George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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Good afternoon! :D

Aww, he doesn't like red carpets because he is shy? That so cute! But yeah, if he gets those stupid questions all the time, I would be. I mean, being famous has something to do with it. He is just a normal man. Would you tell a normal man that is not famous that he is 'soooo hot'? I wouldn't. I don't know if you get my point, but my mind is a little blurry today.
yes Marns ...GE is very hot...but i find the red carpet thing quite silly...sounds like Maria carey who has to have everything white....GE the diva :lol:
or the red hair ("bet you have a temper!" Duh.) I could kick YOUR ass there skippy!!

Pbbtthhhh...:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh McStokes! I just spit on my monitor after that one!!! You are way to funny! I would love to see that round! Skippy?! Oh..too funny...too funny!

Marns it is okay to be blurry! I will admit to letting a guy know I think he is cute. This is especially true at 2am when I'm tired and we have to call the squad! Some of those guys don't think they are cute. But...I have to look and ask them if they would take me to the hospital too! I'm blurry I tell you!

Hmmm...I would have to show GE the back way into functions he wants to attend. Or be the buffer for those silly questions/observations that interviewers make on the red carpet. With McStokes's insight and training...the Ward would have no problem helping GE!!! Talk about a group effort! Giddy up!!!! :D

My back is back. Therapy was going so good and whammo, I'm back to where I was. Now I have a never ending headache that won't go away for all of the vicodin in my pill bottle. I've got some 'displaced' fluid around a disk. Can't see the doc until next week and I really would like to be pain free. Oh..sometimes I just love a challenge!!!

This funny thought entered my mind while I was re-watching Ending Happy. Those jeans that Nick had on. Those back pockets were low. That brought me to my next thought. Where would Nick put his wallet? I'm sure for a man, he might feel, for lack of a better term, naked without his wallet. Those low pockets would make carrying a wallet really uncomfortable. I'm sure the CSI's have to carry drivers license along with their ID's. Maybe Nick's wallet was in his field case? Or Brass was hanging on to it? Or...he just carried the vitals and left the wallet at work in his locker?

What can I say? Ponderings of the Nicky Moment.

Okay...time to clean my monitor off and ponder upon the fascinating taste that GE has in clothing!
I was at work yesterday and saw a guy that was George's twin :D except for his blonde hair :lol: I kept staring, I bet he thought I was crazy :lol: But I knew that it wasn't him, I didn't smell his Stetson smell :p
SparkyGirl interesting observation on the pants and wallet issue. In the screen caps you can certainly see the low riding back pockets. Look at blackflag's avatar, unless she's changed it :) I did notice in one episode, either Happy Ending or Leapin' Lizards, that there was a bulge on Nick's left leg. Now behave yourselves :) The bulge looked like it was in the shape of a man's wallet. I think the scene was Nick walking in the hall of the lab as part of a group. Just my early morning ramblings. Wow it is amazing what we notice about Nick isn't it :)
Yup...Skippy is what I call the mo-rons that I deal with! Just so it doesn't sound too nasty, but I can still be sarcastic at the same time ;)

I'm thinking that I saw GE somewhere with one of those chains that attaches to your jeans and then to your no one can steal it. If he does use one of them, then the wallet goes in the front pocket, and the chain attaches to one of the back belt loops. (If someone can post that pic of him in the sunglass store, I think it's visible there)

A few guys I know keep their wallets in front because it's too much of "a pain in the ass" --literally-- to sit on! Remember Nick said that in "Chasing the Bus" he takes his out on long car trips.

Heck, I'd offer to massage his "problem area" after a long *cough* hard day on the job! :devil:

*Waves and winks to Destiny!*
McStokes said:

I'm thinking that I saw GE somewhere with one of those chains that attaches to your jeans

Hmmm...chain and jeans and GE in the same sentence....

*slpas herself upside the head*
My hubby doesn't wear his wallet in the rear for long if he can avoid it. I even gave up putting my box cutting knife in the back pocket because of the discomfort.

McStokes the sunglass pic is not that clear. He does have something hanging from the front right pocket but it doesn't look like a chain. If you want me to still post it let me know. And first we have handcuffs and now we have chains :devil: No wonder GE doesn't want to do red carpet interviews :D
Handcuffs and chains...never 2 without 3 so...i'm thinking.....well.... i think i will think about it a bit more ....
Maryse said:
Handcuffs and chains...never 2 without 3 so...i'm thinking.....well.... i think i will think about it a bit more ....

If we add to much more or even take away anything we may be adding Destiny's hose to the mix. Hi Destiny :)
Maryse said:
Handcuffs and chains...never 2 without 3 so...i'm thinking.....well.... i think i will think about it a bit more ....

How about hancuffs, chains, whips and chocolate :D I'll leave it at that ;)
We'll take ever he is....i am starting to cu9nt the hours left before some new Nicky...

**i really am gonf nuts...GE nuts that is**
Hopefully he has some good moments tomorrow :D but I doubt he will since the episode is GSR centered, I'm getting sick of the love fest. I want some Hot Texan Action :D
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