George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Oh.. a man who blew his fingers off? He certainly wasn´t doing it the ´safe` way, then. Man, people GOTTA be more careful with the stuff. I am afraid of it. Won´t see me anywhere near the stuff.

And what to do without GE this summer? Perfect time to watch all your DVDs, movies and stuff like that. I try to think of it that way.
Yeah Jacquie, Memorial Day weekend is a big "get together with family and have a BBQ" holiday...officially it's to remember all those who have served in the armed forces and especially those who have given the ultimate sacrifice (ie: dying) while serving. I have a lot of friends and family who have served or are currently serving, and have such respect for soldiers. I was a blubbering fool at a few ceremonies honoring them!

Since GE's dad was a Marine, I bet he was with him!
Do any of you actually think he looks like his dad?

I'm not even sure he looks like his mom if I'm honest, but then I don't really pay much attention to them in pictures, I'm looking at George!
McStokes I knew Memorial Day was a day of remembering those that served in the Military but I wasn't aware that it was a family day. Thanks for filing me in.

I was not aware that GE's dad was in the Marines.

And SamStokes I think GE takes after his parents

Ok off to bake some chocolate chip cookies so I can leave a plate full in the ward before I go and see Pirates :)
woot pirates! :lol: i caved yesterday and went by myself. i was supposed to wait for a friend to come back from france to see it... dont tell her please!

in actual george news: i have the perfect movie (if it ever gets made!) for him. i just finished a really good book and it has been purchased to turn into a movie, or whatever they do. anyhoo, the lead male is described as devastatingly handsome with chocolate brown eyes. sound familiar? well, he starts off as 'a beast' but turns into the prince when he meets his 'one'. such a good book and i pictured george the whole time :D

plus there is a lovely little raunchy scene at the end i would love to see him in :devil:
Pirates.. I want to see that. :) Might go saturday.

allmaple, I´m not sure if George could play a beast.. :lol: Then again, he IS a fantastic actor..
oh thats just what the women call him ;) he is tamed though. the charm, wit, and of course drop dead gorgeousness of the character make it perfect for our boy
Allright that´s true.

George really does look like his mom! :) Never noticed that before. Same as Samstokes, I was looking at George, not his mom.
I wonder if he looks like his sister, we've never seen her have we?
Now if Marshall and Coleman looked like George, that would be cute. Probabaly look like their dad though.
SamStokes said:
And SamStokes I think GE takes after his parents

OK, well he kinda looks like his mom, is that his dad or his step-dad?

That's his dad :)

allmaple What's the name of this book that you've just finished reading. I'm always on the lookout for new reading material :) Also the only way I get to see a movie is by myself. I enjoy it :)

Angela and George
she actully looks like him,

and Blackflag thanks for the link to the interview, and thank you Sparky for the other link, I will watch them tomarrow with hi speed internet ;)

so good night, and George is so cute!!!
:D Hy and Howdy y´ll,

oh men, i missed the connection because i was sick, *gosh* now i´m here back and sooo happy.

Thanks y´ll for the pics and links. And Allmaple it´s true? really that´s Georges Mom, i thought every time it´s his sister Angela and his Mom has blonde hair? *hmm* i found George looks more alike his Father, and Angela more theres Mom. But be that as it may George looks cute, gorgeous and irresistible :D

I´m a bit sad because the 8. Season is starting in September, here in Germany the 6. Season is not yet completed here :mad: the last two epis been nor failed. And i don´t know, when the 7. Season here starting, i hate this.

Take a pair of handcuffs and tie myselfe :lol:

*grabs some soft pillows and thwacks around here ;)*
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