George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I was thinking that he could have easily taken Matt Damon's place in the Ocean's movies...the chance to see him with George Clooney would make my day!
McStokes said:

Anyone else ever want to see GE and Matt McConna...however you spell his a movie together? Two hot Texans on the same screen?

Matthew.. Matthew McConaughey. I think it's spelled that way, but I would definitely want to see those in a movie together.. :D They are indeed VERY hot. :D

I think I'd like David Boreanaz and George in a movie together.. :D
Thank you, spelling guru! Really, I was just too lazy to try and type his name out...!

How come Quentin Tarantino hasn't used him as some evil dude in one of his movies? I thought he liked him? :confused:
I was like McConnau.. McConnatsjoe.. :lol: So I cheated and used Google.. :lol:

Maybe Quentin will call George this summer. :lol: I hope so.
I hate to say it McStokes but Matthew McConaughey does nothing for me. I think I remember reading some where that MM snubbed GE while GE was talking to him. I think my dream team would be GE of course and Paul Gross. One hot Texan and one hot Canadian :) Boy would that combo be good eye candy :) :p
that would be grest to see george in a Qunetin Tarantino movie....i would juts love that

**day off little monsters are sriving me let the substitute teacher deal with them for a celebrate....bring out the gummy bears :lol:**
^^^ Mmm... Paul Gross. There's a nice thought. Two tall dark and handsomes...

I'd love to see him do something with, say, Gerry Butler and Viggo Mortensen. Man, my heart would probably stop if they were all on screen at the same time. (And throw a little Jensen Ackles in there for the younger brother type- who's also hot!)

OK, that's my immature fantasizing for this morning. Can always count on this thread for that! :p
Oh man...Viggo! I have a neighbor that looks like and sounds like him! *gasp!* I can't help but blush every time I talk to the man! And here I am supposed to be all tough...'s thundering again. I now have a border collie shaped ankle bracelet as the dog is shaking like a leaf and clinging to me! Yeah, she's real tough too!
McStokes said:'s thundering again. I now have a border collie shaped ankle bracelet as the dog is shaking like a leaf and clinging to me! Yeah, she's real tough too!

glad to know i am not the only one with the same problem....shaking like a leaf...under my feet and under my computer desk...the whole thing is shaking....i am showing her picture of GE but it has no effect on her :lol:
My dogs shake too -- and my beagle mix pees in the house when there is thunder. :(

I'd love to see GE in a movie with Viggo too. Throw in Hugh Jackman and I'm done for - scrape me off the theater floor.
I don't have dogs to worry about with thunder just cats. Two out of the four hide under the bed when we get thunder or fireworks. Fireworks are expected tonight because of the local street festive this weekend. So no happy cats tonight.

Viggo, Hugh Jackman, Paul Gross and GE in a movie. Definitely eye candy worth seeing :)
I don't think the Ward would survive a movie like that! Neither would the theater that would show this movie! The Ward hospital would have to send out for more people!

Mankini?! a thought! Hmmm...I'm sure GE wouldn't mind showing us a few! gotta love summer!! :D Would we be creating various types of mankini's for GE to model? :)

Matthew Mc snubbed George? Hmmm.....didn't hear about that one! I would never snub George...I'd just flat out Wardknap him! :lol: Any assistance? :D

:::::Leaves with many, many thoughts to process... :devil: :::
*note to self...strike Matthew whateverhisnameis off the "hot" list for snubbing my man!*

How dare he? :D
I don't think he actually snubbed him per se, I think George just did one of those starstruck moments of calling out his name: "Hey Matt!" And when he turned around and saw George, he looked at him blankly because he didn't know who he was. I mean, hey- fair enough. The guy probably doesn't watch much TV; he's too busy gettin' naked and stoned and playing the bongos in his backyard! :p :lol:
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