George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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now I just hope the media folks will leave them alone for one of the most important days in their lives :)

Your wish would be granted if they had planned it for the end of April. I guess there's some big shindig or something happening across the pond around that time. ;)

Yeah but who really wants to have the same wedding day as a member of the Royal Family :rolleyes: Having a June Wedding will allow George to relax from the busy shooting schedule he's had any :)

I do wish them their privacy, but I wouldn't mind seeing a photo of them. They don't have to be on the cover of People Magazine like Reese Witherspoon, but a picture would be nice.

Yup that is so true. I'm hoping that George and Monika will post a pic for us :) but at the same time I fully understand if we don't get anything :)
Thanks Sookie for the info :)

Congrats to George and Monika :)

now I just hope the media folks will leave them alone for one of the most important days in their lives :)
I don't think we have too much to worry about in that respect. I'm still looking for anything in English and haven't found anything yet. :lol: Remember, George flies below the radar of most mainstream media. We'll probably get some little blurb about it here and there (moreso online than in print) instead of any big story.

I do wish them their privacy, but I wouldn't mind seeing a photo of them. They don't have to be on the cover of People Magazine like Reese Witherspoon, but a picture would be nice.
I'm kinda hoping that Dustin is attending and George gives him the ok to put a pic up on twitter or facebook or something like that. :) After all, he knows we want to see and he did say that if there was anything he wanted to tell us he'd go through Dustin's twitter or facebook pages.

Domestic tyrant? That must be a translation issue because I remember reading that US Weekly interview and it didn't say that.
Domestic tyrant? That must be a translation issue because I remember reading that US Weekly interview and it didn't say that.

I'm sure you're right. :) I remember in that other interview he said something about how she puts up with his $hit...that's why he knew she was the one for him. :lol:
Hmmm......I have no idea either. They both seem to be younger girls into Demi Lovato and I Carly, etc. We know Marg was at the ACM's, was there any mention of George going? The only other thing to go on this weekend was the Kids Choice awards, but I couldn't see George going there :lol:
From what I could tell, they were talking about some acting college or camp. No idea what/where/when.
I didn't read all the tweets either, just enough to see that they were younger girls. Where ever George went, I hope he had/has fun! It would be a cool opportunity to hear him speak about his experiences.

I'm with Blackflag, and hoping that Dustin attends the wedding and treats us all to a picture, with George's permission of course. Best wishes to both of them! Nothing wrong with a long engagement, imo. So many people get married quickly, then they end up divorced because they find out later that they're not friends too, if that makes sense. Very few of my friends are still married to their first husband/wife, but thankfully I'm in the minority.:cool:
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Just a little bit of trivia that is Nick related in a very roundabout way. :lol:

ABC has a new show called 'Body of Proof'. It stars Dana Delaney. Anyhoo, the girl that plays her daughter, Mary Mouser, played Cassie McBride in 'Gum Drops'.

Now if we could just get a mention of her on the show or her on the show with Nick ;) that would be cool.
Nicky! :adore:

Just a little indigestion - don't think he'll be so eager to go out to eat (or over eat! :rolleyes:) with Doc Robbins again. :lol:

I don't think there's any one else in this cast that can hold there own the way he does with babies and little kids. Nicky holding that baby was just adorable. :adore: The c-section felt a little rushed but hey, they didn't have to worry about the mother, they just wanted to get that baby out and make something good out of something bad! :(

To the best of my memory this was the first time Nick ever called Doc Robbins Albert? He was really in awe of Doc delivering that baby and then breathing life into her. :thumbsup:

I'm glad 'Conrad' stood behind him. Knew Archie wouldn't have any problems tracing it all back to who started it. From someone who was once punched by a bully just off school property (so they couldn't do anything about it!) it was satisfying seeing the cheerleaders get arrested.

Nicky's face at the end when he and doc brought the teenage father to see his daughter - "There's our girl" :luvlove: :adore:

I agree blackflag. I don't think anyone but Nick could have pulled that one off :)

Surprisingly enough I enjoyed the whole episode. The Nick part balanced off the overload of Langston.

The interaction with Conrad, Nick and Archie was interesting. I think we just saw a perspective change on how Conrad sees Nick. Conrad saw Nick as more than just a CSI3 last night. I wonder what we'll see next year :)

I wonder how much George may have a say in last nights show with his Mom having worked for the Belton School District. It's good to see that the bullies were caught. The cheerleaders certainly weren't impressed with have been caught. Suffer kids.
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