George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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I thought we had some great Nick moments in last week's episode. He and Doc work well together and I really enjoyed how they interacted with each other.

I really thought Nick was going to loose his lunch when they were delivering the baby.

I thought it was a nice touch to have Nick tell Doc he was a good man for how he saved the baby.
I really thought Nick was going to loose his lunch when they were delivering the baby.

:lol: My hubby had the same look on his face during that scene too. He was supposed to be there for our son's birth, but Justin arrived a month early and the hubby was on a job and couldn't get to the hospital on time. I know he was secretly relieved. :p

No new Nick tonight, but at least we have a rerun. Better than nothing!!
There's a couple others from S11 that I would have chosen before Bump & Grind, but at least there should be some good Nick-time on screen if I remember correctly.
I've been wondering, do you think Nick will have a good amount of screen time in the finale?

It's hard to say. Judging from the spoilers,
I wouldn't think so because it's all Ray/Haskell all the time for the last three episodes. :rolleyes: BUT...I was surprised at the big role he played in last season's Jekyll finale, so you never know. :)
I'm going to be really upset if Nick has limited screen time from here on out to the end of the season! :scream:

I watched the season 10 finale before I was consciously thinking of "screen time" for my favorites, so I didn't know any better with the amount of time that Nick was on screen. It wasn't until I went back and watched all of season 9 and 10 that I realized how overboard they went on Langston after he joined. Don't even get me started on Mascara :evil: What a bullsh*t way to celebrate your 200th episode!!! All I can say is the 250th better be more balanced.

If they do a season cliffie with Langston, I will not be stressing it one bit. I will of course come back next season to watch our Nick and the gang, but the only way I'd be upset this summer is if something happens to Nick or Greg.

Thinking back about the S10 finale, if I HAD watched it in real time, once I knew that Nick was OK, the stabbing of Langston had no impact on me. It was worse on me spending the summer wondering about Danny and Shane Casey or Gibb's dad, lol.
I'm going to be really upset if Nick has limited screen time from here on out to the end of the season! :scream:

I watched the season 10 finale before I was consciously thinking of "screen time" for my favorites, so I didn't know any better with the amount of time that Nick was on screen. It wasn't until I went back and watched all of season 9 and 10 that I realized how overboard they went on Langston after he joined. Don't even get me started on Mascara :evil: What a bullsh*t way to celebrate your 200th episode!!! All I can say is the 250th better be more balanced.

If they do a season cliffie with Langston, I will not be stressing it one bit. I will of course come back next season to watch our Nick and the gang, but the only way I'd be upset this summer is if something happens to Nick or Greg.

Thinking back about the S10 finale, if I HAD watched it in real time, once I knew that Nick was OK, the stabbing of Langston had no impact on me. It was worse on me spending the summer wondering about Danny and Shane Casey or Gibb's dad, lol.

With Langston getting stabbed there was no 'is he going to live' scenario. We all knew he renewed his contract and was coming back.

I don't think any cliff hanger with Langston would have that 'omg, what's going to happen' effect.

I am not to confident about Nick's screentime in the finale. :( But we'll have to wait and see. :shifty:
So everyone knew that Fishburne had renewed his contract before the season finale aired?? :wtf:

Way to kill a summer cliffie, pun intended.:guffaw::guffaw:

I realize I did see Hunt's pictures and knew George was done filming, so I guess I'm starting to agree with less screen time, but I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. At least we have George's assurances that he will stay "to the end", since other sources are already talking about contract negotiations for next year.
So everyone knew that Fishburne had renewed his contract before the season finale aired?? :wtf:

I haven't picked that up.
If you look this article I don't think it's set in stone that Langston will be back.

That being said we don't know if George has signed up for season 12. Crosses fingers that he does :)
So everyone knew that Fishburne had renewed his contract before the season finale aired?? :wtf:

I haven't picked that up.
If you look this article I don't think it's set in stone that Langston will be back.

That being said we don't know if George has signed up for season 12. Crosses fingers that he does :)

That was last season Jacquie. Fishburne signed a couple of months before the finale was even filmed. Thet's why their cliffhanger wasn't a cliffhanger to most in season 10. Langston was stabbed but Fishburne was signed!

At this point we don't even know if there is a season 12. CBS hasn't renewed CSI for next season yet! What bothers me is that George was signed last for this season (only a couple of days before filming started according to Jorja). With him getting married in June they can't wait as long to start negotiations with him. Who knows how long he'll be unavialable after the wedding!

George finishing days before the others is why I asked.

I hope he has a good amount of screen time - yes, I know this is not the Nick show, but he is an original character and I want to see the originals get a good amount of screen time, not the newbies. Besides, I am all set with Haskell.
Right Blackflag, I was referring to last years finale, guess I wasn't very clear.
Sorry Jacquie, for being confusing.

I realize that there is no confirmation about S12, I am only hoping because of all the various TV lists showing the "certainty's" that are supposed to come back. CSI was on it, although NY & Miami were still up in the air. I know it was all still speculation though. NCIS was announced as renewed clear back in late February I think, and I'm hearing that NCIS LA is confirmed by some of their actors, but again, not yet in print.

What bothers me is that George was signed last for this season (only a couple of days before filming started according to Jorja). With him getting married in June they can't wait as long to start negotiations with him. Who knows how long he'll be unavialable after the wedding
I didn't know that he signed so late, this all being fairly new for me. I just remember the article posted earlier (I think on CSI files) about George saying he would "stay to the end", but I think that was before the recent marriage news. At first I was confused over the wedding date because I'd seen it several times on various sites going back to 2009, once I started googling George.

That said, I am praying for a season 12, it would break my heart to have it cancelled now that I'm truly into the show and Nick's character. (Face palm for being so late to this wonderful party). :brickwall:

Sookie, I want it to be the Nick show, hee hee. No, really, I truly enjoy the whole ensemble, but it's just hard to take my eyes and ears off of George. :drool:
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Just a random post - I love how Nick/George sometimes twists the ring around his finger. I haven't seen him do that with the newer rings he wears but I have noticed him do it with that star looking ring.
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