George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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Don't know how a comment I made on another thread ended up in here, because that was not what I wanted.

I don't like Nick and Greg working together for many reasons that I'm not going to get into. I didn't like Sara and Grissom together either.

However, I don't like how tptb how trying to make Nick and Greg the new Nick and Warrick. Nick and Greg never have and IMO never will have the same type of friendship.

I always saw Nick and Warrick looked at Greg as a little brother and Nick still looks at him that way. And no, I don't think Nick hangs out with Greg like he did with Warrick.

Sorry, but I don't like CSI Greg; I preferred Labrat Greg.

All I wanted to know in my last post was if anyone else thought Nick really was the person that replaced Grissom, when others see it was Langston.

And no we haven't thought of George's/Nick's yes as nothing else than chocolate. :D After all we are women andwe prefer chocolate. ;)
Nope! It's chocolate. It's in the official Nicktionary! :lol: (and why do you think I'm a 'Chocoholic for Life'? :D)


along with Georgeous, Open Nick, Nicktivity :)

All I wanted to know in my last post was if anyone else thought Nick really was the person that replaced Grissom, when others see it was Langston.

I know some on here confuse the two but Laurence Fishburne was brought in to replace William Petersen. Langston was never brought in to replace Grissom. I think with Nick turning into the teacher and the bug guy we're seeing more of Nick replacing Grissom.
I know some on here confuse the two but Laurence Fishburne was brought in to replace William Petersen. Langston was never brought in to replace Grissom. I think with Nick turning into the teacher and the bug guy we're seeing more of Nick replacing Grissom.

I second that thought, Jacquie! Nick took it upon himself to get the training to replace Grissom as the 'bug guy' and has been a great teacher to all the 'newer' CSIs. He's shown leadership and the skills that have earned him the role of assistant supervisor.
Things were getting super serious over here. Figured I'd give ya'll the old poo eye! :lol:

And ladybronco, I now expect all descriptions from you to involve that in the future. ;)

PC, If I EVER pick Poo Eyes as a theme in the Ward, the ladies will throw me out of here :guffaw::guffaw:

I definitely don't want that, I'm just barely settling in! :devil:

Speedy, no offense meant, it was only a curious question on my part, and I brought it here because we are Nick fans, and I didn't want to post my question in an *open* thread. I guess I should have just PM'd you, my bad!! You don't need to answer the question anymore, I think I've mostly figured it out on my own by now.

I do actually see Nick as replacing Grissom, for all of the reasons you mentioned, even if LF replaced WP as an actor.

Jacquie, I'm definitely not going to drown in Poo Eyes :guffaw:
I have enough poo around here with 5 horses, 4 dogs and 4 cats as it is :rolleyes:
Speedy, no offense meant, it was only a curious question on my part, and I brought it here because we are Nick fans, and I didn't want to post my question in an *open* thread. I guess I should have just PM'd you, my bad!! You don't need to answer the question anymore, I think I've mostly figured it out on my own by now.

I do actually see Nick as replacing Grissom, for all of the reasons you mentioned, even if LF replaced WP as an actor.

Jacquie, I'm definitely not going to drown in Poo Eyes :guffaw:
I have enough poo around here with 5 horses, 4 dogs and 4 cats as it is :rolleyes:

No offense taken. :)

And don't listen to PC, he just doesn't get that you don't get between a woman and her chocolate. ;)
I was looking at the photos in the Ward that Misscranberry posted and I must say, he sure has some interesting t-shirt choices, doesn't he.
I don't know if this has been posted here around the last Bieber episode... but I haven't seen it before, so there you go.

This is what I found on youtube today :D

George says that it wasn't written to call Bieber a little punk :lol:

... did that guy pet George's shoulder? :wtf:

Watch at the 0.11 spot. Yeah. Dude just got petted. :wtf:

:lol::lol: I noticed too. Just when I was creeped out, the guy said something about cashmere. Now if it were me, I would have petted him too, but not for the cashmere :devil:

NickyFan, I like how George added that to the script on his own! And of course the character deserved it too. :cool:
I don't know if this has been posted here around the last Bieber episode... but I haven't seen it before, so there you go.

This is what I found on youtube today :D

George says that it wasn't written to call Bieber a little punk :lol:

... did that guy pet George's shoulder? :wtf:

Watch at the 0.11 spot. Yeah. Dude just got petted. :wtf:

I had seen the video clip before but I had not noticed the guy petting George's shoulder :eek:
Now if it were me, I would have petted him too, but not for the cashmere :devil:


NickyFan, I like how George added that to the script on his own! And of course the character deserved it too. :cool:

I like hearing about things like that - which bits of the character come from the writers, and which bits from the actors.

I think I'd seen that video before, but I watched it again. He smiled so much, and his smile is just so addictive. :luvlove:
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