George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Yeah, can you tell I was a wee bit cranky when I wrote that about Sara?!? I'm running on fumes at the mo...haven't really slept in about two days. I think I'll find one of those inflatable punching bag thingies, tape a certain female CSI's picture to it and start batting away!! I hear it's great exercise! :devil:

*grabs some gummy bears and hot cocoa (always soothing!) and goes to watch Leapin' Lizards*
Sparky :D yes you´ve understand me, that´s what i mean and heck yeah i love his mouth :lol:

McStokes you makes me giggles :D
tape a certain female CSI's picture to it and start batting away!! I hear it's great exercise
:lol: hope you can sleep after the epi *hmm* think not and the hot cocoa don´t really works (for the birds), when you see Nicky :devil: but have fun and nice to see you ;)
So McStokes how did you like Leapin" Lizards.

You see Stoky I like mustaches. My husband has had one for as long as I've known him, 26+years :) In my opinion if a man is going to have a mustache it should be nice and full not something thin and wimpy. That being said I will take GE with or without a mustache :)

Puts a plate of freshly made chocolate chip cookies on the ward table. Enjoy :)
:lol: Jacquie yes i understand you, my first boyfriend has mustache too but soo thick it were tickled my nose when we´ve kissed us, and sure some men i like really with mustache also George with thin ;)

and btw. i like to suppose from you´re chocolate chip cookies *yummi* *nibbling nibbling* :lol:
I dont really like mustache. when my husband grows a beard during hunting season, i count the days until he shaves it off....but George, you said..with or without...

hmmm cookies...*takes a cookie from the plate...thanks Jacquie *
:lol: oh btw. McStokes have you make the fight with the pic? And have you seen now the Epi?

And Jacquie thanks for the cookies they are Nicklious ;)

I´ll remember me of the last interview with George Eads where he´s talk about his mom, hope she is ok and we get to hear soon nice news from him.

*Grabs a pillow smacks Sparky with it and a handfull gummybears and twacks around* :)
*Call me crazy, but when a guy has a whole goattee, however it's spelled, or a face full of stubble, I find that sexy. But when they have a mustache alone :eek: Nikky don't like :)*

How many of you gals are up for Nick with a 5:00 Shadow?
NikkyJamez said:
*Call me crazy, but when a guy has a whole goattee, however it's spelled, or a face full of stubble, I find that sexy. But when they have a mustache alone :eek: Nikky don't like :)*

How many of you gals are up for Nick with a 5:00 Shadow?

hmmlet me! but i never liked the mustache thing
:lol: I wasn't a fan of the mustache either, but thankfully they didn't kill us by having him have the mustache and the Beatles' hair at the same time :eek: Just imagine that :lol:
Why would he have a phobia of red carpets :D We like to see him strutting his stuff. Nice article, Nikky likes bad boys, and Nikky is also wondering why she's typing in third person :lol:
Hey if GE is what. Maybe GE is shy and that is why he doesn't like the red carpet. Or maybe he realized that the red carpet would clash with the bronze suit :lol: Not doing red carpets may explain why we don't see him at a lot of movie premiers.
it's really sad that he avoids red carpets. we'd love to see more of him :D i agree with Jacquie, maybe he's shy and doesn't want all that attention and stuff...
but it would be cool to see him on red carpets, being interviewed because he's so funny in interviews! i just saw a 'behind the scenes' clip and i thought it was hilarious. i'm sure you all know it. gary, jorja, eric, george and maybe someone else said their names and the character they play. george said "hi i'm billy petersen and i play gil grissom" :lol:
Morning all!
Feeling a little better today, though not much. Think I'm gonna have to get tested for Lyme's Disease... :mad:

Jacquie I did indeed watch "LL" and actually thought it was good! Not enough Nick, as we have all mentioned, but I felt the storyline, though a bit 'out there' harkened back to the old days of CSI. Good story, good forensics, a little too much GSR and not enough Warrick! But...the "good 'ol boy" accent with the line "they always do" had me hitting rewind a few times!

Speaking of the GSR, it wasn't TOO bad, but yeah...I found myself wanting that punching bag again. No Stoky I didn't get a chance to get that inflatable clown punching bag! I'll have to keep my eyes open.

As far as the red carpet...I don't blame him! I know it's a necessary evil if you want to be a celebrity, but just imagine all the screaming people, all yelling at you to look at them, come over here, asking the same lame questions! (like "who made your suit? :D ). It would make me squirm too! Poor GE...I think he needs to come to my house (and I extend the invitation to y'all here in the Ward as well!) for a nice, relaxing barbeque and a dip in the pool!

Come on Goerge...whadya say? Sound good?! :lol:
I've always had the thought that he was at least a little shy. It takes one to spot one - I've always been very shy. :rolleyes: If you look at the caps from events that he has been to you see that most are CSI or CBS related. Of the ones that aren't it's either for a TV movie he's in and he's with the cast or most of the time he's still with someone from CSI. There are a few others (X-Box for one) that he's been to, but most of the time he seems to stay out of the public eye. People always think that just because you're an actor you are supposed to be very outgoing. Not everyone is.

I also have to agree with McStokes. I'd be scared of the red carpet because of the questions they ask. It's like the interviewers don't how to ask a good (sane) question around that many stars. I do know of one question he was asked by both print and video medias in Australia that no star likes to be asked. :eek:

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