George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Ah George...

Oh sorry, got lost in thought there :devil:

I don't like Matthew M. he's wierd to me (but if you ever want to see him Really act, check out the movie "Larger Than Life" with Bill Murray, I wont spoil it, but just trust me on this one :lol: )

ok back to my George, my ideal movie would be a Cowboy movie staring George Eads, Adriano Moreas, Anderson Cooper (who turned 40! on sunday), Tom Welling, and Matt Fox (the Matt I like...and then theres another) oh yeah, I know I'm streching, but hey a girl can dream right?

ok well I'm off to try and keep cool.... did I say how much I hate Summer? sorry I'm a cold lover!

ok well off to bed I go!

I hear ya NSF!
I also thought of Matthew Fox as someone I'd put into that dream cast (M. Fox has been cast in the Speed Racer movie - as Racer X - come on Speed fans, you know you're excited, too).
I've been thinking, though, do we really want all that "competition" in the movie? I mean, maybe we don't want him in a movie with lots of other fine looking men. Good actors, yes, good looking actors, no. So, my revised cast is: GE, John Malkovich & Steve Buscemi.
i dunno OT, putting a couple of hotties together in a good movie works for me. the oceans movies? clooney, pitt, and damon? yummers!

i think george could hold his own in a movie with a few hollywood hunks. especially if were talking cowboy movie. hot cowboys are,! :lol: im so articualte :D
allmaple said:
i dunno OT, putting a couple of hotties together in a good movie works for me. the oceans movies? clooney, pitt, and damon? yummers!

i think george could hold his own in a movie with a few hollywood hunks. especially if were talking cowboy movie. hot cowboys are,! :lol: im so articualte :D
you're articulate and you have a wonderful vocabulary :)

Okay, I'll accept your argument. It's fun looking at lots of hot guys at the same time.
:lol: short in here ehhh baaa, the hottest and gorgeoust Man actually George Eads :lol: i´m right sure so much Mans (or Cowboys) looks good i´ll agree with you, but George is the best :D

*waves to George :D* *Grabs a giant GE Pillow and thwaks all of you* :lol:
George could totally hold his own in a movie!!! Like that would be an issue! ;) I'm not sure we would have any issues at all!! :lol: Cowboy, spy, professor, cop, milkman, auto mechanic....George would rock! Oh...lets not forget the role of a male model!! ::::whump::::::

Talk about hot flash...whew! Or was it a flash over?! Don't let me BBQ in the Ward. Things could get...interesting?

allmaple thank heaven you are articulate!! I have a hard time with it!!! :)
SparkyGirl said:
George could totally hold his own in a movie!!! Like that would be an issue! ;) I'm not sure we would have any issues at all!! :lol: Cowboy, spy, professor, cop, milkman, auto mechanic....George would rock!

he would be good at what ever role he would play....but at last..the staches would have to be non-existant.... :lol:
Hi!! *whacks all with giant GE pillow* just coming in to say hi!!

oh George... he needs more movies!!

and well he can be in a movie all by himself, that's good too :)

They could make a movie in which they just followed GE around with a camera for two hours - filming whatever he did - and I'd still pay to go see it. :lol:
^Same here, probably worth the money, rather than pay to see him in every other scene it would be every second. *sigh*
Yup I would put my money down to see that movie. We could get them to call it A Day in the Life of George Eads :) well visiting The Ward on Georgeland :lol:
Rescuing the thread here before we slip onto the second page :eek:

Now I know this probably sounds crazy but have you ever thought what it would be like to take GE to your work for a day. Getting him to do the mundane things you do every day. I think I would have him help on delivery day. Oh to see those muscles at work. I think I would need a drool bucket attached around my neck all morning. No make that all day. I will figure out some way of having the delivery last all day and not just 2-3 hours :lol:
Oh, good grief, I definitely wouldn't want to bring GE to work with me. Booorrring for him. "Next, we get to sit in my office and work on this report....." "Okay, now that's done, so we get to sit in my office and work on this contract....." "Hey, let's go see what's going on in the lab - look, there's a technician analyzing some samples...." Sometimes in the summer I bring my kids with me and they are bored completely out of their skulls, even when I bring the portable DVD player.
Of course, I'd be thrilled to have him keep me company for the day. It's just if I had to do my actual work when he was here, it probably wouldn't be much fun for him. We do get deliveries at work, but not big deliveries, like at the pet store, Jacquie, so there's little opportunity for that kind of physical labor here. :(
Oh! he used to sell photocopiers, so maybe I could get him to do my copying for me (usually need lots of copies of those reports) - especially since the photocopier usually breaks as soon as it senses me approaching....
Oh, my....I can SO imagine having a "take your GE to work day!" He and I would have a blast! I'd let him hit the lights and siren, yell at people over the loudspeaker...then I'd make him fill out all my reports!!

Now THAT would be a dream day! :D
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