slinging gummy bears, teddy bears, Bear Cat and what ever else I can get my hands on:::::::::::

Thanks McStokes & Maryse!! Better get those lights, sirens and a hospital bed ready!! Sparky is about to hit the stir crazy 3 days ago!! I'm going crazy! all know I'm crazy already! :)

Finally got that MRI! Hopefully Monday I'll find out what is going on! I'm being a bit pestimistic about it. I feel as if nothing will be found. After going through Gallbladder problems in the past and tests showing nothing wrong, I'm a bit discouraged. The pain meds are better now that they were stepped up to something stronger. The back issues have decreased since I haven't been working, but I have moments that take my breath away and make me yell in pain.

Now truth be told, I would rather have moments of being left breathless by GE and yell in excitement when I see a pic of GE I haven't seen before! :D

I say GE has his act together when it comes to the limelight. Now...I agree with ya'll....GEORGE EADS should have been included in the sexiest bachelors!! Okay..George, you might not see yourself as sexy, but there is a gaggle of us ladies that would beg the differ with you! This is one argument you won't win with us!!! ;) Okay..we will settle for 'Handsome' instead of sexy. still won't win that argument! :lol:

Happy be-lated Birthday Maryse!! I'm sure it was 'Georgerific'! :lol:

:::::slings jelly beans, water bottles, cat food,.... hmm..better save the GE pillow:::::::
Well I hope all goes well Sparkygirl and I'm glad your feeling better :D

and yes George is hansom, I don't know what it is, but the best looking guys are always the ones who deni it... but that is a good :D then we can doght on them for hours and they get all blushing, and cute :D *I have done that so much to my friend, to the point he just can't fight it :D*

and we need new George pictures!!
Hello lol, Remember me :lol: It's no fun having to watch all reruns of Nick :( But I have been watching my season 5 dvd :D Can't wait for the new season to start back. Speak you you girls later :D
Remember you. :lol:

Oh, man. I think I might go watching my DVD's today too. My gym teacher's been annoying me! Yesterday I had to run through the woods, to practice for some kind of sports event, and I had to take a picture in front of a house to prove you really did it. Well, so I ran the route, finally was at the house, and then the batteries of my cellphone were dead! So today I had to go to school, get my gymclothes, go home and get my cellphone (I should've taken it with me), go to the woods, take the picture, go home, print pretty picture, go to school, find my teacher, give the picture and then go home again. :eek: :eek: Can you imagine how much I need George now? :lol:
Marns said:
Remember you. :lol:

Oh, man. I think I might go watching my DVD's today too. My gym teacher's been annoying me! Yesterday I had to run through the woods, to practice for some kind of sports event, and I had to take a picture in front of a house to prove you really did it. Well, so I ran the route, finally was at the house, and then the batteries of my cellphone were dead! So today I had to go to school, get my gymclothes, go home and get my cellphone (I should've taken it with me), go to the woods, take the picture, go home, print pretty picture, go to school, find my teacher, give the picture and then go home again. :eek: :eek: Can you imagine how much I need George now? :lol:

:lol:eek:h please...try correcting 289 copies of the same written exam, and having to do that for tomorrow morning, and then grading 8 groups of 30 students all for friday. *grading means have to enter 12 things for each students, comments and letters...Vive La Reforme! :mad:*. at least you get to watch GE on tv...i get to watch kids....well being kids during exam week

** :mad:it`s just monday ad i am already dying :(how will i ever make it to friday :confused: i know....GE and some Cookies...leaves a plate for the girls as well.**
Allright. I will bow down to the queen of beingannoyedness if you make that. Sounds pretty annoying, yeah.
:lol: i was just bugging you :lol:
we all need some GE/Nicky time in our matter what we are doing

*offers Marns some cookies :D*
Maryse I know it can't be easy being a teacher. I sometimes wonder why kids today want to go into that profession. I know it's the rewards of teaching the children of tomorrow. You could always be an administrator like GE's mom.

Marns it never was easy being a student. What I can't understand is why you have to do this sporting event for school on a Sunday and not during school time :confused:

Anyways plates of chocolate chip cookies with a siding of gummy bears for everyone. Maybe even some of that Double Chocolate Texan Delight Ice Cream we haven't had for a while :p
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