George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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I love the avatar blackflag :) :lol:

I'm just capping the show now and Nick is wearing his seat belt for part of the drive :) you just need to do it for all the drive :rolleyes:

I love the scene with the cow :guffaw:there is no way that cow was going to mooove :guffaw:the look on her face was like the look on some of the cats faces when you would like them to move :guffaw:and did you notice the cow was :drool: see Nick it's just not the two legged females that :drool: over you :D

anyway off to :drool: over the orange shirt and other parts :drool: :)
I loved the funny Nick moments we got in last night's episode. Reminded me of older CSI episodes that included funny moments here and there.

Loved the way Nick said "thank you sir" when Doc Robbins said he smelled. And I loved Nick's reaction to the Doctor's wife when he was getting her finger prints.
Good morning ladies!!

Great avis Blackflag!! I still have to cap, I couldn't start that last night, too late out here. I've always felt at a disadvantage over you East Coasters, rather than the other way around. I usually find caps and an entire conversation has passed before I even get up :lol::lol:

All of the Nick parts were great, but I agree with Jacquie, there were some scenes where he should have been present, and he wasn't. He definitely should have had a scene with Sofia after all these years, but I don't believe there was, was there?

The cow parts were certainly a favorite!! I didn't even notice the seat belt situation. I capped one of the previews, so I have a hysterical cap of Langstons face when he first hits the brakes. :guffaw:

Tawny looked better than I was thinking she would after I'd been warned about her, and I think the last time I saw her was her Whitesnake days. I wouldn't have known it was her if I hadn't been aware before hand.

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts later!! :drool::drool:
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As you can tell from my avi, favorite line of the night - "moooove" :guffaw: (I made that avi last night praying that none of you west coasters would use it before I could put it up. :p :thumbsup:)

I made one for that line too, but then decided to use a different one. I like yours better anyway. :)

and did you notice the cow was :drool: see Nick it's just not the two legged females that :drool: over you :D
:guffaw: So true!

Loved Nick last night, as usual. So funny with the cow, and then with Doc Robbins after.

They definitely need to take us Ward Girls up on our offers to watch Nick for seatbelt continuity. Not wearing it in the early part of the drive, then wearing it after stopping for the cow. :lol:

I agree with you on the time zone thing, ladybronco. Especially if I don't get on here throughout the day, I've missed a whole day of conversation and caps, and everyone else is already in bed! :rolleyes:
I thought it was also hilarious that after Nick mooed at the cow, you could hear her moo back at Nick while Ray was on the radio saying they were lost :lol:

I definitely need to re-watch it again. After watching the first promo, I thought it was a gunshot that took out the glass door Nick was standing beside at the plastic surgeons. Glad to see last night that it was Nick breaking the glass himself.

Raynn, since we seem to be the closest in proximity to any filming locations, I think we need to volunteer to be Nick's continuity experts. And we could help with any hair and clothing necessities while we're at it! :devil: :alienblush:
I agree with you on the time zone thing, ladybronco. Especially if I don't get on here throughout the day, I've missed a whole day of conversation and caps, and everyone else is already in bed! :rolleyes:

You guys are funny :lol:

Ever thought about the people outside of the US? ;) I have to wait at least another day to get to see it... while everyone over there already did :lol: I'm six hours ahead of the east coesters, so go figure :rolleyes:

This is just something we have to live with, I guess :) Even though I would wish there would be more European Nick fans on here :(

Anyway... loved Nick in the ep :adore: Such a cutie :luvlove: Also liked the orange shirt he was wearing :drool:

I really like the relationship Nick and Doc Robbins built up over the years, so full of respect and yet so funny :)
I really like the relationship Nick and Doc Robbins built up over the years, so full of respect and yet so funny :)

I love the way that they've shown the friendship between Nick and Doc Robbins in the last 2 episodes. It's a friendship of Nicks that they don't show us all that often. I love the fact that they've sorta spotlighted it recently instead of the normal 'business as usual' between the 2 of them.

I hope they continue like that with Nick and Doc!

They have known each other for a long time and have seen a lot over the years. I agree with you, blackflag. They do share a very special friendship we don't get to see that often with Nick.

I have to say I really miss a friendship like Nick and Warrick had these days... IMO they can't replace this friendship with Nick and Greg or Nick and Ray :(
Nicky Fan, so sorry! I never realized you guys got the shows so late over in Europe, that has to be a bummer :( Since you're 9(?) hours ahead, I never thought you'd have to wait to see a show. I assumed wrongly that you were seeing them before us.

I guess I'll stop bitching about time zones now

I also agree about the relationship between Nick and Doc. I'm loving it. I just recently watched the ep where Brass had Nick re-investigate a case and the women had to be exhumed. Doc was not happy about it and there was that testy conversation between the 3 of them before it was resolved. It ended all good though, between Nick & Doc, especially when Doc saw the latent bruising that showed up on the woman.

A lot of people say that CSI isn't relationship oriented (like NCIS), and maybe it isn't exactly, but I find there are lots of relationship moments. :cool:
I have to say I really miss a friendship like Nick and Warrick had these days... IMO they can't replace this friendship with Nick and Greg or Nick and Ray :(

I so agree with this, they could never replace that friendship.

Reading the comments today made me realize something more than ever.

Everyone (almost everyone, anyways :lol:) says how Langston's character was brought in to replace Grissom to a certain extent.

Now I agree Fishburne was brought in to replace Petersen, but I think it is actually Nick who has replaced Grissom.

Not only is he the new 'bugman' :lol:, but I think the friendship between Doc and Nick is very similar to the friendship betwen Doc and Grissom.

Also different in a way that I think Doc looks at Nick as son, just like I think Brass looks at Nick.

So I think I can safely say that Nick is the one who really replaced Grissom in more ways than just being the Asst. Supervisor. ;)
Excellent points Speedy! It really feels that way, and that's as it should be.

I was curious about something you said over in Spoilers, I think it was. I wanted to ask you why you don't like Nick and Greg working together? I just thought I'd post it here in the Nick thread, rather than in such an open thread, as it was mostly a personal question from me.

I was mentally going over scene pairings and there's not many to choose from anymore.

Nick/Ray, Nick/Greg, Nick/Sara or Nick/Cath. Am I missing any?

I was getting a little tired of Nick always being with Ray, and Sara is part time now. I like Nick and Catherine together, which is reminiscent of Gris and Cath out on a scene together. That sort of leaves Greg. All said though, I do miss Nick and Warrick at a scene together.

I guess I have to not care who Nick works with, as long as I get to see him, and tptb are not dumbing him down to make Ray look smarter. :rolleyes:

I'm pondering over the little debate over there about whether it was rude for Ray to run out on Nick without explanation.....:lol:
Nicky Fan, so sorry! I never realized you guys got the shows so late over in Europe, that has to be a bummer :( Since you're 9(?) hours ahead, I never thought you'd have to wait to see a show. I assumed wrongly that you were seeing them before us.

I guess I'll stop bitching about time zones now

No need to be sorry, ladybronco :) You know, I used to whine a lot about the fact that we here in Germany get to see the episodes one and a half year after you get to see them over in the US but now I'm over it :)

I just try to watch them in English online :) That way I get them much sooner and with the original actor's voices. But I have to wait at least another day to be able to though.

Speedystokesgirl said:
Originally Posted by NickyFan
I have to say I really miss a friendship like Nick and Warrick had these days... IMO they can't replace this friendship with Nick and Greg or Nick and Ray

I so agree with this, they could never replace that friendship.

Reading the comments today made me realize something more than ever.

Everyone (almost everyone, anyways
) says how Langston's character was brought in to replace Grissom to a certain extent.

Now I agree Fishburne was brought in to replace Petersen, but I think it is actually Nick who has replaced Grissom.

Not only is he the new 'bugman'
, but I think the friendship between Doc and Nick is very similar to the friendship betwen Doc and Grissom.

Also different in a way that I think Doc looks at Nick as son, just like I think Brass looks at Nick.

So I think I can safely say that Nick is the one who really replaced Grissom in more ways than just being the Asst. Supervisor.

Amen to that! Nick replaced Grissom, that's right! But I like that he is still himself and is solving cases just like he used to before, with empathy and open ears for the victims and their families.

As to Nick working with Greg... I'm not a fan of it either... to me it just seems as if they try to make Nick and Greg to Nick and Warrick... seems forced to me :( Things only Nick and Warrick did back when they were working together seem to happen now with Nick and Greg. It just seems as if they want to try revive this unique friendship with Nick and Greg now :(

Betting on cases always seemed to be a Nick/Warrick thing... now it's Greg doing it... it's as if they have no other character development for Greg other then making him a Warrick replacement when it comes to the friendship with Nick. (Just my opinion of course)
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I tend to disagree with the Nick and Greg friendship/working together thing. Even before Warrick was killed, Nick and Greg had a good friendship. Just remember who spoke the line "Leggo of my Greggo" and the 'name the chemical compound' scene. I think the betting thing might be George's input into his character. George has let it be known in interviews that he likes to give input during the filming AND likes to spend some time in the casinos when he visits Vegas. I think Nick and Greg have always been friends at some level and that over the years it has just become a more solid relationship due to their both being in the field. All I have to think about is how Nick punched out KFed's character in Fannysmakin' to know that he views Greg as a good friend. Personally I might get upset over a co-worker getting attacked, but I don't know that I'd go after someone who was mouthing off about it. I might get physical if a good friend was involved. JMO...
I like Nick and Greg working together too, but I see both sides of the fence. I've read the articles about George and his betting in the casinos, can't blame him for wanting to have a bit of fun! :lol: I don't get to Vegas very often, even though I'm only 3 1/2 hours away, but when I do, it's not to bet, tee hee.

Nick has been friends with Greg a long time, he always seemed to have more fun with him in the lab than Warrick did, although Warrick was friends with Greg also. Nick just seemed to have a lighter mood most of the time than Warrick, but I think that was because Nick didn't have issues hanging over him the way Warrick did at times, such as his gambling and marriage problems. I do miss Warrick, but it shouldn't mean that Nick has any less fun with Greg, ie: betting, in the lab or out in the field, than he did with Warrick.

I was thinking, wasn't it Hodges that brought up the bet in Hitting for the Cycle? It did pit Nick against Greg though :lol:

I'm glad George says he has a lot of input into his character, and seems to make Nick like himself in a lot of ways. I love the character of Nick so much that it makes me happy to think George is similar to him in real life, but with enough differences to make them separate (if that makes sense :p)
I tend to disagree with the Nick and Greg friendship/working together thing. Even before Warrick was killed, Nick and Greg had a good friendship. Just remember who spoke the line "Leggo of my Greggo" and the 'name the chemical compound' scene. I think the betting thing might be George's input into his character. George has let it be known in interviews that he likes to give input during the filming AND likes to spend some time in the casinos when he visits Vegas. I think Nick and Greg have always been friends at some level and that over the years it has just become a more solid relationship due to their both being in the field. All I have to think about is how Nick punched out KFed's character in Fannysmakin' to know that he views Greg as a good friend. Personally I might get upset over a co-worker getting attacked, but I don't know that I'd go after someone who was mouthing off about it. I might get physical if a good friend was involved. JMO...

I like Nick and Greg working together too, but I see both sides of the fence. I've read the articles about George and his betting in the casinos, can't blame him for wanting to have a bit of fun! :lol: I don't get to Vegas very often, even though I'm only 3 1/2 hours away, but when I do, it's not to bet, tee hee.

Nick has been friends with Greg a long time, he always seemed to have more fun with him in the lab than Warrick did, although Warrick was friends with Greg also. Nick just seemed to have a lighter mood most of the time than Warrick, but I think that was because Nick didn't have issues hanging over him the way Warrick did at times, such as his gambling and marriage problems. I do miss Warrick, but it shouldn't mean that Nick has any less fun with Greg, ie: betting, in the lab or out in the field, than he did with Warrick.

I was thinking, wasn't it Hodges that brought up the bet in Hitting for the Cycle? It did pit Nick against Greg though :lol:

I'm glad George says he has a lot of input into his character, and seems to make Nick like himself in a lot of ways. I love the character of Nick so much that it makes me happy to think George is similar to him in real life, but with enough differences to make them separate (if that makes sense :p)

I NEVER said that Nick and Greg weren't friends. All I'm saying is that after Warrick died Nick and Greg kind of replaced Nick and Warrick's friendship and the way the two of them used to work together... I'm not saying that Nick and Greg didn't have fun before or anything like that or that they don't work well together... I just don't like that they pushed Nick/Greg into Nick/Warrick. If they have them all buddy-like together in cases it always makes me missing Warrick even more than I do when Nick and Greg are not working together :( I kind of knew that I would get the Greg fans all over me for this :p :lol:
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