George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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My concern was, where CAN he go from here? Promotion-wise within the department I think the next level above CSI 3 is shift supervisor, no? And that's not happening unless Cath and Griss go. So it had me wondering how the character can continue to grow. And that had me worried as to whether the show will continue to season 8.

Yes, it would be nice to see the angry side from the beginning of the season fleshed out, and I really would like some sort of conversation between Cath and Nick...or at least some recognition of her 'fall from grace' in his eyes. Maybe they end up on a case together again and it's as simple as him saying "you sure you can trust me with that info, Cath?" I think we all like a sarcastic Nicky!
Good question McStokes :)

Oh sure, i don´t also hope Nicky isn´t no filler. Many Nick moments we´ve seen and different of emotions, but what i´ve been missing is a good storyline for him. And yes McStokes you´re right when you sai we like a sarcastic Nicky. I hope so strong for more Nicky moments, i mean more of his working and talking in the epis how he can show his expert.

George is an really good actor and show us this so often, with all his capabilitys. And season 8 *hmm* that´s not easy to think about this, my fear therfore is, that the whole epis a bit walking in the emptiness, i hope not.
Well, how many episodes are left this season? They still have time for a Nick-centric episode, conceivably. And I think if they have another episode near the end in which he's virtually absent, that would probably indicate that either it's part of his contract to get a break at some point during the regular season, or that he has another project on the go (which would be nice ;) ).

I do think that they've probably been heading towards something with all these snippets of GSR, so I'm a little worried that will be the focus of at least one of the more major eps near the end of the season. I'm thinking the episode with Lady Heather may be the one, but the writers have surprised me before, so...? ;)

Anyway, does anyone know how many episodes we have left?
18 may be too much, that's how many episodes already aired. ;)
i would say, if we assume there will be 24 episodes as in other seasons, there are still 6 episodes left i guess.
so we have 6 episodes for some good nicky action. i really hope we'll get lucky in at least one of that asked too much?
am i reaching for the stars here? i don't think so :)
:lol: thanks cathwillows and sorry folks, oh yes i´ve misunderstood this (further not back) yes there are also i think 6 here you can find a episode guide but it goes there until epi 18 here
I agree that Nick seems to have been in the background for quite a few episodes, and his attitude in Fannysmakin hasnt really been picked up on any more has it? I thought there may have been an episode where he was going to leave or something (god forbid!). And your right McStokes they seem to have let the trust thing with Catherine slide too. I didnt think he would have let it go that quickly, but then again they havent really worked together much lately. Empty Eyes was a great Snickers episode, lots of long looks and understanding from our Nicky boy (bless him).

Lets hope they give him a great story line before this season ends, but hopefully not too distressing, I think hes gone through enough scary moments to last a lifetime!
Some how I don't think we have seen the "real" least on a regular basis. There still is more to come and TPTB have to drive us crazy! Okay....some of us are crazy! :lol: At least Nick will not be alone in the crazy dept!

Flip-flops...giddyup.....things that make me laugh and smile!

Things are sort of strange. Doc put me on pain meds, which are suppose to help me with my back. One half of a pain med and I'm totally laid out. It is frustrating to walk around in a fog trying to get used to pain meds. The cats are enjoying my delayed reactions! I get to go to therapy 3x a week for 4ks. I thought being in the Ward was therapy alone! Then if I fail I go to a MRI.

Still George in a nurses uniform....*beep....beep....this thought was interrupted due to the direction it was going. Thought should state that 'George would look good in a solid , dark blue uniform.' Thanks for you understanding during this time of mental unstability*

Ahh....I crave some George smiles! :D
Sparky, sorry that you are in a fog - hope the med and PT help!

No offense to any male nurses out there, but GE is waaayyy hotter than any male nurse I've had the pleasure to encounter. Given the rather embarrassing things one often has to do in the hospital, however, I'm not sure that I would really want George as my male nurse :eek:
hugs for you Sparky

cuddles you.

and male nuse yes Only but mostly are female nurse and the others are aidmans *sigh* but ok, Nicky as aidman also good i´m right ;) think about ER, *omg* :lol:
Okay, if George is only our fantasy male nurse and doesn't have to do any of the icky stuff that a real nurse does, then I'll play along... :D
Last night episode was good. Not enough Nick moments but the ones we had were good. Nick to the rescue again about the bullets in the windows. The best Nick moment was Method Man's comment about the hair. That was worth it. I had to pause and re watch the scene because it was so good :) The writer that did this episode was also the same one that did Poppin' Tags. He also did the commentary with GE on the DVD :) so I guess it was only natural for the between hair cuts comment come up. Priceless :)
The haircut comment was good - though I half expected Method Man to comment on Nick's wardrobe or ask him how he liked the suit. I like the end of the scene, too, when he told him to strip and put on the jumpsuit -- I liked Nick having the power in that interaction!
The forceful and boss Nick hasn't been there or wasn't that noticeable until this year. It's nice to see he has the power to show people who's the boss :)
I didn't really think there was that much Nick last night, but what we got the pretty good. I loved the whole scene between Nick and Drops. The in-between bad haircuts was priceless, even though I'd seen the clip online earlier this week. Why was Nick not wearing safety glasses when working with the shotout glass - it's not worth risking those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I also have to admit that after the scene with the glass I wasn't sure we were going to see him again. Was pleasantly surprised when we did. :)

On a slight off topic note - If I was Sophia I think I'd be real worried about the Sheriff and it's nice to know that Hodges prefers the nice clean, sterile lab than at the scene. :lol:

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