George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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McStokes you are so lucky to have an "exciting" job. The rest of us are still in line for the ride-along too -- but we'll let GE have cutsies and go to the front of the line.
Well, I don't know about exciting! Some days, maybe. Most times you're so bored or people are so unbelievable rude/stupid you feel like you're bleeding out the eyeballs...

*cough* sorry, that was pretty gross, wasn't it? :D Blame it on my weakened condition...I don't know what I'm saying!
McStokes have a
as our unsung hero :) and I second the fact that you can have GE first when it comes to riding shot gun with you :)
Oh I love that idea :D you see i work with my Mom and sister at our restaurant, so to bring George to work would be fun :lol:
I'd make him take orders, make Panini's and coffee... that would be great... and he'd have to wear an apron.. cute!

ok well let's never let this thread slip to the next page.

let's start the pillow fight again!!

*Whack!!* I just hit Blackflag with the pillow...

and good night :D
I had some down time this afternoon so I watched Evel Knievel, again :) with the commentary on, again :) and I picked up some stuff about GE that I hadn't picked up on before. GE participated in pole vaulting but he didn't say when. GE also said that he was a pretty rambunctious kid well he was growing up. GE also said that he's been playing golf since he was 9 or 10. Just thought I'd pass on the info :)
Ahhhh....I see the Ward is still standing!

Been MIA. Let's say the back is back with a force. I'm off work until July 30. I've been goin crazy with Dr. appointments, insurance papers, other insurance stuff. I've been tempted to enlist McStokes lights/sirens and loud speaker to get my point across! Not to mention handcuffing certain people who try my last nerve.

I'm going a bit crazy. I'm used to working...staying busy and now I ain't doing a whole lot. Still pondering what I will do during my forced leave. daydreaming about GE is one way to ponder!! :D

Hmmm...I would love to take GE to work with me for a day, or in my case, night. I could teach him how to take vital signs, not just my own :D, how not to get tube feed all over the place, how important it is to stay away from the food at work. I think he would look good in a tan uniform! Come to think of it...he would look good in any color of uniform!

The Ward hospital is nice. Amazing the trouble one can get into while in here.

::::::slinging gummy bears at people who pass by::::::::
SparkyGirl boy that is a long time off work. Hopefully you have season1-6 on dvd so you'll have some good quality Nick time. I do hope and I know you hope that the doctors get their acts together and get your back sorted out
Jacquie said:
SparkyGirl boy that is a long time off work. Hopefully you have season1-6 on dvd so you'll have some good quality Nick time. I do hope and I know you hope that the doctors get their acts together and get your back sorted out

Know the feeling...seing 2 different one, one for the top of my back and one for the lower part...but i still have to work. so yeah...hope you have dvds to keep you compagny and good weather to enjoy!
SparkyGirl you just let me know when you need me, and I will be there with full lights, sirens and guns a-blazin'!! Sorry to hear you are not doing well...hope it gets better soon.

Maryse happy birthday! :D
I hear People's Magazine has their top list of bachelors out. We all know that GE should be No1 but alas he isn't. Does anyone know if he made the list at all.
Nope, he didn't. Why not? He is so hot. I believe Matthew McConaughey is No1. :eek: George is way better.
Yea Marns Matthew McConaughey was listed as No1 from what I picked up on the radio. Now I know this is a very biased opinion but George is much better looking and way more drool worthy than MM.
Perhaps we, the undisputed champions of all things George Eads, need to clue the "wonderful" people, People...that there is one damn fine Texan that they continue to ignore! What do you say? Blitz Krieg on the People website to demand justice for our man?! :lol:
Blitz Krieg on the website works for me but I show how think that GE likes not being on these lists. He can keep his private life private by being off them. Either way George you're our No1 bachelor here on Georgeland :)
I really like that GE is usually under the radar of the mags and tabloids. I would hate to see his personal life become splashed all over tabloids and all kinds of untrue things and rumors spread. Celebrities are people too, after all.
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