George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I think there is a thread where you can post the questions you would ask in an interview. But I don't know of one where you can post the questions you'd want the CSI actor to ask you! We are sooooo cutting edge. Good questions for George to ask us:
Do you have any pets? What kind and their names?
Who were your heroes while you were growing up?
If you were stranded on an island and could have one other person with you (living or dead), who would it be? (anyone who doesn't answer George is eliminated from the rest of the interview - any don't come crying to me people who want to answer with someone meaningful like Jesus or Plato or Abraham Lincoln or someone like that - this is a George-centric interview) :D
I would ask him, "George, why is the sky blue?" And if he answered, "Because if it was green, we'd never know when to stop mowing the lawn" I would assume that we were a match made in heaven and pose a follow-up question: "George, will you marry me?"


What can I say, I'm all about the science! :p
Oh Sparky I can just see any of us riding with McStokes and doing the 'giddy up' line. I had a good quiet laugh reading that as the hubby is still asleep :)

Let's see questions that George would ask us:

Have you always wanted to do the job you're doing? (figure actors always get asked have you always wanted to be an actor)
Are you married? Not when it comes to being with you :)

Baba nice to see you :)
Yes I understand that folks were venting or joking about the hoopla surrounding JF/SS fate and that you all wouldn't go over and try anything, but you all also know I had to say what I said to make sure that it was said, so it couldn't be said that I didn't say it.

*waits for the confusion to pass on the last part* :lol:
Thanks for the "hello's" guys. But for the record, I'm in here all the time; I just rarely have anything of interest to post. (See above)

Yeah but Baba if you don't post we don't get to see Dancing Grover. :lol: Still, I respect your approach -- don't post unless you have something to say. I'm kind of bipolar that way - sometimes I'll read posts for several days with posting myself and then suddenly I start posting a couple of times a day (anyone want to guess which phase I am in at the moment) :p

Your question, Baba, reminds me of the sort of "trick" question a troll under a bridge might ask before you could pass. Not to imply that you are a troll -- far from it - all George girls are beautiful -- because like attracts like.
OK, well then, I have a question for you guys- any word on George working on anything this summer? I'm still waiting for him to get tapped for some Tarentino project...
I don't think he's working on anything again.
I would love him to star in a Tarentino film, he WOULD win an award for that.
But I think George is concentrating mainly on CSI whilst he's on it, I know most of the others are working on films.
It would be nice to see him in another film, one bigger than the last few.
Get him working up with a few big names to pick up a few more tips.
Yeah, I mean, CSI won't be around forever... I think he should get his feet wet on some major films now so he won't have that TV to movies struggle that so many actors seem to encounter. Do you think maybe there's a lack of interest in him, and he's not getting offered anything, or this is just his choice- to truly focus on CSI while it's still going?
Baba who knows. Only GE and he's not talking :) Seriously though it may still be a fallout of being fired in 2004. He may have decided to concentrate on CSI only or it may be something in his contract. It may also be that he's only being offered pretty boy roles and he's wanting more. We all know he can act but some of the Hollywood people may not be taking him seriously enough.
But i agree...GE in a Tarantino movie would be great. as long as he doesnt get buried again. i hope to see him in more than CSI reruns when the series is done (which i hope will not happen soon)
First of all... howdy! New kid on board here.
(waves wildly at crowd)

Secondly... on a local radio talk show they mentioned that George Eads got into some hot water after doing the Evel Knivel movie... something about the hair dye being more permanent than originally intended, thus the close-shaved look this past season. TPTB were not really pleased with the look (something to do with demographics or whatever) and "kindly" asked him NOT to pull a stunt like that again in-between seasons.

On the other hand, it's been commented that he's having a hard time getting out of Nick Stokes' shadow, i.e. no matter what role he tries, most people usually say: "it's that chap from CSI". Since there's a good chance S8 is the last season, he might as well "lay low" for the time being.

Oh well, my two worn centavos on the topic!
foxdvdgh I think as far as we know GE shaved his head after Evel as a faster way to get rid of the hair extensions. I guess colour could've been a problem as well. The part about tptb being mad doesn't make sense. Why ask GE to keep it short for Snakes if they weren't happy with the buzzed look. I never heard any complaints when Gary Dourdan had the dread locks in one of the seasons before.
*pokes head in...scans to make sure it's ok to come back in...*

Hello? Is it safe for me to come in again? I stayed away after my reprimand...I guess I took it a little hard as it came at one of my low points after a lovely day at work. *sniff* :rolleyes: Yup...contrary to popular belief, cops have feelings too!

So...who wants to ride in the patrol car with me? :D I know I'd let GE sit shotgun, and I'd even let him play with the lights and sirens!

I'd love to see our man in an action film...the hero who saves the day, of course!
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