George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Hey, the more the merrier! :) Plus, I could probably get a group admission rate with more people! :lol:
Baba, sorry to hear that you are going in June - because I already have Nick booked for August and I am not sure he'll make the trip twice. :eek: :devil:

You be sure to post about in the CSI Experience thread so that we all know what it was like!
You wish! George and I have had a long term understanding... since "Who Are You" aired, actually. So you'll probably find your engagement has been cancelled...

Sorry. :p
Okay, okay, we could argue all day over which one of us he loves more. But what good would that do? Good things should be shared.
*hits the lights and sirens and the loudspeaker*

Ladies, many times do I have to tell you...GE lives HERE in NEW YORK...with ME!! :D Don't make me break out the handcuffs!

I would have a blast if I had you guys riding shotgun. It's kind of a bummer not having a partner anymore, especially at night. Every once and a while I dream of the old days and think "maybe I should transfer back...." Then I remember getting shot, and all the crack heads, the prostitutes (actually some of them were really fun) oh, and then there was that little "terrorist incident..." :lol: Then I snap out of it and continue patrolling my "idyllic" little area!

Hey, we could use GE as our guinea pig, and I could teach all of you how to "apprehend a suspect" and have him "get up against the car and spread 'em!" WOO HOO! :lol:
McStokes if you get to have him spread them I get to be the one to frisk him :devil: :D

And I hate to break it to y'all but I'm taking GE on holidays with me in August. It'll be our first vacation in 7 yrs and we're going to drive down to tour Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I've already told the hubby we're visiting Belton :)
Now I know why police cars have cages in them!! I'll be sitting back there with George as we sing over the loud speaker! McStokes and Jacquie will have actually do the patrol! :lol:

You know McStokes, I would love to see the look on GE's face of being a guinea pig! :D

Speaking of vacation...I have a weeks worth coming to me. Have not a clue what to do...where to go. Actually I have lots of ideas where to go...just need a map to get there! :lol:

I'm stealing GE for an emergency situation!! After a night from living...hel...heck...I'm close to tears..okay..had some of those, extremely close to banging my head on the wall, ready to stop caring and worrying. Trying to stop thinking, but I guess that is just part of my psyche...just stop thinking period. Just tired of feeling like the one at fault all the time. Like I was a night I would love to forget. If it was going to go did! GE will be keeping me from damaging any walls...or my hard head!

Gonna bag some Z's...wash the truck-even though it is gonna rain tomorrow night and maybe cut up some tree limbs and shrubs with my alligator saw. Been meaning to do some yard work...guess I should do it!

Been to Chicago once....thank heavens I wasn't driving! What an experience that was!
ahhh, Sparky - take GE for a long as you need, that's why he (and we) are here.

McStokes, I love the idea of using GE in your police demonstration. "This is how to frisk a suspect" :devil: "This is how to use the handcuffs" :devil: "No, no, you're supposed to put his hands behind his back." "This is how to lose the key to the handcuffs" :devil: :devil:
can just about imagine what that demonstration would look like :lol:

Do we know if he is doing movies or anything like that this summer?
Joins in to see the demo. Will it be a hands on demo :devil:

Maryse I don't any one knows what GE's up to this summer. I think the only one that knows is GE himself and he's not talking :)
In a weird way, I'm happy George isn't with me or else I'd give him my cold, and plus the fact I don't want him to get into trouble again for showing up late for work.
Because if I had him, he wouldn't be going back. :devil:
Good morning all!
Yikes...this thread almost fell to the second page! Can't have that!

Well, y'all would have had a blast riding shotgun with me this weekend. Man, alcohol does some strange things to people! We had a long holiday weekend here in the states, and it's the unofficial start to summer, so people went a little crazy in my area.

Yuckiest moment of the weekend: a man who blew a few fingers off trying to show his young son how to "safely" set off fireworks (his words, I swear!).

*sigh*...what to do this summer without GE?
McStokes I hope Thursday will be a better day for you even though it's another full moon. It'll be the second one this month.

I wonder if GE got to spend time with his family this weekend. Is Memorial Day a family time?
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