George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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I didn't mind the other case, just the bringing up Haskell thing. Nick was definitely my favorite part though. He was so good with the baby at the beginning, and then with the dad at the end! :adore:

I liked how determined he was to make sure someone was held responsible, and that Conrad backed him. I hope that does mean good things for next year too. :)

Was nice to see Nick spending time with Al outside of work, but I think Nick needs a new diet! :lol:
Awesome Nickisode!! :) Of course, my favorite part was Doc yelling to Nick, "I need your hands!" and I'm like, "Me too!!" :lol: And of course when Nick held her he had to say, "I got you." :) And "There's our girl." :adore:

Nick had three steaks and six eggs!! :guffaw:I loved seeing him and Doc spending time together outside of work. And the mutual respect they had for each other during the crisis and after was great.

I also liked the respectful relationship between Nick and Ecklie...very professional. Perhaps it can lead to a promotion for Nick soon. :D
Nick had three steaks and six eggs!! :guffaw:

I half expected to see those steak and eggs again:lol:...he seemed a little nauseated a couple of times during the c-section!

I agree, great Nickisode :thumbsup: I love him all protective....whether he's ready to kick some tail and take names or being tender and sweet.
George was absolutely great in this episode. He gives such believable performances.

Not only did I think Nick might have lost his breakfast during the C-Section, but I thought George might too. :lol:

I loved how much in awe Nick was of Doc Robbins and how he let Doc see that. I loved their scenes together and their end scene: 'there's our girl' :adore:

George really is the only one who play those scenes with the kids/babies. Tptb, I believe, know that he is the best one to do those scenes as they always give them to him. The cases that involve children always hit Nick the hardest, but he remains professional (though his anger can get the best of him at times, though rare) that really he is the best choice.

And the scene at the end with the father of the baby. I was so glad when the boy showed up and how Nick got him to hold his daughter. You could tell how relieved Nick was that he came. I could see Nick giving the kid his number and telling him to call him if he needs anything. :)

Great! Great! Great Nick story!
And the scene at the end with the father of the baby. I was so glad when the boy showed up and how Nick got him to hold his daughter. You could tell how relieved Nick was that he came. I could see Nick giving the kid his number and telling him to call him if he needs anything. :)

Great! Great! Great Nick story!

I know. :) I like how Nick put his hand on his shoulder when he was sitting with the baby and then kind of ruffled his hair. So cute. :adore:

I went home for lunch today and watched all of the Nick bits again. :lol: And let me just say...that shirt in the first of my new favorites!! :adore:
I won't go into much detail, since I said most of what I wanted to last night on the Unleashed thread and I don't want to repeat, but what an awesome Nickisode! You gals said it all anyway! It went by so fast, I'm definitely going to re-watch Nick's scenes today :adore:

I'm happy with the amount of his screen time too, I thought maybe it would be lesser than I wanted because of the big LH whoop-te-doo, which wasn't as bad as I feared, lol.

Ok, I guess I will repeat a couple fave parts that you all covered, and that's the conversations between Nick/Doc and Nick/Brass/Ecklie. I'm loving all this first name usage, it totally shows how their relationships have grown! And woo-hoo, they brought down those cheerleader :censored:'s!

I still wanted to slap the mother/grandmother though, and tell her suck it up, it's your flesh and blood! We WISH we could see our grandkids more, they're 3 states away from us.
I'm just watching last night's show and I have one small problem. Nick is not wearing his seat belt :eek: I also noticed in Targets of Obsession he wasn't wearing it as well :eek: Now I do realize this is TV and all but actors are suppose to be setting an example for younger people that are in awe of them. Come on here George you've got young people following you and you don't have Nick wearing his seat belt :eek: You may not like it but you are a role model for some people. You need to show that wearing your seat belt is a good thing. Now what I did notice in last night's show was Doc Robbins was wearing his :)

Mini rant over with :)
Good of you to notice Jacquie!

I've watched it twice now and done a few caps, but I didn't notice the seat belt, so on to a 3rd viewing, lol.

I was watching another fave show though I can't remember which, but I'm thinking either Criminal Minds or NCIS, and they made a point of saying that agents don't necessarily use their seat belts because they might have to exit their vehicle in a really fast manner.

We definitely want our Nick to be safe though!!
I was watching another fave show though I can't remember which, but I'm thinking either Criminal Minds or NCIS, and they made a point of saying that agents don't necessarily use their seat belts because they might have to exit their vehicle in a really fast manner.

I hear you on the fast part but if law enforcement aren't setting the example how the he!! can they expect everyone else to. This is a time when a board member named McStokes would come in handy to hear her point of view. She is/was in law enforcement :)
I'm just watching last night's show and I have one small problem. Nick is not wearing his seat belt :eek: I also noticed in Targets of Obsession he wasn't wearing it as well :eek: Now I do realize this is TV and all but actors are suppose to be setting an example for younger people that are in awe of them. Come on here George you've got young people following you and you don't have Nick wearing his seat belt :eek: You may not like it but you are a role model for some people. You need to show that wearing your seat belt is a good thing. Now what I did notice in last night's show was Doc Robbins was wearing his :)

Mini rant over with :)

Well... I rewatched Internal Combustion sometime last week and there in the end where he and Cath were driving home he isn't wearing his seat belt either... I noticed it before in a few episodes as well...

In Internal Combustion he wasn't on his shift anymore, so why shouldn't he use his seat belt??? Cath was wearing hers in that scene...

Maybe it is like with the umbrellas... Nick Stokes doesn't need a seat belt :confused: I'm not sure I like that idea :shifty:

Well... maybe he just forgot about it, happens to me a lot, even though I have no driving license and no car.

George if you read this here... think about it the next time you sit in your car :)
I'm just watching last night's show and I have one small problem. Nick is not wearing his seat belt :eek: I also noticed in Targets of Obsession he wasn't wearing it as well :eek: Now I do realize this is TV and all but actors are suppose to be setting an example for younger people that are in awe of them. Come on here George you've got young people following you and you don't have Nick wearing his seat belt :eek: You may not like it but you are a role model for some people. You need to show that wearing your seat belt is a good thing. Now what I did notice in last night's show was Doc Robbins was wearing his :)

Mini rant over with :)

I can think of a couple of reasons:

They didn't use the first take in the episode and he just didn't remember to put it on in successive takes. It's not one of the details that they always remember to put back to the way it was at the start of the first take. Yes Doc Robbins was wearing it but how many times would they have stopped filming before Doc Robbins would have had to move. (They followed Nick getting out of the truck and up to the door before going back and following Doc.)


I think George does a lot more sitting around between takes these days than standing. He may have been sitting there resting between scenes and just not remembered to put it on when filming started. Distracted in conversation with RDH. :lol: After all we know he and Marg sat in one of the trucks talking between scenes while filming 418/427 (got an interview in here somewhere that he mentioned it in.).

I can think of a couple of reasons:

They didn't use the first take in the episode and he just didn't remember to put it on in successive takes. It's not one of the details that they always remember to put back to the way it was at the start of the first take. Yes Doc Robbins was wearing it but how many times would they have stopped filming before Doc Robbins would have had to move. (They followed Nick getting out of the truck and up to the door before going back and following Doc.)


I think George does a lot more sitting around between takes these days than standing. He may have been sitting there resting between scenes and just not remembered to put it on when filming started. Distracted in conversation with RDH. :lol: After all we know he and Marg sat in one of the trucks talking between scenes while filming 418/427 (got an interview in here somewhere that he mentioned it in.).


Yeah, that's I think it might have been :) I mean really... when you're busy trying to do everything right and give your best things like this happen. The seat belt thing is not exactly part of his acting, so I can just see him forget about it.

But maybe if George reads this... he might think of it the next time :)
He was wearing his vest too, so maybe it's hard/uncomfortable to wear a seatbelt over all the conveniently appropriate items in the pockets? Still no excuse for the other episodes though.

He did wear one in For Warrick, so at least he does sometimes. :)

Wearing a seatbelt has been so ingrained in me, I actually feel physically uncomfortable if I'm driving without it on, even if I'm just moving my car out of the driveway or something. :lol: I'm sure it would get annoying to keep taking it off/putting it on for repeated takes though. :confused:
Those are all good points ladies! The person on duty for continuity could have been napping too. I'm sure it probably was the last thing on George's mind at the time. I get so busy looking at his face that I don't always notice the small things. :lol:

I was watching another fave show though I can't remember which, but I'm thinking either Criminal Minds or NCIS, and they made a point of saying that agents don't necessarily use their seat belts because they might have to exit their vehicle in a really fast manner.

I hear you on the fast part but if law enforcement aren't setting the example how the he!! can they expect everyone else to. This is a time when a board member named McStokes would come in handy to hear her point of view. She is/was in law enforcement :)

Very true Jacquie, about the example for others. When our family from Wyoming came out for Christmas, nobody (including the kids) put on seat belts when they rode with me. Every single time I had to tell them to buckle up, that it was law in California and the drivers responsibility. This went on for two weeks :eek: I guess it's something they don't pay attention to back home, and I assume they drove the whole way out here without them, but I would never think of not wearing one.

My best friend and her family are law enforcement, she's a Dispatcher and her Dad was Patrol. I'll have to ask her about the Sheriff's Department policy. I do know she wears her belt though, her worst problem is speeding! Her Dad has told us many stories of chases and crap that happened over the years, but I've never thought to ask the seat belt question :lol:

Just saw your comment Raynn, after I posted.
I agree with your comments too. I noticed the vest, and was surprised he was wearing it back from simply eating. I was also surprised that they were driving through a residential street, but I guess they needed it to set up finding the girl.
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The person on duty for continuity could have been napping too.

Well, I'm sure if they need someone to study George for...continuity...that they could find any number of volunteers here! ;) I know my eyes wouldn't dare close...except for maybe the occasional daydream...
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