George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Oh, oh! Pick me to be interviewed by GE!! Please??? :lol: Somehow I think he'd have a blast with all of us, since we (well, me especially) have weird, twisted senses of humor!! :D I actually had one of my co-workers make a request of the Sheriff that he get to work with me exclusively because he just has a blast with, shucks! Not sure how the Sheriff took it...he's probably thinking "hmmm...maybe she should be working harder and laughing less?!" :rolleyes:

Ya know...I had the same thought re: the new email address...I was trying to figure out a way to post "anonymously" in that thread too!! "She's annoying! She goes out of her way to rat on her co-workers and get them in trouble in an attempt to make herself look better! Hell, she's sleeping with the BOSS!!! That alone is grounds for a car to fall on her!"

Ok...time to switch to decaf...
Well Okay Will step in here.
McStokes said: Ok...I am sooo itching to post in the "Save Jorja" thread that she needs to GO!! Somebody talk me out of it quick before I start a Sara War!
Hmm ever heard of official warning? :D Don't recommend them. Starting a war would surely get that.
Jacquie said: McStokes I'm certainly not going to stop you because I've been thinking the same thing. I just not brave enough to do it. I think pulling knives out of mys own back would be quite difficult :lol:
Thinking and not doing is a good idea. :)
McStokes said: Glad I'm not the only one! Every time I log in and see that thread it's like a beacon, calling me in... "must type nasty things about Sara dying...must say that she's annoying and her little pursed lips must be destroyed...." :lol: Can you tell I've had too much coffee? :D

Here...let me help you with that big 'ol kitchen knife sticking outta ya...*grunt* :lol:
Way too much coffee, nice to help you're fellow posters with sharp objects. ;)

Just remember that if it were George and a thread was started for him like that... Before you say "GE" would never do that hold up cause we don't know for sure what any actor/actress would do. Not to mention we don't know for a fact what is going on in the negotations or how far along in them that Jorja and CBS is, so lets calm down and just remember, think happy thoughts. :lol: :p
Thanks Destiny :)

McStokes I've thought it would be a hoot to ride with you for one shift. And as the saying goes "Laughter is the best medicine". I would hope your Sheriff has a good sense of humour. And we all know GE has a good sense of humour. Come on George do a comedy for us :) I can just see George and Gary doing their eye shifting and finger pointing in the scene where Grissom tells everyone about him and Sara.
Now I'm a little miffed...there is NO WAY I would ever actually go over to that thread and actually do what I was joking about...I'm not that stupid and disrespectful. Give me some credit, will ya? I'll take your warning, but please know that I would never go and sully some other thread...I enjoy coming here too much to screw things up that badly. And I certainly wouldn't want someone doing that to our thread on GE.

Pretty much every thing I say is said with HEAVY sarcasm, people...sorry if I piss people off. Like I said...twisted sense of humor.
Hey McStokes we in the ward know you are only joking and that's what count :) but we all know some people that aren't wardgirls may come in here and say hey what's going on :rolleyes: Please keep the humour going because I for one enjoy it and it does brighten my day :)
oh geez, interview us? hmmm... well he would ask me "wow maple, where have you been all my life?" and "how soon can we get hitched?" :p :lol: i kid, i kid. we all know he wouldnt be able to pick just one of us ;)
McStokes said:
Now I'm a little miffed...there is NO WAY I would ever actually go over to that thread and actually do what I was joking about...I'm not that stupid and disrespectful. Give me some credit, will ya? I'll take your warning, but please know that I would never go and sully some other thread...I enjoy coming here too much to screw things up that badly. And I certainly wouldn't want someone doing that to our thread on GE.

Pretty much every thing I say is said with HEAVY sarcasm, people...sorry if I piss people off. Like I said...twisted sense of humor.
Why be miffed? You asked for a reason to be stopped from doing that and I gave you one, what could happen if you did. Therefore would cause you to stop. ;) (Points out the smilie) with the above quote and response).
Jacquie said:
So we have GE interviewing us wardgirls. What type of questions do you think he will ask us :)

You know, too me it wouldn't matter what kind of questions he would ask. I'd be standing there with big wide eyes and my mouth glued shut. That's if I didn't turn around and run in the first place. :( I'm an extremely shy person. I've met everyone in the original Star Trek cast and almost everyone in Star Trek: The Next Generation cast and never uttered a word.

blackflag said:
I'd be standing there with big wide eyes and my mouth glued shut.

youd be able to keep your mouth shut?? :eek: mine would be wide open, tongue hanging out. probably at least a bit of drool too... :lol:
Seriously, I'd probably be all drooling and speaking gibberish - he'd probably have to ask me if I could speak English. :lol:

And Destiny, you know I was kidding about creating a new username and saying mean things about Sara, right. I have no doubt that we'd be as insane in defending George if he were in the same position as JF. I may not like the character and wouldn't miss her if gone, but I like to think that GE fans take the high road and don't go into other threads and criticize other characters and actors - just as we are kind to each other here and in the ward. I apologize to any Sara fans that might have been offended and if she does leave you have my sympathy and condolences.
whoo ahh..been away for a few days and looks like i missed all the fun...

i loved the interview they gave after the show...i dont know how i am going to get through the next 4 months....i am going to go into GE withdrawls....
I agree with Jacquie!! McStokes would be a total trip to ride in a patrol car with!! Oh...can police cars get into trouble? They will if McStokes and anyone from the ward are on patrol together!! -----has mental pic of McStokes driving and say...Jacquie on the loud speaker saying, "Giddy-up!" Oh...if only I drank coffee I would have a reason to switch to decaf!!! :lol:

I'm sure George would have some interesting questions for us! I bet he would ask a few zingers that would make us all do a double take! Well...the few famous people I've met went good. No rushing, screaming, panting/heavy breathing... all this can be done mentally with out problem! Just be yourself! Later you can scream, breathe heavy and pant! :lol:

Baba??? Is that really you!?!?!? Good to see you... or at least your words!!! You can't wear out DVD's...can you??? I'm sure this summer we all will have that answer!!

Hmmm....questions for George....

What kind of dreams do you have after have eaten a spicy meal? :Me: Lots of confusing dreams about highways and road construction. Lots of fast driving!

When the munchies attack, what do you get?
:Me: Usually chocolate. Peanut M&M's or anything with caramel or peanutbutter!

Okay...guess I'd better start drinking coffee!!
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