George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I just can't even begin to tell you how much the Sara character annoys me (and for anyone who likes her, note I said the CHARACTER as in FICTIONAL CHARACTER...I do not know Jorja, and I'm sure she's a wonderful person, I just don't like Sara). It's like watching one of your sneaky, underhanded co-workers, who does everything in their power to get everyone else in trouble and make them look bad, get the holy grail...and that just sucks.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. The character of Sara does nothing for me at all... but that's not really for this thread ;)

something is bound to go wrong with the final epi
Just so long as nothing goes wrong with Nicky (poor guy's had more than his share), I'm all for it! :lol:
McStokes :lol: oh men you sounds really enraged, ignore these all, believe me it helps :lol: - but i´ll agree with you in most of your arguments :)

The greatest were to see really more Nicky next time, and sure more happiness for him. I look 1000 times the Nicky parts hope in season 8. we can see over and over Nicky. Btw. think you must handcuffed me McStokes :lol:
McStokes said:

I just can't even begin to tell you how much the Sara character annoys me (and for anyone who likes her, note I said the CHARACTER as in FICTIONAL CHARACTER...I do not know Jorja, and I'm sure she's a wonderful person, I just don't like Sara). It's like watching one of your sneaky, underhanded co-workers, who does everything in their power to get everyone else in trouble and make them look bad, get the holy grail...and that just sucks.

I want Nicky to *cough* get some. He deserves happiness!

Here! Here! I couldn't agree more :) I have never liked Sara. She's too winy. Never has Nick wined about any of the things or issues that have happened to him. He just plugs along and does his job :) And yes I wish Nick *cough* could get some. Hands out cough drops ahead of Destiny's visit :D
more Nicky would be great in the next season...i dont think they have really shown him dealing with what happened to him in grave danger....i want more nicky (hmmm mud)
Maryse yes :D i´ll agree totally with you more more Nicky. Hope we hear soon goody news from George next time, and from the new Season *omg* we need food .... :lol:

George feed us with news ;) *waves to you*

*grab a big GE pillow and smacks softley you Maryse ;)*
I'm looking forward to the next two episodes, hopefully they'll have good Nick moments, but due to the fact that, they're mostly Grissom/Sara centered, I bet they won't be.

Can't wait for Season to see what season 8 holds, :lol: Season 7 isn't even over yet and here I go.

Season 8 Checklist:
More Nick
More Jeans
No Shirt
Mustache :lol: JK :D
Welcome hui no Nick is not going out with anyone.

Nikky I have to agree with you on the amount of screen time for Nick in the last two episodes :mad: I hope we are wrong though

Season 8 wish list
more jeans
more shirt porn. Those lovely dress shirts we had this year have been heavenly :devil:
And above all more screen time and a good story line :)
hui said: hey, i have a quick question.. is Nick going out with Sofia in CSI?
The writers have not hinted at it, so I am thinking no, they are friends but as far as I can see nothing more then that.
welcome here hui :)

i´ll agree also with you Nikky and Jacquie :devil: many shirt porn *hmm* and this so nice Jeans and a bit shirtless perhaps hy :D Destiny :lol: but please no more mustache *no*

and yes you´re right myfuturecsi they must give him a good storyline and i pin all my hopes of Season 8
Awe Stoky what do you mean no mustache. I think given the correct amount of growing time 2-3 months GE would like great with a mustache :) Look how handsome his dad looks :)
Jacquie :lol: yes his dad looks good, i like the mustache when it is not so strong *hmm* how i can explain, oh yes do you remember the French pic this were George stand close to the Eiffel Tower that´s what i like, but not the strong mustache no, George have a sooo cute mouth, and this big mustache hide his mouth :lol: but each to his own ;) - And the bottom line is what like George themselve on his :) that´s it what i like he has an selfhood and that´s what we should to accept and to suffer :)
Thanks guys! :)

I read somewhere that he is going out with Sofia and I'm like "When did that happen?"
Sounds as if "The Day of Rage" is upon McStokes! :lol:
Sorry...couldn't help myself! You know I love ya McStokes! I think it is time for some Nicky therapy. I could use some myself come to think of it! :D Now to make sure I keep it....oh....there is Destiny! Wow! Haven't seen her in a Nicky time! *waves at Destiny and thanks the pillows in the Ward for saving me* :lol:

Oh...stache? Did I hear talk of the stache!?!??! My ears are twitching!!! Hey Stoky I think I understand what you are trying to say. His stache looks good when it is not so thick, full, right? Just enough to notice but not enough to obscure that wonderful mouth of his! As Nick said in Cool Change, "I'm diggin it". Don't pelt me with gummy bears if I'm wrong about the episode. Hmmm...being pelted with gummy bears might be a different experience!

Oh...I suffer gladly when it comes to GE and his style! Not too much of a hardship for me! :D

As far as I know, Nick and Sofia never dated or anything, hui. They are good friends.

Time to get moving so I can go back to bed in a few hours. Gotta work tonight!
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