George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Come here McStokes let me give you a hug. Squeeze. I hope I didn't hug you too hard there. I'll wear my sticker today that says have you hugged your friendly cop today :)

And yes I could see GE as an action hero. The only role I would have trouble seeing him as is a villain. That being said I would still go see him in the movie.
McStokes said:

So...who wants to ride in the patrol car with me? :D I know I'd let GE sit shotgun, and I'd even let him play with the lights and sirens!

I'd love to see our man in an action film...the hero who saves the day, of course!

I do! :lol:

Action film would be great.. I would watch that over and over and over again! :D
Thanks for the hug! And I will start printing those bumper stickers today!

Ya know, it might be fun to see GE a little villian-y...kinda like Sawyer on Lost?!
McStokes said:

So...who wants to ride in the patrol car with me?

have you seen the episode of friends where ross, joey, and chandler get to ride along with phoebes cop boyfriend? yeah, that would be me, i dont think youd want me in your car :lol:

other csi actors have made theater released movies for the off season so i really wish george would. but maybe he just likes to take a good long break in between seasons. cant say i blame him for that one!
Hellooo.. :eek: Haven't been here in SUUUCH a long time.

That Friends episode is really funny, allmaple! :lol:

Long breaks are the best, but I get bored real quick. Maybe he would too.. But I guess we don't know and just have to wait!
True. I think I saw Marg in the new Kevin Costner movie. Come on, George...grace us with your presence!

Ride alongs are a trip...I had a writer come along with me and my partner in the South Bronx when I was down there...that poor guy, by the end of the night he was practically sucking his tumbing and beggin' for his Mama!

I could sooo see all of us crammed in there, cruisin' the Stip looking for Nicky and 'Rick, some of you hanging out the windows dangling your cuffs, while Jacquie and Sparky take turns on the loudspeaker!! :lol: Oh, and we'd be blasting "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" of course!
Don't know about any movies but he's in Chicago at the moment. He was at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industy (not positive that's the museum name?) for the opening of CSI The Experience. I put a pic that I found from it over in the ward. :D

McStokes said:

I could sooo see all of us crammed in there, cruisin' the Stip looking for Nicky and 'Rick, some of you hanging out the windows dangling your cuffs, while Jacquie and Sparky take turns on the loudspeaker!! :lol: Oh, and we'd be blasting "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" of course!

Oh the image of this is going to stay in my mind for a while. Now I'll have people asking me what's with the happy smirk. How do you say it's because of this loving image that McStokes created :) :lol:

I think it would be interesting to ride along in a cop car. Scary but interesting. I wonder if GE's ever done that for research for the show. We already know he's had a ride in the backseat of a cop car as a teenager or at least we presume he's ridden in the backseat. No special treatment for the DA son.
Well, *speaking from experience, duh!* :lol: depending on the day, it can either be incrediby boring (that was usually when my partner tried to perfect his tan or slept) or it was like a NASCAR race through the "lovely" neigborhoods of the South Bronx. Oh, with a little gunfire thrown in at times for good measure!

Now, up here in "the Sticks" it's cars go by...check speed...try and figure out if you know them/like them before contemplating chasing after them...!

I could still take you on a ride through the Bronx...I'll just hotwire one of the RMPS!

PS...the back seats are sooo not comfy! No room to maneuver, *cough* if you know what I mean! :devil: I'M KIDDING!!!!
:lol: Ofcourse, ofcourse, McStokes. Ofcourse.

Have never been in a police car.. I'd love to see the inside, though. If it has to be back seat.. Fine. :D
McStokes said:
*pokes head in...scans to make sure it's ok to come back in...*

Hello? Is it safe for me to come in again? I stayed away after my reprimand...I guess I took it a little hard as it came at one of my low points after a lovely day at work. *sniff* :rolleyes: Yup...contrary to popular belief, cops have feelings too!
*goes back and reads what I said.. Points out what I said* Hmm hun you were not reprimanded, I rarely use this > :D < during one, it kind of kills it when its used. ;)

As I explained you asked for a reason "not" to do it and I gave you and anyone who thought to be brave enough to try, one that would make the rethink. I also know as I said that folks wouldn't go over and make trouble on purpose or by accident lol, for the sake of it. Now BREATHE because you are not being reprimanded.

Think of it this way, go back through to times when I or Tally have given warnings or what have you. Trust me if that would have been one you would have known it. :p :D
First, riding shotgun would be a hoot McStokes. My brother in-law is a patrol cop in a little suburb in Wisconsin and I did a ride along once when I was in college. It was so boring - most domestics. He's a nice guy but pretty serious. Now, you, you'd be fun, even if the night was slow.

I'm am soooo going to that CSI exhibit later this summer. Seriously. I've been planning on it for months. My in-laws (yes, the very ones STILL visiting at my house) live outside of Chicago (in Indiana, but it's technically Chicago suburbs) and we are going to visit them in August.

I got my computer back from the Geek Squad today. It came back with a fresh new hard drive with nothing but Windows on it. Been re-loading software all day.
i didnt know they were going to do an exibit like that... i wish it was a bit cloer to home but it is not impossible for me to go...hmmmm Roadtrip!!!!! hopefully i will take a few weeks off this summer and go!

GE looked so nice in his suit!
I'm going to Chicago at the end of June, so I'm going to call ahead and have them arrange for George to be there. :)
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