George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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NickyFan, I never meant that you said they weren't friends! I guess I didn't phrase things very well! I was just trying to explain how I viewed their friendship, and I do know what you mean about trying to re-duplicate certain things with Warrick. I was sort of trying to explain how I felt about a Nick/Warrick combination versus a Nick/Greg combo. That's what's so hard for me to do in a type-written thought, things don't always sound like they do in my head :lol: My apologies if it sounded like you said Nick and Greg weren't friends! I know you think they are.

Watching the show has been different for me, I didn't start watching until last summer, and I crammed all 11 years into about a 4 month viewing period. I loved all the characters, especially Nick, right from the start, but to be fair, it wasn't an 11 year relationship for me like it was for many fans on here. I actually saw LF on the show before I knew Warrick existed. I started catching reruns on Spike, and I was like, who is Gary Dourdan, I've never seen him before. (I've always known WP was on the show even though I didn't watch it). Then I went back to the very beginning and started over, and became very invested in Warrick's character, though just not as much as Nick. :devil:

Holy cow! You get the German version of our shows an entire year and a half after us!! :eek: No wonder you do your best to get the online English version. I will say it wouldn't be much fun to see Nicky's mouth moving and it not be his own voice, since obviously George doesn't speak German. My son took German in High School, along with French, and he really loves the German language. He's always trying to use it on me, but I'm clueless. :lol:
NickyFan, I never meant that you said they weren't friends! I guess I didn't phrase things very well! I was just trying to explain how I viewed their friendship, and I do know what you mean about trying to re-duplicate certain things with Warrick. I was sort of trying to explain how I felt about a Nick/Warrick combination versus a Nick/Greg combo. That's what's so hard for me to do in a type-written thought, things don't always sound like they do in my head :lol: My apologies if it sounded like you said Nick and Greg weren't friends! I know you think they are.

Watching the show has been different for me, I didn't start watching until last summer, and I crammed all 11 years into about a 4 month viewing period. I loved all the characters, especially Nick, right from the start, but to be fair, it wasn't an 11 year relationship for me like it was for many fans on here. I actually saw LF on the show before I knew Warrick existed. I started catching reruns on Spike, and I was like, who is Gary Dourdan, I've never seen him before. (I've always known WP was on the show even though I didn't watch it). Then I went back to the very beginning and started over, and became very invested in Warrick's character, though just not as much as Nick. :devil:

Holy cow! You get the German version of our shows an entire year and a half after us!! :eek: No wonder you do your best to get the online English version. I will say it wouldn't be much fun to see Nicky's mouth moving and it not be his own voice, since obviously George doesn't speak German. My son took German in High School, along with French, and he really loves the German language. He's always trying to use it on me, but I'm clueless. :lol:

Oh, don't apologize! :) Could just as well be me not getting what you wrote :lol:. I'm no English native so I sometimes interpret or translate things wrong ;) I started watching at the end of season five and so I got a good impression of the Nick and Warrick friendship. I always liked them together and wish Warrick would still be there. They were nearly same age, both have the same experience in the job and they really cared for each other. I'm not even really watching the German version of CSI anymore because George without his voice is just not right :lol:
I haven't posted here in a while, but I'll just say that people don't need to come down on Nickyfan because she feels a certain way. The writers of CSI write one way, people slash another. Keep in mind, had the writers wanted certain people together, they would have done so a long time ago.

These are just fictional characters, there's no need to get upset because someone chooses to view them a certain that is separate from your way.

Let's move on from this and not come down on people.
I'll try to add my
worth on the topic here :) and I don't think anyone is picking on anyone. We're having a discussion which is what this thread is all about :)

First off I started watching CSI when all the hype for Grave Danger was out there. I crammed about 4 season into the summer between season 5 and 6 :)

Nick and Warrick had a very different friendship than Nick and Greg. Nick and Warrick had a competitive friendship starting from The Pilot. They competed for CSI 3 from the get go. They had an easy going co-worker/buddy friendship. I don't think Nick would have taken that shot at McKean if they wasn't that type of friendship.

Nick and Greg on the other hand have a different type of friendship. Nick always respected Greg while Greg was in the Lab. Nick always called Greg 'Greg'. With Warrick he usually called Greg 'Sanders'. Nick respected Greg for what he was doing by wanting to get out in the field even though it was Warrick that took Greg under his wings in Early Rollout. It's been Nick that has always come up with Nick names for Greg. We've had Greggo, G and now we've had Bud. So to me it's only natural that you would get some friendship with the two characters.

In dealing with the show today, I think some of tptb might be trying to bring back the 'fun' that was in the earlier seasons. Instead of having such a heavy look on the show with all the death and turmoil that goes on their having some fun while they can. It's Vegas after and you can bet in pretty well any place going. So why not bet in the lab.

One think we have to remember here is that life goes on. Unfortunately Warrick has been gone for almost 3 seasons now. We still miss him and I'm sure Nick misses his friend. But life goes on and other friends will take Warrick's place.
Private Messages aside, the posters are talking about friendship here which is allowed.

My perception always was that Nick and Warrick were friends off the job. Nick and Warrick were seen having breakfast after shift, talking about their weekends, betting on cases, asking each other if they wanted to go out for something to eat after shift, etc.

It's not that I think they didn't like Greg or anything, but you know how it is on the're always "besties" with someone even tho you like the other people too. :)
I don't feel I came down on anybody intentionally. I was just trying to show how I feel about both Nick/Warrick and Nick/Greg. I like both pairs together!

I think NickyFan and I are all good, and have a lot of the same views!!

I guess I'm to blame because I originally asked the question about why Speedy didn't like to see Nick and Greg work together, and she hasn't replied yet. NickyFan only stated her reason for agreeing with Speedy, and Waitingforsummer only stated her opinion, nicely, about why she did like Nick and Greg together.

I believe I actually originally said that I could see both sides of the fence for either pair working together, and as a newbie around here, stated why I liked to see Nick with Greg since there's not that many pairings left.

ETA: while I was writing, I see Smokey and Jacquie posted, which I haven't read yet. :)

2nd ETA: Now I've read both Jacquie and Smokey's post and have caught up. I was outside getting the Hubby, Son & Horse ready for their Gunfighter show this afternoon.

Very well said Jacquie and Smokey!! I also agree with these comments as I've come to know our boys.

Again, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rile anybody up!!
And I repeat, I love ALL our guys!! Just Nick most of all :adore:

I believe we're all good, don't you?
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I don't feel I came down on anybody intentionally. I was just trying to show how I feel about both Nick/Warrick and Nick/Greg. I like both pairs together!

I think NickyFan and I are all good, and have a lot of the same views!!

I guess I'm to blame because I originally asked the question about why Speedy didn't like to see Nick and Greg work together, and she hasn't replied yet. NickyFan only stated her reason for agreeing with Speedy, and Waitingforsummer only stated her opinion, nicely, about why she did like Nick and Greg together.

I believe I actually originally said that I could see both sides of the fence for either pair working together, and as a newbie around here, stated why I liked to see Nick with Greg since there's not that many pairings left.

ETA: while I was writing, I see Smokey and Jacquie posted, which I haven't read yet. :)

2nd ETA: Now I've read both Jacquie and Smokey's post and have caught up. I was outside getting the Hubby, Son & Horse ready for their Gunfighter show this afternoon.

Very well said Jacquie and Smokey!! I also agree with these comments as I've come to know our boys.

Now all we have to do is get Speedy's opinion whe she has time to come on ;)

Again, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rile anybody up!!
And I repeat, I love ALL our guys!! Just Nick most of all :adore:

I believe we're all good, don't you?

Yep, we're all good :D

Don't think otherwise! :)
No problems everyone! :hugegrin:

I'm not a shipper in any form, so didn't realize it could be taken that way.
My only opinions of our guys were meant to be *on the job*!

Moving along on a lighter note:

If I could have a personal recording of George's voice put in my head, I'd never get tired of hearing him speak. I could listen to his voice forever!! :drool:
And those chocolate eyes! I would drown! :adore:
Curious thought: Have you ladies ever thought about describing his eyes as something other than chocolate? What else is brown colored? Hm. I don't think "beautiful mud eyes" is right. Nor is "poo eyes". Although it does have a certain ring to it... :angel:

(Yes, I'm 25 going on 12 :lol:)
Curious thought: Have you ladies ever thought about describing his eyes as something other than chocolate? What else is brown colored? Hm. I don't think "beautiful mud eyes" is right. Nor is "poo eyes". Although it does have a certain ring to it... :angel:

(Yes, I'm 25 going on 12 :lol:)

PC, I am totally

I'm SO glad that *chocolate* was a term used BEFORE I joined this board!! Your others are now stuck in my head though. :devil:

I am glad I've loved real chocolate since I was a little girl, and definitely can't think of another way to describe George's eyes.

ETA: Summer, I just saw your post, coffee and espresso are both good! I indulge there also!
Things were getting super serious over here. Figured I'd give ya'll the old poo eye! :lol:

And ladybronco, I now expect all descriptions from you to involve that in the future. ;)
Curious thought: Have you ladies ever thought about describing his eyes as something other than chocolate? What else is brown colored? Hm. I don't think "beautiful mud eyes" is right. Nor is "poo eyes". Although it does have a certain ring to it... :angel:

(Yes, I'm 25 going on 12 :lol:)

Nope! It's chocolate. It's in the official Nicktionary! :lol: (and why do you think I'm a 'Chocoholic for Life'? :D)

And PC, whats the fun if you always have to act your age. I don't want to act my age all the time!

Curious thought: Have you ladies ever thought about describing his eyes as something other than chocolate? What else is brown colored? Hm. I don't think "beautiful mud eyes" is right. Nor is "poo eyes". Although it does have a certain ring to it... :angel:

(Yes, I'm 25 going on 12 :lol:)

:guffaw: :guffaw:

but you do realize that you're trying to interfere with a very important food group here. One should never come been Women and their Chocolate :D Besides drowning in pools of chocolate sounds so much better than drowning in 'mud eyes' :lol:

ETA: Summer, I just saw your post, coffee and espresso are both good! I indulge there also!

Both good ways of describing George's eyes :)
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